Trojan Horse

While I consider myself extremely lucky having gone from severe to mild/moderate, I still feel like like an escaped death row prisoner, who's at large for now, but every cop in the county is actively looking for me and my "WANTED" posters are hanging on every corner.
Just don't hop into a MRI machine with shitty ear plugs, and you will be fine. I had the same, my T let up enough to feel like wow, I almost died, that was after 4.5 years of hell, lost friends, career, everything and then almost a new beginning. I let uo for a second however, a little bad judgement, and here I am, worse than than the time before that nearly killed me. Surreal is the only way I can put it.
Just don't hop into a MRI machine with shitty ear plugs, and you will be fine. I had the same, my T let up enough to feel like wow, I almost died, that was after 4.5 years of hell, lost friends, career, everything and then almost a new beginning. I let uo for a second however, a little bad judgement, and here I am, worse than than the time before that nearly killed me. Surreal is the only way I can put it.

I had actually escaped from the MRI room, once they told me I'm not allowed to wear double protection (plugs and muffs), because apparently the model of the machine they had was very narrow and didn't allow enough wiggle room for ear muffs...
I still remember their confused "what's the big deal" type of looks on their faces, as I was making my way towards the exit.

I heard way too many horror stories, from which I had already gathered that MRI and tinnitus don't mix too well.

I'm very sorry about what you are going through right now..especially after you had already been there once, because already knowing what you are up against is much worse than not knowing at all.

You would probably have a good case to sue the bastard who sent you there and the uncaring bastard, who gave you shitty plugs.

Once they start getting sued, they might smarten up a bit.
I had actually escaped from the MRI room, once they told me I'm not allowed to wear double protection (plugs and muffs), because apparently the model of the machine they had was very narrow and didn't allow enough wiggle room for ear muffs...
I still remember their confused "what's the big deal" type of looks on their faces, as I was making my way towards the exit.

I heard way too many horror stories, from which I had already gathered that MRI and tinnitus don't mix too well.

I'm very sorry about what you are going through right now..especially after you had already been there once, because already knowing what you are up against is much worse than not knowing at all.

You would probably have a good case to sue the bastard who sent you there and the uncaring bastard, who gave you shitty plugs.

Once they start getting sued, they might smarten up a bit.
Wow, I wish I had that same foresight. They actually told me on the phone that they would have ear muffs for me, I got there and the tech was like um nope, we don't do that. And yeah, that look like what's the big deal. It was painfully loud, I don't know why I didn't stop it. I guess I had been feeling strong, and let my guard down. I didn't think I could loose so much hearing in 40 minutes, but I've never experienced anything that loud before either.

All the years that I was here, the thousands of posts I've read, I didnt learn that a mri machine could be too loud. F ck! That mistake is going to cost me my life.
Wow, I wish I had that same foresight. They actually told me on the phone that they would have ear muffs for me, I got there and the tech was like um nope, we don't do that. And yeah, that look like what's the big deal. It was painfully loud, I don't know why I didn't stop it. I guess I had been feeling strong, and let my guard down. I didn't think I could loose so much hearing in 40 minutes, but I've never experienced anything that loud before either.

All the years that I was here, the thousands of posts I've read, I didnt learn that a mri machine could be too loud. F ck! That mistake is going to cost me my life.

I was out walking the other day and two women passed me talking about tinnitus and not having an MRI done because of it so even general public are starting to be aware. I imagine it's the combination of loud noise and high stress/anxiety that makes them so bleedin dangerous.
Wow, I wish I had that same foresight. They actually told me on the phone that they would have ear muffs for me, I got there and the tech was like um nope, we don't do that. And yeah, that look like what's the big deal. It was painfully loud, I don't know why I didn't stop it. I guess I had been feeling strong, and let my guard down. I didn't think I could loose so much hearing in 40 minutes, but I've never experienced anything that loud before either.

All the years that I was here, the thousands of posts I've read, I didnt learn that a mri machine could be too loud. F ck! That mistake is going to cost me my life.

Don't blame yoursrself.
You thought that you were in professional hands and therefore let your guard down...most peopke in your situation would do exactly that.

I put the blame squarely on the moron who sent you there and the ass clown who exposed you to this machine with almost no protection..especially if he knew your situation.
This is borderline criminal.
I was out walking the other day and two women passed me talking about tinnitus and not having an MRI done because of it so even general public are starting to be aware. I imagine it's the combination of loud noise and high stress/anxiety that makes them so bleedin dangerous.

ENT's world wide should be all getting a memo about making sure that Tinnitus sufferers understand the lethal danger posed to them by an MRI machine.

Unfortunately, unless there is a hig class action lawsuit by the victims,
the casual, relaxed and clueless attitudes of ENT's along with the MRI staff will likely not change.
ENT's world wide should be all getting a memo about making sure that Tinnitus sufferers understand the lethal danger posed to them by an MRI machine.

Unfortunately, unless there is a hig class action lawsuit by the victims,
the casual, relaxed and clueless attitudes of ENT's along with the MRI staff will likely not change.
Yeah definitely, I mean the machine I was in was in was 112-117db for around 40 min, a few short gaps of maybe 30 seconds max. How many people know how to insert foam plugs properly? So maybe they get 10 dB of protection jamming the plugs in wrong, is this enough for those even with healthy ears? I guess most places give you muffs, the place I went to didn't for some strange reason. I mean they must have a ton of issues, as I say most people I know have no clue how to put in ear plugs properly. Maybe I was the one person that didn't get muffs, I can't imagine them only handing people foam plugs, the list of injuries must be huge if that's their standard procedure
Yeah definitely, I mean the machine I was in was in was 112-117db for around 40 min, a few short gaps of maybe 30 seconds max. How many people know how to insert foam plugs properly? So maybe they get 10 dB of protection jamming the plugs in wrong, is this enough for those even with healthy ears? I guess most places give you muffs, the place I went to didn't for some strange reason. I mean they must have a ton of issues, as I say most people I know have no clue how to put in ear plugs properly. Maybe I was the one person that didn't get muffs, I can't imagine them only handing people foam plugs, the list of injuries must be huge if that's their standard procedure

It is almost ironic that we live in a society, which is obsessed with placibg warning sign just about everywhere...
Things that are just common sense, such as "tipping this vending machine may cause injury or death" in 3 languages, but in a place where you could actually really use it, there are none.
I maintain, that the only way to straighten out these ass clowns is through a large lawsuit, where they have to pay millions in damages to victims of their careless attitudes.

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