Uniaural Tinnitus After Middle Ear Infection and Ear Drops (Ciprodex)

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by RBajaj, Jan 18, 2024.

    1. RBajaj

      RBajaj Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Ear infection and ear drops
      My life changed on January 5th 2024. I got an ear infection, was flying for 15 hours and landed home went to urgent care, the PAC determined I have a middle ear infection and gave me amoxcillin.

      I then returned to a different urgent care where I got ear drops (ciprodex) and I put the ear drops in and the next morning I have tinnitus in my left ear.

      The infection is gone, but the tinnitus remains. I'm 38, healthy and had lost 50 lbs, my life was looking up and now I'm depressed and this is painful.
    2. BB23

      BB23 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Antibiotics and mirtazapine
      Look up what fluoroquinolone toxicity is. You probably got floxed.

      Do not take any antidepressants, antibiotics or anything else that stimulates the CNS, since being floxed also puts your CNS at risk. Do not go to the floxies subreddit because their advice messed me up even more, they are nothing but wannabe doctors over there.

      If it caused direct damage to the auditory system, which it probably did, it might be permanent or last a long time, but it should get better over time.

      If the damage is to the GABA receptors, which is less likely, since you don't have other issues like insomnia etc, it might heal in the long run.

      You could try NAC and Magnesium. Maybe some Alpha-Lipoic Acid. But all these supplements have side effects. Look up what they are before taking them. If you experience any side effects, just stop. Don't take any more supplements other than what I listed.

      No way to know how you will progress. Just hang in there.
    3. Muggumbo

      Muggumbo Member Podcast Patron Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Concert/Acoustic Trauma
      It can take a while for infection related tinnitus to go away. Just give it time for now and protect your ears.

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