Tinnitus, TMJ, Headaches, Neck Pain, Facial Pain, etc. — Possible Treatment

Good to know.
Other than stretching, what else did he suggest? Did he recommend any kind of meds, Rx or OTC?

First he suggested to tilt my head, grab my SCM with my hand and kind of pull it around gently, I think he also said that the clavicular muscle/head or something was very important for me to work out.

Then pull the muscles around at my temple bone area with using my fingers.

Platysma by pulling my thumb kind of under and behind the lower jaw bone.

Same with auricularis.. Apply a pull and some massaging.

After doing this, I no longer puke when I touch my auricularis, but it still hurts BAD.

He said a lot of stuff, but I think that was the most important.

We didnt talk about meds.
Hmm just woke up.

T is kinda low now. Like a soft breeze is going through my ears. While it was kind of loud last nite.

But I notice this weird feeling from the triggerpoint in my shoulder all the way up till the triggerpoint on my occupational bone.

Besides that i feel this tingling in my jaw and kind off got an itchy feeling in my ear. Well actually it feels more like when you got a wound which is starting to heal.

I'm kind of curious what the mri will show. I just hope those bastards will include my neck.

I noticed something which might be quite dumb though. But when i move my head upside down. It seems that the blood is flowing much closer to the left ear than in my right. It just feel like a blood vessel is very close to my left ear or got a little stuck I dunno. But maybe that somehow explains those "poofs". Because when i press or stretch on that side I get a feeling that something is opening up. That mayb also a reason for the pulsation.

But, enough for now, I'll just wait for tomorrow's mri.

Anyways I stayed in bed for like 1.5 hour now. The T hasn't really changed. I even listened to music. So there gotta be a way that it stays like this for the whole day :p. I'm gonna pay attention to my food today, as I like to eat a lot of sugar and salts throughout the day. But as I may think it's due to blood circulation as well, it might be a reason why it most of times is higher when i go to bed. It's either that or the usage of my muscles throughout the day.
Hmm just woke up.

T is kinda low now. Like a soft breeze is going through my ears. While it was kind of loud last nite.

But I notice this weird feeling from the triggerpoint in my shoulder all the way up till the triggerpoint on my occupational bone.

Besides that i feel this tingling in my jaw and kind off got an itchy feeling in my ear. Well actually it feels more like when you got a wound which is starting to heal.

I'm kind of curious what the mri will show. I just hope those bastards will include my neck.

I noticed something which might be quite dumb though. But when i move my head upside down. It seems that the blood is flowing much closer to the left ear than in my right. It just feel like a blood vessel is very close to my left ear or got a little stuck I dunno. But maybe that somehow explains those "poofs". Because when i press or stretch on that side I get a feeling that something is opening up. That mayb also a reason for the pulsation.

But, enough for now, I'll just wait for tomorrow's mri.

Anyways I stayed in bed for like 1.5 hour now. The T hasn't really changed. I even listened to music. So there gotta be a way that it stays like this for the whole day :p. I'm gonna pay attention to my food today, as I like to eat a lot of sugar and salts throughout the day. But as I may think it's due to blood circulation as well, it might be a reason why it most of times is higher when i go to bed. It's either that or the usage of my muscles throughout the day.

Great to hear that your T is low! :)

I have the exact same thing with my left ear, it seems like the blood is flowing closer to my ear. And I notice it a lot if I put my head upside down. So theres something to it!

I did some serious massage yesterday, including the lower part my my neck / SCM area.
When I woke up today, I have this warm feeling all over my face. All in all, pretty good :)

Got to go, heading out to some extreme sport show.. 5 hours drive.. Going to be interesting :)

Yes, I get the tingeling feeling, itchy feeling and that stuff as well.. :) Could be something that is healing indeed.. As it feels that way.. After pulling my platysma muscle, I got random toothaches.. Luckily they went away pretty fast.. But this tension.. It just aint good..

Pff i don't get this shit anymore. I can't mask the sound somehow. If I listen to music or a masking sound. The volume of the tone I experience goes up as well. Sounds of the tv are being transformed....

I put my headphones on, and I can hear my heartbeat in my left ear.

I have no clue what this shit is. It's not just a T which I can somehow mask. I have had good days where I barely noticed it througout the day. But this is just getting sick and seems to be getting worse by the day. Not sure if it is due to the chiropractic treatment...

When I wake up its the most manageable. It seems the less noise I experience the better it is.

Gotta go for the mri in 2 hours. I'm scared because of the noise it produces and because like I said if I try to mask it the sound goes up as well.. I don't expect too much of it and it may sound harsh, but I'd rather have a tumor which they can remove than that they absolutely find nothing....

