Tram Noise Squealing Loudly in Few Frequencies

Corticosteroids for this setback?

  • Yes

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • No

    Votes: 6 75.0%

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Mar 4, 2014
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
Acoustic trauma, Stress, Nose hit
I have Tinnitus for two years and hyperacusis as well (wearing earplugs always when going out of my house). I got it from an alarm offset in my house and later it was worsened by some TNT tests and recurring situations.

Yesterday also was one of those situations. I went to a town which I rarely do since I live in a busy capital, and everything was going ok until I went to garage to go home and in that street a tram makes turn and it started to make such loud high pitched noise that was really loud. At that moment I was in a sort of tunnel in front of that turn, going to my street so the noise in there was probably even more loud.

I felt a sensation in my left ear and covered it but since I got home, I have fullness in that ear, sort of tenderness, pressure, sligh pain.. I am sure most of you can relate. Also like it's a bit clogged. I am trying to stay calm and remind my self that I was wearing a little protection (earplugs but not fully inserted since I have small canals) but still I have not got this kind of reaction in a long time and it was really loud high pitched noise.

What should I do? This was yesterday night, today still present, slightly less fullness but still tenderness. Is it possible that I have damaged my hearing even more by this one time going to the city and being at a wrong place at a wrong time. Again. Please don't laugh at me since I think this could really cause some problems.

Do you think I should ask for corticosteroids or something? I have vain problems, high colesterol so this isn't really my first choice.. I took them twice since my T and H started, for much lesser events than this. Got fat both times and now I think I could go without them, but this yesterday was really loud and left me with this sensations in my ear even after a sleep :(
Sometimes anxiety can give those feelings as well:) You could try steroids but as I am farely certain the tram didnt induce further nerve damage I believe it will calm down:) Btw be aware of wearing plugs outside as they can make your hyperacousis worse.
@iAzra I feel you. If you think you might need the steroids then perhaps ask doctor. Not sure it will do anything but ease your mind. You can also take magnesium and another vit..let me check which one and get back to you. Anyways they give it to.military after acute ear damage. .supposed to help. Now it's not to say any of this will work but ten again what the hell is hyperacusis anyways? Yes for many it fades in time and for many they have no pain or physical symptoms. I've been in countless situations now just like you and this tram. .it always gets better but I do.wonder about lasting permanent damage. Why aren't my ears bouncing back this time? I wish I had answers. I dont think it's all anxiety anymore, there is most definitely a physical element to this. However it's hard to know as we are already in a heightened state, on guard for any loud noise...good luck..though I'm certain you just fine :)
Thank you. I am really in a dilemma. One moment i think, i wont take those steroids, they are evil, I will be OK, then other moment i think well, this was really loud, loudest event now and with high pitches and i do have some tension in my ear and sounds, so what if I did damage my hearing? Then again I think, well even if you did it my recover with magnesium, and thinking positive and staying home for a few days, then again I'm thinking what if I miss my chance to help myself with steroids.. You see what kind of mess I am in :)

I wrote my doc to give me therapy but she is on a vacation until tomorrow, so should I take that as a sign :D

There isn't really much doctor can do for mw, if I go to specialist he will say ok take steroids just to get rid of me, and anyway I know there are even some studies they do not help at all, but as you sure can relate, I can risk? :/ When I first got my hearing damaged, i went to two specialist an neither of them prescribed steroids and I haven't had any knowledge back then as if was my first symptoms just random sounds in my ear and hearing test was OK.

After a month or so T kicked in and I never forgave them or myself for not taking steroids thinking I could prevent all of this. Few moths later I become hyperacustic so.. I know after this incident I will need much time to lower my fear of loud sounds again, to go out again even with my ear plugs, to easy anxiety... but at least maybe I can prevent hearing damage? If there is any.. even to risk all those bad stuff from steroids.. I don't know :(
I think you should take the steroids. If anything it will lessen your anxiety. I have not taken them so I am unaware of side effects. With that said, I know it was loud and probably sounded quite awful but this will happen from time to time
Just try to relax and I'm sure you will recover just fine. I know exactly how you feel though. At any rate when my anxieties goes up both h and t get much worse. It is difficult protecting our ears every single day. Loud noises such as that will happen. We just have to make the best of it and try not to worry too much during setbacks ( as hard as that is) when I have pain, I am a miserable well :)
That's just the thing. I can't take steroids every time this and similar happens, but this was a bit loud and high pitched. That would be few times a year and it would not be good for my veins and other side effects. Thank you so much for your answer. Tomorrow I'll decide I guess.. I have to go to town and I would just stay at home for a moth or longer :D
I have Tinnitus for two years and hyperacusis as well (wearing earplugs always when going out of my house). I got it from an alarm offset in my house and later it was worsened by some TNT tests and recurring situations.

Yesterday also was one of those situations. I went to a town which I rarely do since I live in a busy capital, and everything was going ok until I went to garage to go home and in that street a tram makes turn and it started to make such loud high pitched noise that was really loud. At that moment I was in a sort of tunnel in front of that turn, going to my street so the noise in there was probably even more loud.

