Tinnitus without Apparent Reason — Anyone?

Felix Dujardin

Feb 14, 2018
Tinnitus Since
July 2017
Cause of Tinnitus
Unknown : Noise - Infection - Karma ?
Hi !

I have tinnitus since last summer (high pitch in both ears).

The fact is before having tinnitus, I had a feeling of pressure wich I developed in october 2016.

Going to the ENT, he said that it was middle ear otitis, so I did a lot of exams and treatments (seeing a lot of ENT) to cure it.
I was thinking that the feeling of pressure was linked to my middle ear infection, but it seems that not.
In may I started with mild hyperacusis, then in July 2017 I had the tinnitus wich appeared.

So... Having all these symptoms let me think that the cause is maybe not related to ear infection (because ear pressure is still present, and other issues appeared like T and H, after the infection problem has been resolved).

For that reason, I was thinking that all these problems may be linked to the overuse of headphones, wich I used during years.

But following this hypothesis there is still one problem : all my problems appeared without any apparent reasons.

For example from the feeling of ear pressure in october 2016 to July 2017, I have been intelligent enough to stop any use of loud sounds and headphones.
But it didn't stop tinnitus to appear many months after.

So I was thinking that I may damaged my ears during the past, and all these problems appeared very progressively, like if I had a good reaction to stop every sounds and protect my ears once I had this pressure sensation, but tinnitus may be a delayed reaction of the loud sound I heard in the past.

So basically my theory is that my tinnitus (started in July 2017) is a delayed reaction of a "trauma" of october 2016.

I asked one doctor only (not a specialist, but every ENT I saw said it was "stress"...) wich said me that tinnitus always appear immediately after the shock, or is delayed up to many days, but it never appear many months after...

So I am curious to know if there is similar cases here...

Maybe I (or we) could find THE reason of the tinnitus by comparing each experiences.

So I was thinking that I may damaged my ears during the past, and all these problems appeared very progressively, like if I had a good reaction to stop every sounds and protect my ears once I had this pressure sensation, but tinnitus may be a delayed reaction of the loud sound I heard in the past.

That sounds like a reasonable explanation. The effects of noise exposure are cumulative. You may have hit the threshold with the ear infection. T can take a while to appear after the ear feels insulted.
Interesting ! That's sound logical for me. But as I never heard of similar cases, I don't know what I should trust...
The damage may have been progressive and triggered by a particular event. That was my case; years of damage caused by earphones and triggered by medication.

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