Topical Ambroxol and Acyclovir for Hyperacusis

Discussion in 'Support' started by 100Hz, Mar 1, 2024.

    1. 100Hz
      No Mood

      100Hz Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Noise exposure
      Has anyone ever tried Ambroxol applied topically around the ear and trigeminal area? I tried it a few times orally when I first got some but it had no real effect, but crushing up the pill instead and mixing it with skin cream and applying directly to the areas of pain did seem to help with moderate noxacusis (pain hyperacusis) spikes.

      The few times I've had really bad setbacks recently I've also used very small amounts of Acyclovir in the same way. (There was a discussion about the viral co-factor a while back suggesting that a sensitized trigeminal nerve may have been caused by a viral factor that could be retriggered by the event of a setback due to the inflammation).

      I've had the same kind of setbacks I've always had, but this combination of medicine has seemed to reduce the recovery time massively. I'm not cured of hyperacusis because I still push it too far every now and then and get setbacks, but either I got better on some level and now my body is handling the setbacks better naturally, or this combination of medicine does do something to help.
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    2. AverageJoe12

      AverageJoe12 Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Night club in Feb ‘23, MRI in Feb '24, drummer since age 15
      Can you try the antiviral without the Ambroxol? I'm curious what happens if you tried it either separately for a period of time or after an exposure.
    3. StoneInFocus

      StoneInFocus Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Hearing damage, ear infections
      Hey, whatsup, you are still alive.

      What dosages of Ambroxol did you take orally?

      As people already achieve some results with burning pain, I'm really curious to find out what would happen if they were to take high doses of Ambroxol for several months, say 1 gram per day.
    4. AUTHOR
      No Mood

      100Hz Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Noise exposure
      I took 30 mg pills orally, but it didn't do a lot from what I remember. I tried it topically because of a few articles I read around that time, like this, plus a few others out there:

      Topical Ambroxol 20% for the Treatment of Classical Trigeminal Neuralgia - A New Option? Initial Clinical Case Observations

      From what I've experienced with it, it's not something that has to be taken long-term. It's something that needs to be applied quite rapidly after a setback and, in really bad cases, needs a few days of doses at around 3 - 4 a day, and then it calms right down. And whether or not the Acyclovir is doing anything, I am not sure because I just do it now as part of the treatment (@AverageJoe12 I haven't tried it on its own yet, have you tried it yet?).

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