Hi all,
HEre's a little update from my side. Unfortunately I'm not doing so well. Actually, not well at all and I can't see the light at the end of the tunnel anymore.
Last night I didn't sleep one single minute despite taking 3mg of melatonine and all sorts of other supplements.
Now I think I now what caused my extreme T increase: a combination of Prednisolone and Amoxillin, followed by Mirtazapine to sleep. No idea which one was the one that caused it, all I know is that it got to the point where it is unliveable. Both Prednisolone and Mirtazapine are on the 2013 list of ata.org. Maybe I'm just very sensitive to ANY type of chemical.
I can no longer mask the sounds, even during the day, and the insanely high pitched noise just competes with any type of white noise. I even tried sleeping next to the fridge without any luck.
I don't know what to do anymore.
On the internet I can't find any hopeful stories about recovery from ototoxidity. It seems like damage done is damage done.
I'm sorry for this depressing message guys, but right now I only see one way out.
To think that I LOVE life... but don't we all?
It's so increadibly hard.
HEre's a little update from my side. Unfortunately I'm not doing so well. Actually, not well at all and I can't see the light at the end of the tunnel anymore.
Last night I didn't sleep one single minute despite taking 3mg of melatonine and all sorts of other supplements.
Now I think I now what caused my extreme T increase: a combination of Prednisolone and Amoxillin, followed by Mirtazapine to sleep. No idea which one was the one that caused it, all I know is that it got to the point where it is unliveable. Both Prednisolone and Mirtazapine are on the 2013 list of ata.org. Maybe I'm just very sensitive to ANY type of chemical.

I can no longer mask the sounds, even during the day, and the insanely high pitched noise just competes with any type of white noise. I even tried sleeping next to the fridge without any luck.
I don't know what to do anymore.
On the internet I can't find any hopeful stories about recovery from ototoxidity. It seems like damage done is damage done.
I'm sorry for this depressing message guys, but right now I only see one way out.