Temporarily shutting down tinnitus should definitely be possible since it's probably the same mechanism for which people can be suggested to not feel pain during hypnosis.
If you need convincing, here's a video about a hernia surgery without anesthetics:
There's also an indication that it can help improve wound healing:
Can medical hypnosis accelerate post-surgical wound healing? Results of a clinical trial
Using hypnosis to accelerate the healing of bone fractures: a randomized controlled pilot study
The reason behind this effect is unclear, meaning whether it's just because of lowered stress (which impairs healing) or if it's something else. It certainly can be very refreshing, like taking a nap.
I further wonder if hypnosis can bring the same benefits as intense meditation:
Meditation brings robust immune system activation, UF Health researchers find
It certainly seems possible given the deep relaxation by both meditation and hypnosis.
If you need convincing, here's a video about a hernia surgery without anesthetics:
There's also an indication that it can help improve wound healing:
Can medical hypnosis accelerate post-surgical wound healing? Results of a clinical trial
Using hypnosis to accelerate the healing of bone fractures: a randomized controlled pilot study
The reason behind this effect is unclear, meaning whether it's just because of lowered stress (which impairs healing) or if it's something else. It certainly can be very refreshing, like taking a nap.
I further wonder if hypnosis can bring the same benefits as intense meditation:
Meditation brings robust immune system activation, UF Health researchers find
It certainly seems possible given the deep relaxation by both meditation and hypnosis.