I'm new to T. I had some very dark days. There are a handful of people here who's stories got me through. I know it's not for everyone, but Valium (Diazepam) is in my cupboard if I get really bad. At the beginning, it saved me. And this is only a few weeks ago. Knowing it is there is reassuring. Just speak to your doctor about it. I find reiterating to myself that it will get better is also helpful. I also have made contact a hearing therapist who specialises in tinnitus who is only ever an email or phone call away. Build up a network of professionals around you to support you. Just knowing that things are being done is very reassuring. I also find driving in the car to help. Your focusing, you have different sights around you, you're senses are picking up different things. The main thing I've learned in the short time I've been here is that positivity is key. Know that you will not always be at your worst. Be positive that there are much better times ahead. Good luck and God bless your recovery!