Daytime during weekdays goes by fine with work hustle.
Evening I stopped spending time on cough relaxing and started walking/exercising, Cooking everyday or every other day instead of weekly meal prep. So, it would take my mind off T. Initially the moment I tried to relax I used to hear T and panic and cause anxiety and crying.... Now it is not completely gone (crying) but became less with being busy.
End of the day nights - Increased bedtime hours. The moment I enter my bedroom I turn white noise on below my tinnitus level. Read that is supposed to be sound enrichment. So, I hear T and roll on bed for an hour or more to sleep.... I feel very sleepy but T disturbs irrespective of white noise. So, I count numbers or chant gods name.
Taking chamomile tea helps calm the T a bit.
Started drinking ACV beginning of Jan but fell sick last week. So, had it for 3 weeks felt T was becoming soft but everything came back to loud T due to flu. Trying to get back to managing T with ACV and teas.
Since weekends I have time to address T... I am trying my best to lay plans to be very busy. I make appointments with friends, clean my house more, talk to family more via skype and extended family. Not talk about T more.. When I feel sad about T...I stopped being sad more than 5-15mins. Trying CBT and mindfulness...
Hearing T like meditation. Breathing exercises and ACV and working on CBT and mindfulness AND PRAYING everyday to keep me sane.
I am not sure am managing it best but I am surviving my days with T without going crazy.
I am setting work goals, workout goals to divert the focus away from T.
My challenge with T is sleep . white noise - sound enrichment is what I am trying. Its hard to fall asleep.. So, I close eyes without looking at phone and counting numbers even when I hear T eventually makes me fall into sleep. Once I sleep I am fine. Morning I hear it loud once I open eyes.... so immediately I get up and get to work. On weekends I am moving myself to living room thereby starting weekend activities.
I would like T to go away completely one day for me and for everyone. Sometimes it feels end of the world but its not (That's what I say to myself when I am down with anxiety with T sounds). Believing in good things can bring good things