Woah! Last day of Tinnitus Week! Please check our last blog post, on
Tinnitus and Work Woes.
Since the topic is work, we'd also like to refer to
@Jazzer's story about
how tinnitus affected his career.
I must say it's been quite a ride this past week. We really tried to put together some interesting content about the social impact of tinnitus, in line with the Isolation theme of this year, and I think we pulled it off.
As usual it has been a struggle for a volunteer-based organization to pull it all together in time. Last week, I was also attending a TIN-ACT workshop, which kept me super busy. And.... we recorded and edited a video with the winner of the Daniel Ballinger fund, to be released soon! Just to give you a glimpse of what else went on behind the scenes
Anyway, I'm quite proud we delivered a quite cohesive campaign for Tinnitus Week, even though the attention we managed to generate was not that great. But not that bad either, we reached at least a few thousand people.
Still, I'm confident we can do better next year, and really create a splash! One thing that definitely requires improvement is collaboration between the tinnitus organizations. It's great that we came together with three partner organizations, but in the end we still each conducted our own campaigns, so it all feels a bit disjointed, which perhaps limits the impact.
Also, we need more involvement from you guys! It's been harder than it should be to get tinnitus patients directly involved. And I get it, many of you are feeling tired, dispirited, you feel like things will never change. But we can't give up the fight, folks! Give us your ideas for next year NOW!