Pff i don't get this shit anymore. I can't mask the sound somehow. If I listen to music or a masking sound. The volume of the tone I experience goes up as well. Sounds of the tv are being transformed....

I put my headphones on, and I can hear my heartbeat in my left ear.

I have no clue what this shit is. It's not just a T which I can somehow mask. I have had good days where I barely noticed it througout the day. But this is just getting sick and seems to be getting worse by the day. Not sure if it is due to the chiropractic treatment...

When I wake up its the most manageable. It seems the less noise I experience the better it is.

Gotta go for the mri in 2 hours. I'm scared because of the noise it produces and because like I said if I try to mask it the sound goes up as well.. I don't expect too much of it and it may sound harsh, but I'd rather have a tumor which they can remove than that they absolutely find nothing....

I understand exactly what you mean.. Im not sure what effect the neck adjustments had in your case, but for me it was a disaster.. The neurologist at the hospital said that she thought the chiro had touched a nerve in my neck, and thats why I got this horrible pain. I would think so too, because for me it seems like this pain was very related to nerves.

I hope your MRI goes well!

Good luck! :)

I want to say that the 5 hour car drive wasnt as bad as I thought it should be.
I did not have any T (at least not that I could hear). And the aches were pretty low.
So all in all, I cant complain :)

I was doing a lof ot stretching, pulling and massaging to the muscles we have discussed the day before, and yesterday it felt like my head had been beaten up by a baseball bat. All my auricularis muscles were in pain, and so was a few muscles located at the top of my temple bone, but only when I was opening my mouth. However, this pain is not something that bothers me at all, because it feels more like a soreness that you could expect after a hard gym session.

What I did notice though, when I was sitting in my friends car, I was stretching my right platysma muscle, under the jaw bone, and about the spot where you can kind of feel that the jaw bone ends (where it makes a sudden turn and up towards the ear). And suddenly something snapped in my throat. I have no idea what it was, but it made a loud sound and I got a little weird feeling in my throat for a little while..Kinda weird if you ask me :)

It could have been the SCM.

Good to hear that you are doing better. I didnt do any stretches for a few days.

That mri was a disaster. The sound of T changed due to the shockwaves of the MRI. All of a sudden when it stopped I had a cricket in my ear. But it did dissappear again after a while. My ears were burning like crazy. When I pulled out my earplug it was full of black earwax.

The spot you mention is where I got this spasms on the right side, it also is the spot which makes my T scream and increase the sharpness after a treatment.

As of now I got this pretty loud static sound in my ear. It seems to be less when I'm in a silent room, which I find quite strange. Last nite I had this tingling feeling throughout my whole jaw. It sort off feels related, but ye perhaps I gotta give it some time. Might do some more stretching.
What about just resting the jaw and the neck. I had similar problems with my jaw and neck. A mouth guard for a month and no stretching did the trick for me. Cant say that i am cured but way way better than before using the mouth guard. I also noticed that my T was affected when i grinded/clenched my teeth. I also found out that alcohol increased my grinding, also did some of the sleeping pills i was using during the early days of T. Imovane and Zolpidem.
What about just resting the jaw and the neck. I had similar problems with my jaw and neck. A mouth guard for a month and no stretching did the trick for me. Cant say that i am cured but way way better than before using the mouth guard. I also noticed that my T was affected when i grinded/clenched my teeth. I also found out that alcohol increased my grinding, also did some of the sleeping pills i was using during the early days of T. Imovane and Zolpidem.

I'm getting a mouth guard by the end of this week. My T can be affected by all type of movements, but gets the loudest when clenching teeth. I can't say I don't sleep. Actually I sleep pretty good. Except the shit that i can't really mask it that good.

Thanks for the advice though, appreciate it.
No problems at all. The mouth guard changed it completely for me, i can still grind but it forces the jaw muscles to relax and takes the edge of the grinding. Just give the guard time, it will take some time before you will notice any difference. I was seeing a chiro weekly but always had to pay after every visit with jaw pain and increased T. I deciced to just try to rest for a while and it worked for me. I also bought a new expensive pillow that gives better comfort for the neck and jaw. For the moment no alcohol and no sleeping pills, just 45-50kms of long distance running/week.

Good to hear that you are doing better. I didnt do any stretches for a few days.

That mri was a disaster. The sound of T changed due to the shockwaves of the MRI. All of a sudden when it stopped I had a cricket in my ear. But it did dissappear again after a while. My ears were burning like crazy. When I pulled out my earplug it was full of black earwax.

The spot you mention is where I got this spasms on the right side, it also is the spot which makes my T scream and increase the sharpness after a treatment.

As of now I got this pretty loud static sound in my ear. It seems to be less when I'm in a silent room, which I find quite strange. Last nite I had this tingling feeling throughout my whole jaw. It sort off feels related, but ye perhaps I gotta give it some time. Might do some more stretching.