I felt a sensation in my left ear and covered it but since I got home, I have fullness in that ear, sort of tenderness, pressure, sligh pain.. I am sure most of you can relate. Also like it's a bit clogged. I am trying to stay calm and remind my self that I was wearing a little protection (earplugs but not fully inserted since I have small canals) but still I have not got this kind of reaction in a long time and it was really loud high pitched noise.

What should I do? This was yesterday night, today still present, slightly less fullness but still tenderness. Is it possible that I have damaged my hearing even more by this one time going to the city and being at a wrong place at a wrong time. Again. Please don't laugh at me since I think this could really cause some problems.

Do you think I should ask for corticosteroids or something? I have vain problems, high colesterol so this isn't really my first choice.. I took them twice since my T and H started, for much lesser events than this. Got fat both times and now I think I could go without them, but this yesterday was really loud and left me with this sensations in my ear even after a sleep :(
Did T subside ?i think it should .
Thank you all. Funny thing is that my T is doing well, I almost feel like it is calm before the storm :) But there is still tenderness and cricket sound since Friday. Today I'll pick up steroids and then I have until tomorrow to decide since you have to take those in the morning. Maybe I will just reduce a dosage a bit. Sorry for bother you all, I know noone can decide for me, I just wanted to hear you experiences and if that loud noise (and it was really lound and reflecting in tunnel) could damage my hearing further, since it did hurt.
Hi @iAzra. I think you would be fine with the steroids. I also think this spike will settle down soon. But if you want to do something to ease your worries over it and are afraid of the steroids, I would vote for the NAC, or N-Acetylcysteine, an amino acid. My doctor suggests using it right before noise exposure (like before going to a loud concert) and the for two days after. He also suggests using it immediately after unexpected noise exposure.

Here is a previous TT thread on NAC:

The emergency dose recommended to me was 1800 the first day (or prior to exposure), then 1200 for the next two days. Then you are done.
Some people take NAC daily to ward off increasing tinnitus loudness. I did for awhile but then stopped, as I didn't think it helped and would rather save it for emergencies.

Thank you so much for this advice. I am more worried about steroid sideffect as I have high blood pressure, varicose veins and my skin got bigger pores.

Can you recommend me some NAC brand? I will probably be ordering from iHerb..
I am not a supplement expert, but ... I use the Solaray or Solgar brands, which have good reputations. But there are others that are good, too. Maybe @Karen will chime in: she knows lots about natural medicines.
Hi, @iAzra,

I've never taken NAC supplements myself, but from the reviews I've read, it sounds like they might be worth a try for you. Here are some of the brands I like: Source Naturals; Jarrow; Swanson.

If you do decide to order this supplement, I'd like to hear what you think of it after you've been taking it for awhile.

Best of luck --- we understand what you're going through right now! I've had a blood pressure issue, too, and you do have to be careful of what supplements you take. You might want to read the online reviews of these products, and make sure they won't interact with anything else you might be taking.

Best wishes,
What are the NAC, ALCAR, ALA?

N Acetyl Cystein
Alpha lipoic acid
acetyl L carnitine

NAC helps me a lot to tolarate my 10 month old daughter screams. Swanson is my brand and im taking half the recommended dosage- that reads on the bottle. I split the capsule to half. Days when sound toxication is heavier i will take the whole Nac- its 600mg. Its more useful to have glutathione available for longer period, so i read that after 5-6 hours Nac should be depleted and so i will take 300 in the morning and another on the day time. When i had virus i took one more in the evening and was up within 1,5 days, whereas my wife has the same virus and it took a week to get her out of the bed. Im using it 4-5 days week. I get nausea when 600mg is taken at once. Melatonine is good too, after shock like this.

For ears its well known protective substance.

edit: Check this amino acid too- Taurine. In your case should be quite useful as it lowers blood pressure. I felt really calm and im naturally nervous person. As i said, there's lots of weapons out there, got to keep them loaded. Can't win, but at least this way, i feel, can't lose too.

"Taurine plays a vital role in hearing. In fact, studies have found that in some cases, taurine can reverse the biochemical processes behind hearing loss."
Thank you. I know that lost of damage was also caused by stress because I worried and cried a lot that day but.. I will order this and hope not to have any consequences from this tram event.

I read that this supplements should be taken few hours after the exposure so I guess this time it might be late for that.
And yes, is there a product combining NAC i ALA or should I take all separately? I ask because I am looking at iHerb and can't find any combo but maybe I'm missing something?
I have noticed that I've started to feel new reactions in my left ear. When there are some sssshh sounds while someone is talking, even me, I can feel a slight sensation similar like those when I hear high frequencies. I am trying not to panic but I can't have this on my plate too. It looks there was some damage after all since this symptom kicked in after a week :(
The emergency dose recommended to me was 1800 the first day (or prior to exposure), then 1200 for the next two days. Then you are done.

Ok @LadyDi they finally came, NAC.

I am going on a trip in a loud car tomorrow and will be attending some crowded events this weekend so I thought to take it as a percussion. But 1800 seems so much? Also I have read that someone said it makes them noxious, sick.. so should I take it with food or not, what is better?

Thank you!

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