Thank you. She said she won't waste time on something that shows no clinical effectiveness and judging from how the so-called device works, she'll make a decision on whether I belong in the VNS study.
Good Luck to you. I'm here in the U of Iowa Hospital Tinnitus Clinic(Iowa City)area and i'm being considered for the VNS study. I'm at the stage right now of finding out as much as possible of the study to see if there is any negative side effects of the treatment.
Agreed. I wonder whether 40% of the people actually said that they would be willing to pay 10 000 for it? If a person is not able to work due to tinnitus as the man stateds I wonder how they will get that money, rob a bank? It sounds a bit made up.I agree, unless they can make this more accessible and especially more affordable to people, this will be another tinnitus treatment device which is out of reach for 99% of people who need it
Honestly looking at the video about the representative of MicroTransponder speaking about the survey about how much patients would be willing to invest into a treatment really puts me down. 10 000 dollars for the device, or even worse, 50 000? I dont know if that is a big sum in the US but I will probably never-ever have that type of money to pay on an implant. On the other hand I understand that pharmaceutical companies want to make money. Seems a little hopeless.
It is a huge sum in the USA for an average person--I could never afford it-- and insurance companies don't cover any tinnitus devices as they are considered "experimental". If I go for TRT I will have to pay for the treatment/equipment. I had to pay $6,000 USD for my husband's hearing aides. I went into debt to do it. I'm saving money now from each paycheck in case I need TRT.
Pharmaceutical companies only want to make money--there is nothing altruistic about them.![]()
Ten to fifty grand is not a whole lot of money for new technology. If this is a proven, effective treatment, the price of manufacturing may go down with demand.
Even if not, you can't expect anything to be cheap involving medical treatment. Anyone here diabetic? They know what I'm talking about.
If anything really working for chronic/severe tinnitus appear,it won't be welcomed by so many people relevant in ENT,TRT,hearing-aid device industry,paychologist,pharmaceutical factory,massagists,etc as those people will lose their importance and business. That means we shall fully respect and give best wishes to those who are now making real effort in treating chronic tinnitus ,and make no complain even if the new stuff(if effective) charge high price after it come to market. what can be compared to saving life ? and guess whay they will feel if they see our tinnitus sufferes' attitude here?
Also keep in mind MicroTransponder has raised millions in private funding and they need to make a profit to appease their investors. Recently a Hepatitis C drug came under fire for its cost--$1000 a day which equaled about $84,000 for a full course but cured Hep C in 90% of people. Some call it good business, some call it greed. So in this respect MT is really no different. This device has been in development for years and there are costs associated with this. Starkley, hearing aid maker published an article last year about making a $100 hearing aid:
But it's nonsense. If I haven't habituated in five excruciating years, it's not gonna happen. I'm not even going to humor them at this point. Especially when we know more than the councilors. All they can do is tell you it's just a noise in your head and you'll be alright. No really, that's all they can do is patronize us.
I saw a news clip on Hyperacusis once and they made it seem kind of "goofy" that these people couldn't even have real plates at their wedding because the sound hurt their ears.My local news just had a special segment on Tinnitus and the new "miracle" cure Vagus nerve stimulation. If one did not have tinnitus and was watching this they would come away with 2 viewpoints. One that the device is the wonder cure and 2 that tinnitus is no more than a mere nuisance for those who have it.
This was the first time I have ever even heard the work tinnitus mentioned on the local news.