Sorry to hear about the MRI.. Those I have had has been quite loud as well..

Seems like black earwax could be earwax that simply is old.. Im not sure, but at least what I found on google.
Could be a good thing that it came out if that is the case though.. :)

Yeah, I think theres something to this muscle as well.. But it really feels like my SCM is behind a lof of all this, like its affecting multiple muscles and nerves..
Thanks for such an informative post man! :)

I can relate to the sound experience you are describing. I think it is a natural defence mechanism indeed.. I know that the tensor tympani muscle has its purpose as a defence mechanism, as it contratcts the eardrum to minimize the vibrations being sent through the middle ear. However, I also think that the auricularis muscles also are doing their thing here.

It could be that the big troubles started with the SCM from the beginning, and when the SCM got tense, the auricularis superior got a pull from it as they are directly connected, affecting the entire network of muscles. And then add teeth grinding on top of that which in turns adds even more tension to the auricularis anterior and posterior. Then you will have muscles pulling all around your ear, and finally they might fail.

I might ask my doc about my blood pressure recordings as I cant remember it right now.

I also want to add something really funny I noticed yesterday.

I have two tender spots in the back of my head, exactly where the SCM seems to be attached to the skull. When I press it, I have some weird feeling radiating a little around at the back of my head.
And about a year ago, I developed two small patches of eczema in the back of my head that doesnt seem to go away.
What I do find kind of funny and interesting is that those two patches are located exactly where the SCM is attached to the skull.... Now that seems very odd.

It also seems like the same machanism that is behind all this (which I umtimately think is the SCM), but has affected a host of other muscles as well during the time, is also affecting my heart beats, as in heart arrhythmias.

I also notice that when I stretch all those muscles, I sometimes get spasms in my groin.

The Platysma muscle seems to overlap the SCM as well, so if the platysma is tense, it seems like it could make a pull on the SCM, and also the other way around.

Sometimes, just sometimes when I tilt my head and add some pressure with my fingers on the right spot, my T goes completely away.

I think that the hiss from like yawning is pretty common.. And I think it is because when you yawn, you make a pull on the auricularis network of muscles, and it will result in a tiny change to the alignment of the malleus, incus and stapes.
But since we are able to trigger a nausea attack and dizziness by pulling the auricularis muscles, it could be that this hiss is originating from a pull at the auditory nerve, as the vestibular nerve is also located at about the same spot. Just a though as I would guess that dizziness and nausea could be related to the vestibular nerve.

Now that is weird indeed about your rash on that exact spot :p I can't imagine how muscle tension, even inflammation would trigger that. But coincidence... i think not.
I have those tender spots too somewhere at that location, which feel, hard to say, very uneasy. I've got this with more certain locations around the fascial area, now that i think of it, sometimes i did notice that when pressing those spots i would feel uneasy, one would say that is normal, certain points in our fascial area aren't meant to be pressed, i do agree, but it gives me the same feeling as those heart arritmias, some dizziness, and the need to move or flex muscles (probably vent off muscle tensity) even sometimes, but not often, it triggers some slight tachycardia. (elevated heart rate).
This was just a thought that popped up when i was posting this, but like you said those arrhytmias might be linked somehow, compression of nerves can indeed cause the most random symptoms.

Also whenever i'm experiencing these arrhytmias, i found that the best way to calm it down, is to flex out, or go walk around to get something etc... sitting still or lying in bed is certainly no help, i have no experience with cardiac diseases etc... But this seems unlogical to me, wouldn't the best way to calm down an arrhythmia/elevated heart rate be sitting still or lying down relaxing? With me it does no good at all, physical activity makes me feel better.
Could this be because muscle tensity due to subconsciously tensing muscles while sitting still, or due to another cause, because that is the reason for those arrhytmias?
I'm no expert on this area, but i'm convinced there is a trigger for those arrhytmias, that isn't cardiovascular. Besides, we're all young people, i find it hard to believe if it would be cardiovascular.

Aside from that i noticed that my platysma is extraordinarily tense too, on my worst T side notably more than on the other side, when compared between all muscles i would say my platysma(mainly the part radiating to the shoulders, and just beneath the jawbone), SCM, masseter and auricularis anterior muscles are the most tense and painful, i'm starting to get the picture, but i feel like something is commanding those muscles to tense up all the time, especially when i'm physically relaxing and not dong physical activities. I have no idea what though.
For example this weekend i was working, painting etc outdoors(notably more physical activity than my average day), and my T was quite low throughout the day, i even woke up with relatively low T, but by the end of the day, when relaxing after relaxing for an hour or so on the couch, my T started to scream and it didn't stop anymore that evening, walking around and flexing was some relief, but it didn't get back to the point it was during the day.
It's muscle logic upside down.
Also i noticed caffeine has probably a slight diminishing effect on my T, i'm not sure about it, because physical activity and or other things happen as well during the day, but i would expect stimulants to tense up muscles even more, and constrict my blood veins, but it didn't spike my T at all, i found this quite peculiar too.

