

Dec 12, 2016
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
My names is James and since 2014, or so, I have had a sensitivity to loud noises. It was always manageable for me as I always avoided loud noises because they made my ear drum rattle. I wouldn't say I had any real trouble until recently. About six months ago I noticed a gradual noise develop in my ears. It was a slight humming noise that then became a low-pitch hum along with a separate high-pitch sound.

This month all heck broke loose and now the noises have been much louder and constant. They are to the point that I feel there is a gremlin in my head trying to play some cruel joke on me.

Problem is this gremlin never sleeps and he loves driving me up a wall with these horrible sounds. Sometimes it gets to the point where I feel like I have gone crazy.

This may sound odd but my wife was doing laundry today and the sound of the machines gave me incredible relief from my gremlin.

The white noise of the television doesn't work so well sometimes. The shower is amazing aside from the tumbling of clothes in a dryer. I wish it would just go away!
Sounds like you have some bad H and some T. I assume your use of the concept of gremlin is a metaphor, otherwise you might want to talk to a psychiatrist if you can afford it.
I understand the "T" but what is "H"?
Hyperacusis. I think I'm spelling it wrong but whatever. It means sensitivity to sounds. Often resulting in pain. In addition it can mean you find things other people find normal sounds to be loud. So you can have sensitivity to normal or even quiet sounds...

Like hearing someone else put cuttlery in a drawer cuts a person with H to pieces...does me...
Hi James and welcome to the forum!
Have you been to an audiologist or had your hearing tested? Do you know why you are experiencing problems with tinnitus and hyperacusis? (Not discounting the gremlin theory.)
Have you been to an audiologist or had your hearing tested? Do you know why you are experiencing problems with tinnitus and hyperacusis? (Not discounting the gremlin theory.)

I have an appointment in a couple days with an Audiologist to get my hearing tested. They said after that they will schedule me to see an ENT. I hope they can figure something out. I am not exactly sure why I have the ringing in my ears. I used to sleep next to a fan every night and used to wear headphones while playing video games. Perhaps either of those could be why.
You have probably seen the audiologist by now. How did that go? Do you have detectable hearing loss?
I hope the noise settles down for you.

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