And just because you get a bunch of hits when you Google "TMJ and Tinnitus" that does not necessarily mean your tinnitus has anything whatsoever to do with your TMJ.
So if the probability that my tinnitus was caused by my knee joint is 0%, my thinking is that the probability that your tinnitus is caused by your TMJ might be on the order of 1%. Google or no Google.
Dr. Stephen Nagler
I know google is no doctor, i know i know.
What i find a bit weird is that you without knowing me at all, think it's not related even though many people with TMD has recovered from their tinnitus when treated properly for their TMJD.
I truely respect and accept your view on this and maybe i get you wrong but it's like you're saying TMD/TMJD has no connection what so ever to tinnitus, Even in this thread people mention family members got their T. "cured" after using splints.
Even the specialized dentist i spoke with mentions he "cured" a lot of people with TMJD with tinnitus as one of their symptoms (25 years of experience) and mentions my situation COULD be related.
I'm just curious why you don't think my T. has any connection to TMJD when so many other doctors and "specialists" i spoke with or read about mentions it for sure has a connection