Another interesting thing that i've noticed is that about 80% of the time, when my T has a louder moment (which can last variably from 1min to a few hours, depending on the odds and whatever activity or posture i have), my jaw is clenched shut, i do this subconsciously a lot (inner stress i suppose), but when i open it up when i see that i'm clenching, my T doesn't fade notably(at least not directly, it does after a while after stretching a bit etc..), i have noticed it too many times to find it unrelated, but there is more to it than the masseter muscle. Any of you experience muscles tensing up subconsciously when T is a bit louder?

And yeah, i'm also convinced that the slight hiss is no sign of problems at all, but when i ask other people without T about it, most of them don't have that hiss,(about 90%, it might be a coincidence, but i noticed this when i randomly asked friends of mine this, i asked about 20persons, only 1 had it and 1 debatable), even when i explicitly tell them what they should hear, they hear nothing, so still i think there is something to it, i'm thinking the muscle tension or whatever the cause of the T is, it has been present latently for a very long time, and it passed a point somewhere where those signals interpreted as sound, became to noticeable to tune out completely. (same with visual snow, most people have it in a certain degree i think, and i have too, but never noticed it except when looking at a big white wall or such and thinking about it, now in the last months it did become more notable than before, because as i recall in the last half year i noticed it very frequently, i am still perfectly able to tune it out most of the time, but i'm becoming more convinced, that it did increase parallel with the T (which had a similar behavior before onset), so it might very well be related, and confirming the theory about muscle tensity etc... a bit more. In my uneducated opinion.

These are all just some thoughts, but i kept thinking about it the last few days, now that your neighbor physio mentioned those vision problems again, it made me think, and i think that visual snow, the occasional floaters, which seem to appear mostly when stressed or exhausted in my case, and the T etc... are most likely related.

Asides from that good to hear driving etc... isn't causing you pain or T spikes anymore :), i never have to drive 5hours (luckily belgium is a small country :p), but lately it didn't bother me as well. :)

Hmm just woke up.

T is kinda low now. Like a soft breeze is going through my ears. While it was kind of loud last nite.

But I notice this weird feeling from the triggerpoint in my shoulder all the way up till the triggerpoint on my occupational bone.

Besides that i feel this tingling in my jaw and kind off got an itchy feeling in my ear. Well actually it feels more like when you got a wound which is starting to heal.

I'm kind of curious what the mri will show. I just hope those bastards will include my neck.

I noticed something which might be quite dumb though. But when i move my head upside down. It seems that the blood is flowing much closer to the left ear than in my right. It just feel like a blood vessel is very close to my left ear or got a little stuck I dunno. But maybe that somehow explains those "poofs". Because when i press or stretch on that side I get a feeling that something is opening up. That mayb also a reason for the pulsation.

But, enough for now, I'll just wait for tomorrow's mri.

Anyways I stayed in bed for like 1.5 hour now. The T hasn't really changed. I even listened to music. So there gotta be a way that it stays like this for the whole day :p. I'm gonna pay attention to my food today, as I like to eat a lot of sugar and salts throughout the day. But as I may think it's due to blood circulation as well, it might be a reason why it most of times is higher when i go to bed. It's either that or the usage of my muscles throughout the day.

Good to hear you'r T has it's low days too :), the blood flowing your talking about, is it a sort of whooshing sound? i have this too dominantly in my worst T ear, have had this for a long time actually while doing certain movements, but lately looking to left or right or tensing muscles in the neck causes this too. Don't know if there's something to it.

Also weird that you'r T distorts sounds, i've had my T go up and down with loud noise, especially in the high tones, as well, i'm supposing it's tension in the middle ear muscles, but i'm not sure, it always calms down again quite soon Hope it calms down man!
Also, i'm having the impression that my jaw is slighty dislocated and rotated, the top to and the bottom away from my worst T ear, it cracks there a lot and when i feel in the masseter-auricularis anterior region, i notice that on the worst T side the aur. anterior is very tense and stretched "across" that hole between the jaw and ear on one side, and it is compact and thick on the other side, i don't know how and if this is possible anyways, but it feels like that. Might indeed cause a pull and pressure at the same time on the auricularis muscles.
Unfortunately i've to wait 2weeks for a jaw scan and bite guard and 3 for an MRI of hopefully my neck and brain and ears, hope this will shed some light on this situation. :)

I've also frequently noticed some tingling and slight spasms in my auricularis superior region on one side.
I think @Mr. Cartman mentioned this as well? thanks for pointing out those muscles anyhow, they're certainly involved somehow.

