To Those Who Believe in God, Why Doesn't God Want Me Dead? Also Why Do You Still Believe in God?


Jan 19, 2016
So, I'll keep it short. I'm 28 and got bearing loss in both ears, but Mainly the left one. It came with louder tinnitus than had before ( had it before and it didn't bother me at all). Went to multiple doctors who didn't give me prednisone like they should have and an am101 trial which should have happened as I shouldnt have just been given the prednisone. The doctor lied to me and acted like I was given the option to take prednisone before the trial (not true, I asked for options and they said there were zero options).

Anyways, it's been a year and I'm lift with ringing that I hear over everything and hearing loss that makes hearing conversations difficult in some situations. I used to pride myself in hearing everything around me and now I can't.

But I honestly have to ask why would a God allow such pain and misery in this life? If he wants me dead then I guess he/she/it is on there way to there goal I guess.

Also, why do you all still believe in a God after seeing all the suffering in the world? What do you base all this off?

Why should I still believe?

I'm not looking to start a religious debate, so please people don't turn it into that if people respond to answer my questions. I am just looking for honest answers.

I honestly just want to know. Thanks for any information.
I'm glad you are not here to stir up debate. I'm glad you want honest answers.

When you look around the world, you do see suffering. I do too. A lot of suffering is caused by the things people do or do not do. People are not perfect. We do plenty of bad things, even when we are trying to be good! We have bad attitudes, that turn into bad actions. People can be hurtful, selfish, hateful, greedy, careless, controlling, clueless, liars, self-centered.... The list goes on... All these things lead to hurt and suffering. Life isn't fair. Greed starts wars. Selfishness leads to not enough for others. The heart of man has caused much suffering.

If we were perfect, no one would get hurt. People would share what we have. All would be fed. People could work together for the good of all. There would be no stealing, hate, murder, lying, etc.. But we are not perfect and the world is not perfect, so there is trouble, pain and suffering.

Why is man not perfect? Because we can choose to do right or do wrong. God did not make us to be robots, to obey because we were told to. No, He gave us a choice to obey or not. If we love Him, we will obey Him. The rules He gave us were to protect us and help us help others. The consequences of not keeping His law are quite natural. It is much the same as telling a child not to touch the fire. It's because of love we tell the child how to stay safe. If he disobeys, he gets burned. The rule wasn't to be mean, but to protect. God's law is the same. When man doesn't follow God's law, people get hurt.

But where is the hope? Why should I continue? Because God is love! He loves you! He did everything to protect you, but people are not perfect and we are not robots and things happen and we get hurt. Same as children with loving parents. We can't totally protect our children and they will make their own choices and they will get hurt. He has kept you alive so you have time to get to know Him. So you can choose to love Him. He wants you to be with Him forever.

Have I experienced suffering? I don't know. I don't know how to judge my tinnitus, but I would guess it's the equivalent to 40-60 decibels. I have lost hearing in both ears. Tomorrow I get my hearing aid. I have never been hungry, homeless or without clothes. I don't live with chronic pain or disability. I have had some hard times. The deeper the pain, the closer God's presence was felt. God has said many times that we should care for those in need. Why? Because He cares for them! When Jesus was on earth, He healed the sick. He relieved the suffering of many while He was on earth. When He died, it was to relieve eternal suffering, if we would believe and trust in His sacrifice for us.

So, even with suffering on this earth, Jesus came to give us the way out. He even said that His people would suffer because they believed. Suffering is normal on this earth, but it wasn't supposed to be! Man has a choice. The suffering on earth is nothing compared to eternity. This life is just a blip. I can take a little suffering here, knowing that I will spend eternity with my Savior.

The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord. Ephesians 6:23

It's a choice.

By the way... Suicide is one of the most selfish acts a person can commit. It leaves behind family members, parents, spouses and children who must suffer because of selfishness. Our most precious possessions are time and relationships. Suicide steals those away. God will take you when it's time. Don't be in a hurry. God has a gift for you, if you will receive it. I believe God uses everything in our lives for good! Even tinnitus and hearing loss.
I think If god exist, He is cruel. But probably he doesn't exist. I say to Believers, belief So, Because believe something is better than believe nothing. at least for me.
In my country, When we see someone with disability, we just say thanks god, we don't have that problem. like he/she is guilty.(I'm not guilty). We think we are thanksgiving GOD. But why We don't ask, why he/she have to be disable, why god doesn't help him/her. where is justice. Where is choice when you can't see, Where is choice when you can't hear, ...

If God really exist as we know him/her (kind, ...), he must answer to very questions. hard questions.
I believe the notions of God and religion are baloney. God is a believing in a cure for tinnitus that doesn't exist. Heaven is the hopeful belief that suffering on earth will end.

