Hi all,
I've been reading a lot of posts on this forum over the last 3-4 weeks since I first got my tinnitus.
I've had quite a lot of symptoms with my condition but doctors seem to dismiss all of them.
I've been taking codeine for about 3 years and Ibuprofen on and off for headaches for as long as I can remember.
One night in bed my right ear started to ring intermittently. The following day, nothing. Started again the following night and I woke up with constant T in my right ear. I also had the feeling it was blocked.
I went to the doctors the following day, the nurse practitioner looked in my left ear first and said it was full of wax. Then looked in my right to which she said it looked red and tender. She said it was an ear infection so gave me 5 days of amoxicillin.
Over the 5 days my T disappeared twice, approx 5-6 hours each time but slowly made its way back. By this time it was in both ears. Some times it would be in just one first thing in the morning.
After the 5 days nothing changed so I went back to the doctors and saw a doctor this time. He looked in both ears and said they look fine
and that I have ETD. He said give it two months to clear and if not go back 
After a couple of days I thought sod this im going back. My ears were started to feel very blocked and hearing was muffled in one ear more than the other. Another doctor said both my ears look wet and red. She gave me otomize ear spray. I was hesitant but thought I'd give it a try.
To my surprise it did seem to work. After a spray my tinnitus would go down to barely noticeable after 10 minutes, and would last 6 hours before returning.
After 4 days this effect started to wear off and my ears were starting to get sore . It also felt that the spray wasnt going in deep enough as they felt very blocked still.
During the week I also noticed that I was smelling strange things. All food smelt burnt, even a glass of water smelled the same way. Still the same today, just not as bad.
I've also been sneezing loads with nothing triggering them.
I went back to doctors yesterday and saw another different doctor, and told her everything. She looked in my ears and said they look infected and also thinks I have ETD. She also sent me for a blood test as she said I look pale
I said I always look like this.
She dismissed all the other symptoms and said its all connected and gave me another ear drop. This one is called Gentamicin. It doesn't seem to help at all at the moment, but it has only been my second day today.
Sorry its been a long post but no-one else understands what its like when I tell them.
What do you guys think it could be? Medication caused T or ETD or maybe something else.
I've been reading a lot of posts on this forum over the last 3-4 weeks since I first got my tinnitus.
I've had quite a lot of symptoms with my condition but doctors seem to dismiss all of them.
I've been taking codeine for about 3 years and Ibuprofen on and off for headaches for as long as I can remember.
One night in bed my right ear started to ring intermittently. The following day, nothing. Started again the following night and I woke up with constant T in my right ear. I also had the feeling it was blocked.
I went to the doctors the following day, the nurse practitioner looked in my left ear first and said it was full of wax. Then looked in my right to which she said it looked red and tender. She said it was an ear infection so gave me 5 days of amoxicillin.
Over the 5 days my T disappeared twice, approx 5-6 hours each time but slowly made its way back. By this time it was in both ears. Some times it would be in just one first thing in the morning.
After the 5 days nothing changed so I went back to the doctors and saw a doctor this time. He looked in both ears and said they look fine

After a couple of days I thought sod this im going back. My ears were started to feel very blocked and hearing was muffled in one ear more than the other. Another doctor said both my ears look wet and red. She gave me otomize ear spray. I was hesitant but thought I'd give it a try.
To my surprise it did seem to work. After a spray my tinnitus would go down to barely noticeable after 10 minutes, and would last 6 hours before returning.
After 4 days this effect started to wear off and my ears were starting to get sore . It also felt that the spray wasnt going in deep enough as they felt very blocked still.
During the week I also noticed that I was smelling strange things. All food smelt burnt, even a glass of water smelled the same way. Still the same today, just not as bad.
I've also been sneezing loads with nothing triggering them.
I went back to doctors yesterday and saw another different doctor, and told her everything. She looked in my ears and said they look infected and also thinks I have ETD. She also sent me for a blood test as she said I look pale

She dismissed all the other symptoms and said its all connected and gave me another ear drop. This one is called Gentamicin. It doesn't seem to help at all at the moment, but it has only been my second day today.
Sorry its been a long post but no-one else understands what its like when I tell them.
What do you guys think it could be? Medication caused T or ETD or maybe something else.