@Sjtof What you said about that under pressure being elevated is indeed weird. I don't see what could elevate it then at our age but it did, do you have disturbingly elevated heart rate/ arrhytmias sometimes?
Also, i'm having the impression that my jaw is slighty dislocated and rotated, the top to and the bottom away from my worst T ear, it cracks there a lot and when i feel in the masseter-auricularis anterior region, i notice that on the worst T side the aur. anterior is very tense and stretched "across" that hole between the jaw and ear on one side, and it is compact and thick on the other side, i don't know how and if this is possible anyways, but it feels like that. Might indeed cause a pull and pressure at the same time on the auricularis muscles.
Unfortunately i've to wait 2weeks for a jaw scan and bite guard and 3 for an MRI of hopefully my neck and brain and ears, hope this will shed some light on this situation. :)

I've also frequently noticed some tingling and slight spasms in my auricularis superior region on one side.
I think @Mr. Cartman mentioned this as well? thanks for pointing out those muscles anyhow, they're certainly involved somehow.

@Sjtof What you said about that under pressure being elevated is indeed weird. I don't see what could elevate it then at our age but it did, do you have disturbingly elevated heart rate/ arrhytmias sometimes?

Nop my heartbeat is really low most of times. Hmm you all seem to be in such good hands. I got a mri of only my head. They didn't even gave me any of those fluids. I think they should have done that right?.. Besides that i asked if they could include my neck, but they couldn't.... Fkn shit doctors here.

I must say I experience less tension in my neck these days. However my T is kinda loud in my left ear especially and it hurts within my ear. I dunno what to think of that. But it is weird though that I got these sound distortions and that the volume of the T goes up together with the masking sound.

Kind off starting to lose faith in that it comes from my neck or jaw. But then again I think of these sound adjustments I can do with my neck, changing pitch and type of sound. So I just dunno for the moment. Maybe I just gotta stay in bed for a few days and give my ears some rest together with all my muscles :p
Now that is weird indeed about your rash on that exact spot :p I can't imagine how muscle tension, even inflammation would trigger that. But coincidence... i think not.
I have those tender spots too somewhere at that location, which feel, hard to say, very uneasy. I've got this with more certain locations around the fascial area, now that i think of it, sometimes i did notice that when pressing those spots i would feel uneasy, one would say that is normal, certain points in our fascial area aren't meant to be pressed, i do agree, but it gives me the same feeling as those heart arritmias, some dizziness, and the need to move or flex muscles (probably vent off muscle tensity) even sometimes, but not often, it triggers some slight tachycardia. (elevated heart rate).
This was just a thought that popped up when i was posting this, but like you said those arrhytmias might be linked somehow, compression of nerves can indeed cause the most random symptoms.

Also whenever i'm experiencing these arrhytmias, i found that the best way to calm it down, is to flex out, or go walk around to get something etc... sitting still or lying in bed is certainly no help, i have no experience with cardiac diseases etc... But this seems unlogical to me, wouldn't the best way to calm down an arrhythmia/elevated heart rate be sitting still or lying down relaxing? With me it does no good at all, physical activity makes me feel better.
Could this be because muscle tensity due to subconsciously tensing muscles while sitting still, or due to another cause, because that is the reason for those arrhytmias?
I'm no expert on this area, but i'm convinced there is a trigger for those arrhytmias, that isn't cardiovascular. Besides, we're all young people, i find it hard to believe if it would be cardiovascular.

Aside from that i noticed that my platysma is extraordinarily tense too, on my worst T side notably more than on the other side, when compared between all muscles i would say my platysma(mainly the part radiating to the shoulders, and just beneath the jawbone), SCM, masseter and auricularis anterior muscles are the most tense and painful, i'm starting to get the picture, but i feel like something is commanding those muscles to tense up all the time, especially when i'm physically relaxing and not dong physical activities. I have no idea what though.
For example this weekend i was working, painting etc outdoors(notably more physical activity than my average day), and my T was quite low throughout the day, i even woke up with relatively low T, but by the end of the day, when relaxing after relaxing for an hour or so on the couch, my T started to scream and it didn't stop anymore that evening, walking around and flexing was some relief, but it didn't get back to the point it was during the day.
It's muscle logic upside down.
Also i noticed caffeine has probably a slight diminishing effect on my T, i'm not sure about it, because physical activity and or other things happen as well during the day, but i would expect stimulants to tense up muscles even more, and constrict my blood veins, but it didn't spike my T at all, i found this quite peculiar too.