I will say, I believe with some conviction there may be a collective consciousness. Our minds are not our own in other words. Quite possible if not probable our spirit lives on after we die. To me this has nothing to do with God or religion. Religion is a scourge. The reason why wars are fought and have fostered man's inhumanity to fellow man over centuries.

There is compelling reason our spirit and/or talents live on in others after we die. Perhaps you have heard about this and there are countless accounts. The brain is basically a receiver to a collective super highway of consciousness. Geniuses...those with superior brain anatomy have the ability to tap into universal truth...explains Mozart's inexplicable precocity for example:
We are all part of the totality called God. We see the universe through a very narrow lens as seperate individuals. Life is an adventure. if it were all plain sailing it would be tedious. It provides us with sometimes seemingly insurmountable challenges but the feeling if we do conquer these challenges is worth it.
regarding predisone...i wouldnt look at it as a big didnt cure my might have helped my hyperacusis but i had to stop after taking it for 1 day...i had the jitters, brain fog, and not here to debate about God but i am just trying to calm down that whole "what if." Now if you suffer from hyperacusis you may still want to try predisone...hang in there man....we are all in this together...use the general fuzz ACRN helps me so much.
regarding predisone...i wouldnt look at it as a big didnt cure my might have helped my hyperacusis but i had to stop after taking for 1 day...i had the jitters, brain fog, and not here to debate about God but i am just trying to calm down that whole "what if." Now if you suffer from hyperacusis you may still want to try predisone...hang in there man....we are all in this together...use the general fuzz ACRN helps me so much.

I don't care if the prednisone cured the t, I just would like to be able to savey hearing. That is what I wanted. Now I have hearing lose. Prednisone is used to save hearing.
In general I would argue that faith is not verifiable, that's why it's faith. In science it's verifiable if a certain theory is correct.. with faith you have the choice to believe or the choice not to believe. But the meaning of the word "believe" is to think something is the way it is without really knowing it. So I think the sense of faith is choosing to believe in something without really knowing if it is true, but somehow you have trust that it is.
To put it simple; yes I do believe in God. It is my choice to, every day again. If I would not have my faith my live would be quite a mess, if I would still be alive that is.
The mess in the world are mostly to blame on man; wars, femin etc. This world is broken, and I live with the hope that He will restore it. @Song interpreter has put it beautifully in words. Couldn't agree more..
To put it simple; yes I do believe in God. It is my choice to, every day again. If I would not have my faith my live would be quite a mess, if I would still be alive that is.
The mess in the world are mostly to blame on man; wars, femin etc. This world is broken, and I live with the hope that He will restore it. @Song interpreter has put it beautifully in words. Couldn't agree more..
The counterpoint to your hope for a 'God intervention' is...since the beginning of time the 'world has been broken'...your words, not mine. Man is simply an extrapolation of the animal kingdom. Animals eat one another to survive. Man doesn't learn by history...or barely. Each generation of leader that rises is directed by their biology. The world has always been 'quite a mess' as you put it. The internet has proliferated more information about the world which has made this stark reality more knowable. Not unlike how enlightening this forum is about the level of suffering associated with tinnitus. Few of us understand severe tinnitus and now we understand the broader scope of suffering by virtue of this forum.
I thought it was not the meaning of this topic to start a religious debate of some kind. I simply answered the q. Nothing more. you have your faith, I have mine. It can be a language barrier but I don't understand your link to the T. Feel free to PM.
I thought it was not the meaning of this topic to start a religious debate of some kind. I simply answered the q. Nothing more. you have your faith, I have mine. It can be a language barrier but I don't understand your link to the T. Feel free to PM.
I was simply exposing the flaw in your opinion.... that the world is no different now than it has been. In fact, overall killing on the planet maybe down compared to mid evil time. So its silly to say that God would perform an intervention. This doesn't relate to religion. Religions have been warring since the beginning of man and orthodoxies that feebly attempt to make sense of life and death...religions that separate people and not bring people of the world together. Link to T to me is quite obvious. People in the absence of substance want to have hope and believe in something. This is why people grasp for so called cures to tinnitus when the medical community doesn't validate anything. People want to believe there is something more than this physical life that ends at some give substance to their existence here. Everlasting life. Btw, there is evidence this exists. But it has little to do with God or religion....unless one would like to ascribe that the universal consciousness we share...this universal connective-ness of spirt which seems to transcend the physical body, this is by definition what God is.
OP, plenty of people have it way worse than you do. If God exists, he/she is NOT omnipotent and omniscient. No being could possess both of those qualities and allow what happens on this earth to continue. Whatever is up there is either impotent, or evil. Perhaps both. Be careful what you worship.
OP, plenty of people have it way worse than you do. If God exists, he/she is NOT omnipotent and omniscient. No being could possess both of those qualities and allow what happens on this earth to continue. Whatever is up there is either impotent, or evil. Perhaps both. Be careful what you worship.

