We have seen good improvement, although not enough that I am elated yet. I haven't been able to formerly study all 3 phase of the program yet.
When we studied a single phase of the program (the ADT-s), we demonstrated an average of 28% improvement with 30 days of 3o min/day training on tones. We demonstrated that this could be done on the internet and by using animal sounds, instead of pure tones. ADT is Auditory Discrimination Therapy. It is listening to similar sound sets and answering questions about their character.
With just a few people we added the early version of 1 of the 2 other elements of the program, the Healthy Brain Program. This program evaluates, educates about, and encourages change in the categories of Diet, Exercise, Sleep., Stress, GI health, and nutritional status. With these participants, we saw 39% average improvement. We expected this, since we saw some of these characteristics in the first study participants who responded better. So, we now encourage everyone to address these elements as well as they can BEFORE and DURING the other phases of the program.