Another interesting thing that i've noticed is that about 80% of the time, when my T has a louder moment (which can last variably from 1min to a few hours, depending on the odds and whatever activity or posture i have), my jaw is clenched shut, i do this subconsciously a lot (inner stress i suppose), but when i open it up when i see that i'm clenching, my T doesn't fade notably(at least not directly, it does after a while after stretching a bit etc..), i have noticed it too many times to find it unrelated, but there is more to it than the masseter muscle. Any of you experience muscles tensing up subconsciously when T is a bit louder?

And yeah, i'm also convinced that the slight hiss is no sign of problems at all, but when i ask other people without T about it, most of them don't have that hiss,(about 90%, it might be a coincidence, but i noticed this when i randomly asked friends of mine this, i asked about 20persons, only 1 had it and 1 debatable), even when i explicitly tell them what they should hear, they hear nothing, so still i think there is something to it, i'm thinking the muscle tension or whatever the cause of the T is, it has been present latently for a very long time, and it passed a point somewhere where those signals interpreted as sound, became to noticeable to tune out completely. (same with visual snow, most people have it in a certain degree i think, and i have too, but never noticed it except when looking at a big white wall or such and thinking about it, now in the last months it did become more notable than before, because as i recall in the last half year i noticed it very frequently, i am still perfectly able to tune it out most of the time, but i'm becoming more convinced, that it did increase parallel with the T (which had a similar behavior before onset), so it might very well be related, and confirming the theory about muscle tensity etc... a bit more. In my uneducated opinion.

These are all just some thoughts, but i kept thinking about it the last few days, now that your neighbor physio mentioned those vision problems again, it made me think, and i think that visual snow, the occasional floaters, which seem to appear mostly when stressed or exhausted in my case, and the T etc... are most likely related.

Asides from that good to hear driving etc... isn't causing you pain or T spikes anymore :), i never have to drive 5hours (luckily belgium is a small country :p), but lately it didn't bother me as well. :)

Good to hear you'r T has it's low days too :), the blood flowing your talking about, is it a sort of whooshing sound? i have this too dominantly in my worst T ear, have had this for a long time actually while doing certain movements, but lately looking to left or right or tensing muscles in the neck causes this too. Don't know if there's something to it.

Also weird that you'r T distorts sounds, i've had my T go up and down with loud noise, especially in the high tones, as well, i'm supposing it's tension in the middle ear muscles, but i'm not sure, it always calms down again quite soon Hope it calms down man!

I do notice that my muscles are somehow subconsciously tensing up as well, somehow..
And I do believe that this is related to the middle ear as well..

Today I went for a drive, and while driving I was going to pull my SCM for a moment, and when I did, I noticed that my right SCM (not the sternal head, but the clavicular head attached to the collar bone) was kind of popping out, but on my left side, I almost couldnt locate the clavicular head of my SCM. I then realized that when I was driving my car I always slightly tilt my head to the left towards the left side window. When I relaized this, I did the exact opposite.. I slightly tilted my head to the right, and suddenly my neck started to hurt really bad on the left side. It was hard for me to keep that head position. When I came home my T was screaming, and my neck hurt really bad.

Yesterday I pulled on a muscle that seems to be connected to the eye socket, a bit on the top of my temple bone. It kinda pops out at the bony structure where the eye is located. This triggered the eye floaters I had experienced before the onset of my T.

Not sure what to make of this, but I think my left clavicular head of the SCM is way to weak, and the right might have been taken too much load in order to keep my head from falling over to the left.

It seems like all the muscles are somehow connected and doing important tasks together.. Just an uneducated guess..
But I do find the stinging headaches located at the auricularis superior area interesting as well.

In the past I especially remember this hiss when doing situps.. Every time I elevated my head I got this hiss going on while I was tensing my muscles to kind of bend my head upwards. Its the exact same hiss I hear now.. So there has to be something too it.. Also when I pull my thumb at the clavicular head of the SCM at the collar bone I get some kind of a "sticky" sound in my ear.. Like something has been sticked together and releasing...

The same happened when I tilted my head back and forth while driving after I found out about my head being in a left tilted position. When I tilted my head to the right and moving my head back and forth I also got this sticky sound in my ear.. Like some muscles are glued together, and then you kind of rip it apart..

So for me as well, this seems to have been a problem going on for a very very long time.. Probably years..

Also, my jaw as well acts kind of funny, I do have a slight clikcing sound, but if I add pressure to the right side of my jaw and open up my mouth it kinda feels like it dislocates for a second.. This does not happen when I add pressure to the left side and open up my mouth.. Seems like the left side of my jaw is more smooth.. I think a little clicking sound to the jaw could be very common though..

But I do know that theres something funny going on, especially with the clavicular head of my SCM, and all the auricularis muscles.. Theres something thats just not right..