All knowing and able to do anything, doesn't mean God will use His power to change the free will of man. He is a Gentleman and a loving Father. You have a choice. If everyone obeyed God's word, hate would go away, but we have a choice. We also have to live with the consequences of our choices and the choices of those around us.

My questions for you:

  • Would you want God to overrule your choices, because He knows better?
  • Are you willing to give up your free will to have a perfect world?
It's not going to happen, but is that how you want it to be? Allowing us to choose doesn't not take away either attribute of God, His omnipotence or His omniscience. The second is why He gave us His Law. He knows if we do "X", then "Y" will be the consequence He wants to save us from. He is our Heavenly Father. How should He treat His children?

Oh, by the way... The earth will not continue as it is. It will gets worse, as it did in the time of Noah and the earth will be judged again, because of the choices man makes. Because God is good, He made a way of escape through Jesus. It's a matter of faith and trust.
I'm just curious, for those who believe on this forum, is there anything you have seen (either in your real life, youtube, true story, etc.) that makes you feel very sure of a caring God that cares for people and problems they have? One that isn't indifferent to the worlds problems?

Again, I realize some people are entering here to say why they don't believe. So, lets try to not off track the thread. I really would love to hear these stories. Not necessarily (oh, it makes me feel good) things, but stuff you have seen that honestly makes you feel there is no doubt of a God out there (and one that cares)?

Thanks again for any help.
I have been mulling over who would be a good example of God being caring. In the Bible, God instructs us to care for the poor, the widow and the orphans. This webpage I'm sharing is a collection of true life stories from the journal of my youth pastor. I sat under his teaching in the 70's. That was his life, sharing what he had with those in need. God uses people to care for others and to show His love to others. That is what Pastor Von did right up to the end of his life. Pastor Von took adults, but mostly youth with him to serve the poor and needy in Mexico almost weekly. He lived in San Diego and Tijuana is just half an hour away. I went with him to one of the orphanages when I was in high school.

Here are a few of his real life stories. There's lots more! Over fifty years worth of laying down his life for others.

Pastor Von died just this Friday, but his work continues through the people he taught and came alongside him.
Another example of God's care is the Jewish people. From the time God called Abraham to come out to be the father of the Hebrew nation that God set aside as His special people, God promised He would protect His people. The nation of Israel has been scattered and gathered a few times since the beginning. No matter what comes against the people of Israel, God has protected them and brought them through.

In the Old Testament they were taken to captivity and then back to the land of Israel more than once. After Christ died and rose again, the Church was established, both the church and the Jews were scattered. After Hitler tried to destroy the Jews, they returned to their land in Israel and became a nation again. With most of Israel's neighbors hostile toward their little country and trying to destroy them, they still continue as a nation. Not even all the Jews are believers, but they are still God's people and they will never be totally destroyed, because God made a promise to keep them. Look at how the odds are stacked against that tiny little country. They have no ally countries and they have not been destroyed, No matter what has been thrown at them! Why? Because God loves His people and will always take care of them. Also, whoever cares for Israel has a promise of blessing. Why? Because the Jews are His special people.

This is a more direct example of how God cares for people. Without God's protection over Israel, it would be gone! There is so much hate against the Jews. One of the aims of fundamental Islam is the destruction of Israel. They are surrounded by powerful Muslim countries. Why aren't they destroyed? God cares for them and protects them!
One thing for sure, people at the end of the day will believe what they will. To me, belief in God is one grand deception to put a more positive spin on life than truly exists. Self deception. FWIW, I was raised in the church and my parents were actively involved.
I want to hear from all the 'believers' here when the little boys that were doing 'God's work' for the church were being raped by the high ranking Priests within the Catholic church. You know, the guys responsible for one of the largest segments of Christianity? they ruined the lives of innocent kids due to pedophilia they couldn't control. Sick bastards that should each share a prison cell with Bubba when they are simply shuffled off to another part of the country so they can wreak more havoc. about the radical subversion of the Muslim faith? Where is the Muslim God that allows the desecration of their faith to maraud across the Middle East and cut the heads off and burn and mutilate little Christian boys and use innocent girls as sex slaves so their 'believers' can do God's work?

But you keep on believing people. Kumbaya as you hold hands at church and hope for a better planet. Nothing wrong with that for sure...provided the scum that infiltrates all so called religion is dealt with. So far, God hasn't done much about it.

And forgive me, but more bullshit about the Jews...Israel being perhaps the most educated and highly evolved civilization on the planet. Why do Jews survive? Because they are smarter than all the morons that are jealous of them and want to kill them. Has nothing to do with any intervention from God. Jews are perhaps the most persecuted people in history largely based upon jealousy and their success. Their religion is only an excuse to hate them as is the case with many religions that foster separatism.

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