Anyone have any advice on this? 4 months into t, I have no problem getting to sleep, but t is loudest at 3am and always wakes me out of my sleep. It is not a problem sleeping/insomnia. It is t actually waking me up. Is this normal after 4 months? Any advice on how to overcome this?
Four months is pretty young (in T time); I know it doesn't feel young (after all, it is four months of a new and profound anxiety
). I took sleeping aids for a year (up until about six weeks ago); I needed them just to calm me down (and take my T down). I did, however, discover they messed up my sleep patterns. I would wake up after 3-4 hours thinking I'd slept for 12; then I had to try and go back to sleep.
My T would compete with white noise at the beginning too.
Add the two together (waking up + T competing with WH) and it means your brain is still hyper focused on the T (and it is forcing you into an anxious state of mind). Anxious state of mind = higher T; it is very difficult to deal with (I hated it). The strange thing is that I didn't 'feel' that anxious; but I was. My brain was really prioritizing the T over everything; it was so loud. It takes a long time to really settle down; then you realize just anxious you were.
I found that when my T woke me in the wee hours of the morning simply doing some breathing exercises, and reminding myself that it's just 'that part of my brain' focusing on the T and then, personally, I would just start praying; I learned to go back to sleep after a while (quicker). It takes a lot of practice to really calm yourself back down; especially when you may be upset about waking up (again!). The other half of the issue was that I started getting into a habit (a routine) of waking up @ 3 a.m. (rats!).
All of this added up to a 'wake up call' @ 3 a.m. for many months. Unfortunately I learned to expect it as a way to cope (don't get as upset about something you expect).
Getting off the sleep aids (Ibuprofen PM or Z-Quil) helped a lot (from a biochemical point of view) but just getting my anxiety down (finally!) is what really helped. I still wake up @ 3 a.m. some times, but not too often and I don't even have to give it a thought to go back to sleep.
Take heart, what you are experiencing is very normal for a T sufferer; once your brain stops focusing on it so much, it goes down pretty quick and sleep comes a lot easier.