@LadyDi hoping your coming appointments give you positive ideas to help and build confidence that you can and will cope and find your way through. I always feel better after talking to a professional who listens and cares and Ive found support from everyone. Im wobbly at the moment my anxiety is rocky and my sleep rubbish Ive decided if by next week Im not feeling better and sleeping better Im going back to review the Anti D's as I feel they are not helping as much. Bit confused at the moment for the first time in ages I cried feeling a bit sorry for myself !!
I dont have time for that got life to live just need to sleep at the moment and not sure which way to jump at the moment
Oh well hope for a good week or at least a few days soon - keep us posted on your appointments and how you get on
cher x
Oh Cher, I am so sorry, have been wanting to post after you wrote last week. I saw, further down on the thread, that you still are struggling with the AntiDs. I remembered when we started on this road together, our T came at almost the same time... I still am there with you, as is everyone else. It's OK to cry sometimes for a while. I know I have (although it makes my T louder, dammit).
The problem with these meds (benzos are the same way) is that they require constant tinkering. We can't just take a pill and the pain goes away, even if just for awhile. I, too, have had a wobby couple weeks. Two weeks ago, I really felt like I was back to at least something of my old self, feeling in control and able to back down these little flutters of anxiety I would get. Then: Suddenly was on a verge of a panic attack at work. All the diaphragmatic breathing and self-statements in the world weren't making it go away. I just fought through it (would not allow myself to leave my desk), told myself that I felt miserable but it wasn't dangerous and if I would give it 10-15 minutes, it would pass. Which it did. But I haven't been quite the same since. I am going back to my psychiatrist in three weeks and we also are going to review my meds. I always knew alprazolam wasn't a long-term solution, and its time for other options.
I think I expect linear progress -- like when bone breaks but then slowly knits back together, getting a little stronger every day. But it doesn't work that way with anxiety, I guess. We just need to remember that even if we have setbacks, and they are so disappointing, we ARE getting better and stronger.
I read an interesting piece on a web site (
http://www.anxietynomore.co.uk/anxiety_setbacks.html) talking about what to learn from setbacks, and how we can't let them send us back to where we were. I know, its so hard. But we can do it, I know. We don't let our setbacks have power of us. Just remember that soon you will be back to those days when you are rested and stronger, walking in the sunlight with Dylan and your girls. It will happen, I know.
My U of Miami Tinnitus Clinic trip went well and I probably will post more it later under another thread. In a nutshell, looks like I am heading to Neuromonics. But they won't take me yet, because it hasn't been six months from onset -- and they said there still is a possibility (although unlikely) that it would resolve. I wish.
Thinking of you and sending hugggggsssss.