Tinnitus Worse for No Reason

Hayden Gooddy

Apr 7, 2018
Ottawa Ontario
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
Hey guys, so I'm new to the forum and have found it soooo helpful.

I've had tinnitus for a year now starting with a high pitch in my right ear at 20 y/o and even tho the first few months were absolute hell I eventually got used to it and it literally didn't affect me at all after that.

Fast forward to a few weeks ago , and while I'm lying in bed I get a new sound. A lower sound that's sounds a bit like a quiet dentist drill and both a high and low tone in my left ear.

I have no clue why it would randomly get worse after a year and I'm terrified I have a brain tumour.

Any advice on what to do? I've gotten minimal support from doctors.
@Hayden Gooddy
Tinnitus can change sound and strength and add a sound for no reason but sometimes for a reason so getting your ears checked and hearing checked would be the first thing and as long as you have no other problems like vertigo or sickness or had a virus or sinus problem or allergies it should settle.
Love glynis
Hayden, I get different sounds at different times for no apparent reason. It seems to come & go at random. It's not uncommon for those with tinnitus to have a MRI to rule out a benign tumor, but I don't believe the condition you described is all that uncommon.
Hey guys, so I'm new to the forum and have found it soooo helpful.

I've had tinnitus for a year now starting with a high pitch in my right ear at 20 y/o and even tho the first few months were absolute hell I eventually got used to it and it literally didn't affect me at all after that.

Fast forward to a few weeks ago , and while I'm lying in bed I get a new sound. A lower sound that's sounds a bit like a quiet dentist drill and both a high and low tone in my left ear.

I have no clue why it would randomly get worse after a year and I'm terrified I have a brain tumour.

Any advice on what to do? I've gotten minimal support from doctors.
An MRI will rule o
Hey guys, so I'm new to the forum and have found it soooo helpful.

I've had tinnitus for a year now starting with a high pitch in my right ear at 20 y/o and even tho the first few months were absolute hell I eventually got used to it and it literally didn't affect me at all after that.

Fast forward to a few weeks ago , and while I'm lying in bed I get a new sound. A lower sound that's sounds a bit like a quiet dentist drill and both a high and low tone in my left ear.

I have no clue why it would randomly get worse after a year and I'm terrified I have a brain tumour.

Any advice on what to do? I've gotten minimal support from doctors.
Mine has gotten worse with no obvious reason. I have a high-pitched electrical sound which is a lot louder than it used to be. I can hear it over most other sounds these days. Sitting here typing and it is screaming away. Wish something could be done to reduce the sound. Hope yours setles down.

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