Im going to start retraining my SCM muscles, and I believe my left SCM is very weak and could be prone to injury if I do some sudden movements or strain it too much.. Maybe that already happened.. I dont know, but theres something going on in that area..

Yes, physical hard work seems to eliminate my T and a lot of that weird stuff.. I have noticed though, that when Im doing something Im more relaxed in my facial muscles and probably my neck.. And it doesnt just tense up out of the blue.. But it seems like it does when trying to relax.. Somehow I also tense my platysma muscle a lot.. Especially while driving or if im stressed out.. Im trying to catch myself to avoid tensing muscles, but as soon as I dont think about it, they are tensing up again.. I believe that something is commanding those muscles to tense up as well.. I think it had become a very bad habbit thats not going to be easy to break..


I also have the whooshing heart beat sound that sound like blood flowing, only on my left ear, which is my bad T ear and where it all started.. Kind of interesting as well that we all have this occasionally..

Didnt you write a post about some kind of table? I was going to read through it, but cant find it.. Did you delete it? :)
Yes, I deleted it because my noise is bad today along with neck pain.:( It was a cervical traction device I bought thru Amazon. I thought my sorta joke may have been in bad taste also. I am thinking of trying botox injections, but I thought I would try traction first. If it wasn't helping me today I didn't want to post it...not sure if it will help my T, but it's still early and I may have overused it already.

The various muscle stretches and strengthening exercises you mentioned Mr. Cartman sound like a good idea, and could help your tinnitus. I was trying the easy way out lol.

Here it is: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000II85YC/ref=oh_details_o01_s01_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Yes, I deleted it because my noise is bad today along with neck pain.:( It was a cervical traction device I bought thru Amazon. I thought my sorta joke may have been in bad taste also. I am thinking of trying botox injections, but I thought I would try traction first. If it wasn't helping me today I didn't want to post it...not sure if it will help my T, but it's still early and I may have overused it already.

Here it is: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000II85YC/ref=oh_details_o01_s01_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

Thanks! :)

Not sure if the noise and neck pain is a bad sign though.. I find it rather ironically that changing my left tilted position of my head to a right tilted position while driving my car gave me serious neck pain and screaming T.. Maybe our neck needs some time to adjust.. I dunno.. :) But I do realize that there is something going on with my neck..

I hope the noise calms down soon!

just a short update . Last nite after the MRI made my ears go crazy, I went to bed with a pretty loud T. I woke up after 4 hours because of my sister who had to go for work. T still kind off high. Did some stretches, changed my pillow. Slept for another 4 hours.

Woke up, T was very low. Was thinking off staying in bed giving my muscles some rest. But I didnt do it, because i got bored.

As soon as I got out of bed, the T well didn't immediately go up, but sound makes it go up for some reason. Kind hate that. Also the sound distortion is quite weird. I hear this sound, which kind off sounds like when somebody didn't fully close a window. So the air can escape through the small gap. If you get what I mean. This happens when I for example put on a masking device which has a certain tone or when I watch soccer games. Some of the crowds noises get transferred into that sound.

I have no clue why I got these sound distortions. Besides that as soon as I get into a quite room and don't hear sound for a while, my T seems to b going down.

I'm at a friends place and my ears and neck ate burning like crazy. It's some kind off muscle below my ear, behind my jaw. I'm not sure which muscle it is. It seriously burns and hurts. And this burning feeling is also noticeable within my ear. Besides that i got this tingling feeling again through my jaw and sometimes seems to b the "feelable version of my T. May sound weird

Also I noticed when I'm in a quite room and close my ears, i can hear my blood pressure and my T on the back ground. If I do the same thing in a room with noise, i can hear my T flaring up and then I can't hear the blood pressure.

Anyways that's it for now. Any suggestions about what this may be are more than welcome.
Something I came across:



( Source: http://thewellnessdigest.com/sterno...es-sinus-ears-throat-pain-dizziness-whiplash/ )

Interesting facts about the sternocleidomastoid muscle:

The sternocleidomastoid muscle is the muscle most injured in whiplash and as such can cause a number of symptoms and refer pain to many areas of the upper body.

The SCM muscle should be examined anytime you have pain in the head or neck area. Often when trigger points are released and the muscle is softened and relaxed, you will find that the pain is considerably reduced or eliminated.

If dizziness, nauseous, loss of balance and falling are present and have eluded diagnoses, the clavicular branch of the SCM should be examined for trigger points. Trigger points in the clavicular branch of the SCM can cause problems with balance, vision and hearing.
@Mr. Cartman

Thanks for the info.

