Tinnitus Started 4 Hours After 1st Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine Shot


Mar 22, 2021
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
Tinnitus started hours after 1st vaccine.
I have only had tinnitus a few times in my life for short periods, usually after being at an event that had loud music playing.

I got home from the vaccine location, felt a little tired after noon, took a nap, and when I woke up, I heard the ringing. It is a high-pitched ringing in both ears.

I am seeing a neurotologist this week. From what I have heard, ENTs have been discussing this side effect for months now.

Strangely enough, I have had no other symptoms. No injection site pain, no fever. Maybe very mild fatigue and very mild headache.
My hearing was tested and it is normal. The ENT has no answer. No history of hitting head or loud noise exposure, and I never use earphones.

I still have a high pitched ringing in both ears.
I'm so sorry. I know how you feel. I now have tinnitus after receiving the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine. It's been constant for 8 weeks. I was perfectly fine prior to the vaccine. No history of ear infections, no issues at all, now this constant ringing. If I had known this would have happened, I never would have gotten the vaccine. You can read my story in my introductory post I just posted. Saying a prayer for you.
@Jane42, @Mamabear, I'm so sorry to hear that this has happened to you both. I was ready to take the vaccine and now I'm worried.

However, I also know that a fairly decent percentage of people who got COVID-19 actually ended up with tinnitus or worsening of their existing tinnitus and hearing loss. I don't want that to happen either.
@Jane42, I am sorry this happened to you. I, too, acquired tinnitus three or four days after my second dose of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine.

I am brand new to this forum. Tinnitus started for me first week of February. Had anxiety and panic attacks. Out of work for four weeks. Was in a horribly dark place of despair. (Husband recently diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer.)

My doctor put me on Paxil which actually made me feel worse! I felt like I was going to die and that life was over. Stopped Paxil after three days; best decision I made.

Got very close to God. I believe he rescued me from death and gave me enough improvement to live and work. Now trying to get to a point where I can thrive. Saw an ENT, no hearing loss. Had an MRI, nothing there, all normal, thankfully. But now what? Seeing another ENT Wednesday and hope to try Prednisone.

Praying for restoration and healing — I'm grateful for this forum. Early on, I saw it and tried some of the suggestions others had made. Hot showers, change in diet, take earplugs everywhere, Chamomile tea, pray often, and deep breaths. Calm as much as you can. Sleeping is challenging but melatonin can help you fall asleep. Doesn't last very long.

I thank the moderators of this forum and everyone courageous enough to post. I'm here to support you and others ❤ and sometimes may need some in return.
I'm so sorry. I know how you feel. I now have tinnitus after receiving the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine. It's been constant for 8 weeks. I was perfectly fine prior to the vaccine. No history of ear infections, no issues at all, now this constant ringing. If I had known this would have happened, I never would have gotten the vaccine. You can read my story in my introductory post I just posted. Saying a prayer for you.
Did you take the second dose? I am indecisive whether to take the second dose since I got mild tinnitus after the first dose.
I am indecisive whether to take the second dose since I got mild tinnitus after the first dose.
It would seem to me that your ears are vulnerable to this vaccine. Many people say the 2nd shot is much worse than the first. Seems risky to me.
Did you take the second dose? I am indecisive whether to take the second dose since I got mild tinnitus after the first dose.
This is my third week of tinnitus and I am due for my 2nd shot mid April. As of now my tinnitus is very loud and I don't think I will get the 2nd dose. I will definitely post if it gets any better.
I don't want to jinx myself but it sounds like the ringing is only in my left ear (shot side) today instead of both ears.
I had tinnitus for 5 months prior to taking the first shot of Moderna and it immediately became worse and constant after the vaccination.

I canceled the second shot.

My ENT said that he received a lot of similar complaints. I don't understand that this is not talked about publicly. I guess they are afraid that people will not get vaccinated or they are waiting for more data but if I knew this before, I wouldn't get vaccinated by Moderna.

