Hi everyone,
I'd like to introduce myself and thank everyone who contributes to this forum - I was a silent reader here and got a lot of input and partially, hope (e.g., by learning about Dr. Shore).
In December, I got acute loud high-pitched tinnitus in my left ear, after driving in a train in a somewhat twisted position (head on the table on the left side after a Christmas Party). I had taken 3 Aspirin for the "hangover", so the thought of having all of this induced myself is really painful. I have no hearing loss, it is not noise induced (as far as I am aware), no other infection/sickness - I was just calming down after stressful days at work and maybe a depressive winter (I am and was never treated for that, though).
I got Prednisolone (Cortisol) two weeks after. It made the tinnitus less noisier, I could even find my way back to sleep, but the effect vanished after I stopped taking it. It also made me jittery, so I could not really relax. I went to another ENT, where my right ear was somehow stimulated, which resulted in me blacking out. My tinnitus, which was - now looking back - somewhat okay in relation to now, went up through the roof and I got metallic pain in my head for three days. Now, my right ear rings in addition, in an even higher tone 1-2 times a minute. As I cannot modulate the tones anymore, I think it is somatic.
I had three weeks off, walked a lot and started my supplement regime consisting of CBD capsules, Omega 3, Vitamins, Zinc, B-complex, B12 and Magnesium. I also receive osteopathic treatment for the neck, just to make sure. Teeth and jaw are fine.
I think my tinnitus is about overstimulated nerves in the brain, that won't calm down anymore. There is simply no treatment for the nerves/limbic system/central nervous system, even though I highly think this might be the cause for a lot of our problems here.
I just found out that Magnesium helps me immensely in decreasing the loudness, which is a blessing as it reduces my panic a bit. I take two pills of 400 mg daily. I know it also calms the nerves (and blocks the calcium there), which supports my thesis of my overstimulated brain (also the worsening after blacking out - this was an alarm-signal to the brain and nerves and they reacted).
However, my overall situation worsens still - I am super afraid of the Magnesium to stop working. Moreover, I am annoyed by the constant "you have to relax and learn to leave stress behind/try muscle relaxation after Jacobsen/meditation/habituation". My problem IS still organic, isn't it, even if it is not in the ear itself? It kind of suggest that I am too dumb to better my condition, which stresses me out even more. Sleep deprivation is killing me. How could me or my brain relax in this condition and get rid of my panic? Noone wants to describe me something to help with it ("drink herbal tea"). I envy Americans that seem to get at least the meds they want and need (antidepressants, sleep meds, etc.).
I wonder, is there anyone else here who also had a lot of relief from Magnesium and could tell me if the effect wears off with time (like, the receptors get used to it or something)? Which meds/other supplement would react in a similar way? I read about GABA, which might work for me as well, but I do not understand that fully yet.
I try to tell myself that I am lucky to not suffer from hyperacusis additionally, like so many brave members here. Still, I have very dark thoughts that will not contribute to my condition. However, I am eager to know what you think of my case, as I know there are many knowledgeable people here with useful thoughts and input
I'd like to introduce myself and thank everyone who contributes to this forum - I was a silent reader here and got a lot of input and partially, hope (e.g., by learning about Dr. Shore).
In December, I got acute loud high-pitched tinnitus in my left ear, after driving in a train in a somewhat twisted position (head on the table on the left side after a Christmas Party). I had taken 3 Aspirin for the "hangover", so the thought of having all of this induced myself is really painful. I have no hearing loss, it is not noise induced (as far as I am aware), no other infection/sickness - I was just calming down after stressful days at work and maybe a depressive winter (I am and was never treated for that, though).
I got Prednisolone (Cortisol) two weeks after. It made the tinnitus less noisier, I could even find my way back to sleep, but the effect vanished after I stopped taking it. It also made me jittery, so I could not really relax. I went to another ENT, where my right ear was somehow stimulated, which resulted in me blacking out. My tinnitus, which was - now looking back - somewhat okay in relation to now, went up through the roof and I got metallic pain in my head for three days. Now, my right ear rings in addition, in an even higher tone 1-2 times a minute. As I cannot modulate the tones anymore, I think it is somatic.
I had three weeks off, walked a lot and started my supplement regime consisting of CBD capsules, Omega 3, Vitamins, Zinc, B-complex, B12 and Magnesium. I also receive osteopathic treatment for the neck, just to make sure. Teeth and jaw are fine.
I think my tinnitus is about overstimulated nerves in the brain, that won't calm down anymore. There is simply no treatment for the nerves/limbic system/central nervous system, even though I highly think this might be the cause for a lot of our problems here.
I just found out that Magnesium helps me immensely in decreasing the loudness, which is a blessing as it reduces my panic a bit. I take two pills of 400 mg daily. I know it also calms the nerves (and blocks the calcium there), which supports my thesis of my overstimulated brain (also the worsening after blacking out - this was an alarm-signal to the brain and nerves and they reacted).
However, my overall situation worsens still - I am super afraid of the Magnesium to stop working. Moreover, I am annoyed by the constant "you have to relax and learn to leave stress behind/try muscle relaxation after Jacobsen/meditation/habituation". My problem IS still organic, isn't it, even if it is not in the ear itself? It kind of suggest that I am too dumb to better my condition, which stresses me out even more. Sleep deprivation is killing me. How could me or my brain relax in this condition and get rid of my panic? Noone wants to describe me something to help with it ("drink herbal tea"). I envy Americans that seem to get at least the meds they want and need (antidepressants, sleep meds, etc.).
I wonder, is there anyone else here who also had a lot of relief from Magnesium and could tell me if the effect wears off with time (like, the receptors get used to it or something)? Which meds/other supplement would react in a similar way? I read about GABA, which might work for me as well, but I do not understand that fully yet.
I try to tell myself that I am lucky to not suffer from hyperacusis additionally, like so many brave members here. Still, I have very dark thoughts that will not contribute to my condition. However, I am eager to know what you think of my case, as I know there are many knowledgeable people here with useful thoughts and input