So i assume sound distortions also falls under the category, problems with hearing.? :p

Today i had had a lot of muscle spasms below my ear. My T was screaming last night, but ye like I said I didn't not support my neck at my friends place which probably caused this, xu it was burning afterwards. I just woke up and everything feels sore and tensed. Normally I had this feeling after a treatment, but I didn't have that now. Hopefully the mouth guard can solve this, as I got the feeling that I clench my jaw. Not sure about grinding teeth. Despite the feeling my T is again quite low, but ye that's just when waking up...
@Mr. Cartman

Thanks for the info.

So i assume sound distortions also falls under the category, problems with hearing.? :p

Today i had had a lot of muscle spasms below my ear. My T was screaming last night, but ye like I said I didn't not support my neck at my friends place which probably caused this, xu it was burning afterwards. I just woke up and everything feels sore and tensed. Normally I had this feeling after a treatment, but I didn't have that now. Hopefully the mouth guard can solve this, as I got the feeling that I clench my jaw. Not sure about grinding teeth. Despite the feeling my T is again quite low, but ye that's just when waking up...

I do believe that distortions also is a problem with hearing.. :p

My neck is sore as well..

Could be that supporting the neck is a very good idea..
I do believe that distortions also is a problem with hearing.. :p

My neck is sore as well..

Could be that supporting the neck is a very good idea..

Haha ye true. As a matter of fact I got the answer myself this morning.

I was stretching at my room in silence.
When I did the sideway stretch where I get this chicken sound. A car passed by a few secs later.

Some of the sounds of the car got transformed into the chicken sound for some time.

Later on i went to the city with my gf. And after some time my muscle below my right ear /jaw started tingling and burning again. Now some of the sounds I experience are changed into this tingling rustle.

Then one other thing. I noticed that whenever I drove my car my T somehow was louder than when I stept it. So i checked to see what may me a cause of this. Well I think I mentioned it before, my left shoulder pops like 50 tomes a day or so. I got these painful triggerpoints in both the bottom of my neck. Now I always drive with only using my left hand on top of the steering wheel. So i use my left shoulder quite a lot. Together with that i don't support my neck while driving because I got a top knot or a cap, and because those back seats don't support my neck like they should. I got this forward posture when driving.

Maybe this explains dome of the stuff.
Haha ye true. As a matter of fact I got the answer myself this morning.

I was stretching at my room in silence.
When I did the sideway stretch where I get this chicken sound. A car passed by a few secs later.

Some of the sounds of the car got transformed into the chicken sound for some time.

Later on i went to the city with my gf. And after some time my muscle below my right ear /jaw started tingling and burning again. Now some of the sounds I experience are changed into this tingling rustle.

Then one other thing. I noticed that whenever I drove my car my T somehow was louder than when I stept it. So i checked to see what may me a cause of this. Well I think I mentioned it before, my left shoulder pops like 50 tomes a day or so. I got these painful triggerpoints in both the bottom of my neck. Now I always drive with only using my left hand on top of the steering wheel. So i use my left shoulder quite a lot. Together with that i don't support my neck while driving because I got a top knot or a cap, and because those back seats don't support my neck like they should. I got this forward posture when driving.

Maybe this explains dome of the stuff.

Yeah, I do believe that we are onto something.. And for me it seems like the neck area is affecting the entire network of nerves and muscles all around my head, ears, arms and even some stuff happens in my legs when stretching those muscles.

I started to retrain my SCM, both the clavicular and sternal part of it, because the left SCM seems to be very weak in my case..

I have to admit that today, I have not had any nerve pain, no weird spasms of muscles.. My ear has been working great and my T has been gone the entire day... Ive been 99% back to my old self.. And its been the best day so far since it all started..

That gives me hope, but I have been stretching pulling and training my SCM and neck a lot..

I hope that there is a chance this progress will continue.. And that the same stuff will help for you too :)

My car seats are crap as well when it comes to support.. Thinking about getting rid of those fancy sport seats, they are pulling my shoulders together and forces my neck to be in a very ackwards position..
So great to hear that your T is gone today. I also told myself to do 3 stretching sessions each day.

Gonna make myself a scheme of how it looks and which exercises I do and I'll post it here, so you can perhaps add some stretches or something.

And ye it's definitely nerve related. All nerves get together there :p. And the tingling feeling I experience is also nerve related if you ask me.
So great to hear that your T is gone today. I also told myself to do 3 stretching sessions each day.

Gonna make myself a scheme of how it looks and which exercises I do and I'll post it here, so you can perhaps add some stretches or something.

And ye it's definitely nerve related. All nerves get together there :p. And the tingling feeling I experience is also nerve related if you ask me.

That would be great! :) If the SCM is weak, I think it could be a good thing to add some strength to it as well, just very gently in the beginning.. :p

Yeah, to me it also appears to be nerve related.. Nerves being pinched and irritated..

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