Do we know if "traditional" vaccines have the same effect? Did anyone got tinnitus or worsen tinnitus after Johnson & Johnson?
@Jane42, @Mamabear, I'm so sorry to hear that this has happened to you both. I was ready to take the vaccine and now I'm worried.

However, I also know that a fairly decent percentage of people who got COVID-19 actually ended up with tinnitus or worsening of their existing tinnitus and hearing loss. I don't want that to happen either.
It is really a crapshoot. I know three people who had COVID-19 and had NO symptoms. Zero. They didn't even know they had it. I know another three people who had it (tested positive), had flu-like symptoms, lost smell for a bit and were tired for weeks. What's even stranger is that one of the people who had it bad and tested positive, took an antibody test exactly two months later and tested negative for antibodies. There's just so much about this virus we don't know.
My 2nd dose is scheduled for this week. I am going to delay another two weeks. I talked to someone who said that they may make the 2nd dose vaccine window even longer in the near future.

I can't see getting another shot when I still have tinnitus. It's like adding insult to injury. Right now the sound 'seems' louder in my left ear (vaccine side). It's hard to tell though, because the sound seems to come from the middle of my head. It is extremely high-pitched, tinny, level ~7 in a quiet room.
I think you are wise to delay. I have been reading you are quite protected after only one shot, and the second shot makes it last longer.

I was scheduled to get my J&J last Tuesday, but it was paused a few hours before my appointment. That is when I started seeing info about increased tinnitus. I had not even thought about that.

I had a sound injury last August, and thankfully my tinnitus has reduced to manageable levels over the last several months. I am holding off on the vaccine for now. I can't imagine going back to how bad it was in the fall. I could barely manage. It caused so much anxiety and depression.

I feel like there aren't a lot of good options for me know. I don't want to get covid, and I don't particularly want to get any of these vaccines either. I was excited about the vaccines but I don't like what I'm seeing as far as adverse reactions.

Feeling unsure how to proceed.

I would think since the vaccine can cause an inflammatory response, as that settles, the tinnitus should settle also.
Just an update at 9 1/2 weeks: my tinnitus is still there at around the same level 7-8 although the other day it seemed to peak at about 9 for about 48 hours before subsiding, not sure what I did differently.

I'm already doing Flonase, Zyrtec and Cromolyn eye drops for seasonal allergies. Also taking Vitamin D, Calcium, Zinc & Magnesium. Not sure they make any difference. I'm feeling 'normal' otherwise, I'm past the panic stage (that was week 1) and although I don't notice it when I'm busy, as soon as I sit down, go to sleep, or wake during the night, I hear it.

I have been getting messages from health dept to schedule my second shot but so far I am not interested in testing my luck again. Hoping it is still 'inflammation' and once it calms down, the ringing will stop.
God damn. The more I read about safest bet for a COVID-19 vaccine shot, the more I'm let down. I was going for Moderna. Now am at a loss as which to roll the dice with.

Starting to think getting tested for antibodies might be better and perhaps that's why my tinnitus got so insanely bad from things that seemed correlated but in reality it might've been this all along...

I know that's a lonnnnnng shot but worsening tinnitus will absolutely put me off work and I can barely do it right now and can't afford to get fired.
My tinnitus has been raging all week (13th week) but this morning I paused at my desk because I heard nothing. It was like that for a minute or so, then was down to around 1 for maybe 30 minutes. It's back now around 5. I didn't do anything differently. Not taking any special supplements, only Zyrtec when I remember.
My tinnitus has been raging all week (13th week) but this morning I paused at my desk because I heard nothing. It was like that for a minute or so, then was down to around 1 for maybe 30 minutes. It's back now around 5. I didn't do anything differently. Not taking any special supplements, only Zyrtec when I remember.
How are you doing now Jane? I am in the same boat as you, although I had tinnitus before, but nothing like this level.

Since the jab my tinnitus is raging. I am 4 weeks out now.

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