Usually the tinnitus is at a 4/5 for extended numbers of days (where 5 is too much to handle and 1 is don't even think about it). But some days the tinnitus changes to a 1/5.
To be clear, this is not habituation or compensation or focusing etc. Clearly the tinnitus is very low on some days.
I hate to use the word "spike" but on the low/quiet days when I hiccup/burp (a kind of stalled "hup" which does not involve a release of gas from the stomach) then the tinnitus "spikes" momentarily - sounds like "shWEEEooo" - and returns back to its pre-burp level (if it helps to laugh at this story, go ahead).
This action is involuntary - I cannot control it or reproduce it. I cannot cause it to change. It just happens when/if I burp.
It feels as though the cause of tinnitus is coming from my solar plexus - under the sternum or breastbone.
Is it related to something esophageal or stomach? Is it nervous? Is it from pressure in the chest or head that is affecting something (nerves?) in my ears?
If I can figure our why/how then maybe I can "control" my tinnitus?
What do you think?
To be clear, this is not habituation or compensation or focusing etc. Clearly the tinnitus is very low on some days.
I hate to use the word "spike" but on the low/quiet days when I hiccup/burp (a kind of stalled "hup" which does not involve a release of gas from the stomach) then the tinnitus "spikes" momentarily - sounds like "shWEEEooo" - and returns back to its pre-burp level (if it helps to laugh at this story, go ahead).
This action is involuntary - I cannot control it or reproduce it. I cannot cause it to change. It just happens when/if I burp.
It feels as though the cause of tinnitus is coming from my solar plexus - under the sternum or breastbone.
Is it related to something esophageal or stomach? Is it nervous? Is it from pressure in the chest or head that is affecting something (nerves?) in my ears?
If I can figure our why/how then maybe I can "control" my tinnitus?
What do you think?