Update: NUCCA Chiropractor Refuses to Treat Me

Chiro's can only possibly cure peoples Tinnitus if its caused by cervical spine issues.
Indeed, you are correct. You obviously met a genuine person that decided not to treat you. Perhaps if you had met someone under a different set of circumstances: business was slow and bills and staff needed to be paid, if they would turn down nearly £500 and all the rest of it? We will never know. One of the worst offenders are vets. They can charge what they like as they know people care deeply about their pets and will pay and pay. That's another story.
like I said to Stophiss, the NUCCA chiropractor would of received around £480 pounds from me for the x rays and treatment but she declined me, a scam or con artist looking to get money from desperate Tinnitus sufferer's wouldn't say no to that money, doesn't make sense, I believe some chiropractors are con or scam artists and some are genuine and believe their treatment can help

also I think many Tinnitus sufferer's who don't have T because of neck injury go to see Chiropractor's out of desperation and say it didn't help and didn't do anything, then other people read it and think chiro's are a waste of time and only want money, Chiro's can only possibly cure peoples Tinnitus if its caused by cervical spine issues.
What you need to do Jack is seek out a chiropractor for all that is wrong with you...or you perceive is wrong with you. After you see about 6 or so of different varieties, height and hair color and spent countless hours with their platitudes of false hope and are 10K pounds lighter so they can make their boat payment, come back to the forum and agree with me....lol.
Sharing my experience and the experience of those I know.
Good luck.
What you need to do Jack is seek out a chiropractor for all that is wrong with you...or you perceive is wrong with you. After you see about 6 or so of different varieties, height and hair color and spent countless hours with their platitudes of false hope and are 10K pounds lighter so they can make their boat payment, come back to the forum and agree with me....lol.
Stophiss. You are incorrigible and full of humor at the same time...lol
Stophiss. You are incorrigible and very funny at the same time...lol
Most of us are sick of being sick of tinnitus. You have to admit, at some point comedy has to kick in. Making fun of ourselves for our self pity, running up blind alleys for cures and even sometimes relief that doesn't exist.
The human condition brother. Fraught with frailty, lack of control, limited hope we deceive ourselves about. How we all pine for the happy ending in a good movie when in actual fact, endings generally don't happen happy or endings don't come. You want dark? There is some poetic license in life and in death. Life if far from fair. Not even close. The fairness is in the end as we all end up the same. Rich or poor. Strong or weak. Healthy versus sick. That is the poetic justice in life. Meanwhile as we all try to make the best out of our anatomical circumstances known as health we couldn't explain when we were perfectly healthy...I have had a long life of truly perfect health...we can't make sense of why we have lost our health on some level. I suppose we should fight to survive, but the irony all said is palpable and to me, I see a lot of comedy in it. I honestly draw great inspiration from my incredible mother of 84 years old who isn't in the best of health and btw she is close to stone deaf without her hearing aids. When I ask how she is doing, she always says, I am great with a smile and almost a song in her voice. She also has COPD and can't walk up a flight of stairs without stopping and resting.
At the end of the day, all we have is each other and the choice to laugh.
Most of us are sick of being sick of tinnitus. You have to admit, at some point comedy has to kick in. Making fun of ourselves for our self pity, running up blind alleys for cures and even sometimes relief that doesn't exist.
At the end of the day, all we have is each other and the choice to laugh.
You put it so well Stophiss. Laughter is one of the best therapies for all ills and it's totally free. Although my tinnitus is quite intrusive today, unlike yesterday when it was completely silent, I've had quite a laugh reading your posts. Well done for putting a different spin on a topic that can be quite serious at times. It's great that you still have your mother around keep looking after her as I'm sure you do.
Funny. Some people here are saying all chiros are quacks but will go to a doctor and gladly get pain/anxiety meds,which just masks the symptoms. I have read online that some people that have T ,earfulness etc has been helped by going to a Nucca specialist. The ones I read about had cervical issues. I know we cant believe everything we read on the net but those people sounded legit.

This is a partial email from a friend. I asked him if I should try that Nucca place because I have cervical neck issues. This was his take on chiros.

I am a firm believer in Homeopathic medicine. I suffered from Thunderclap headaches, which is a pain behind the eye after exercising. I did several test, including CT scans and they showed nothing. They just told me to take Ibuprofen and nothing else. I have a friend who's a Chiropractor and he begged me to come and see him. After 2 weeks of being adjusted, my headaches went away and haven't returned! That was 5 years ago. So, as long as the place checks out, I would do it.
just thought I'd say I got another email from the NUCCA chiropractic receptionist saying quote .."Although you do have postural signs consistent with an atlas misalignment, Heidi does not think your atlas is responsible for your symptoms and therefore thinks you would not benefit from treatment with her"

it could be true, could be bullshit, I'll never know
Some people have phobias...even wacky quacky uber special Nuccu chiro's from planet Nuccu deep in the galaxy. She may have been afraid of your beard.
Keep knocking on doors brother. You will find somebody to take your money.
just thought I'd say I got another email from the NUCCA chiropractic receptionist saying quote .."Although you do have postural signs consistent with an atlas misalignment, Heidi does not think your atlas is responsible for your symptoms and therefore thinks you would not benefit from treatment with her"

it could be true, could be bullshit, I'll never know

At least they reimbursed your consultatian fee.
Some people have phobias...even wacky quacky uber special Nuccu chiro's from planet Nuccu deep in the galaxy. She may have been afraid of your beard.
Keep knocking on doors brother. You will find somebody to take your money.

You are no help at all here. Just an ignorant prick. IMO . Have you tried Nucca ? Do you also have cervical issues?If not...keep your comments to yourself ...almighty wise one
To me its seems like she doesnt think your Atas is the reason so fair play to her ..do some googling about C3 and Tinnitus,,I had a physio tell me people come to her for other problems and if the fact find revealed they have T she said invariably their C3 was out
Keep knocking on doors brother. You will find somebody to take your money.
I have met many tinnitus newbies over the years that believe, throwing enough money at this condition they will eventually find a treatment that will cure it. Unfortunately, there will always be people out there, ready to take their money and giving false hope.
I have a chiro who also does active release work on soft tissue. Since I have scoliosis and muscle-skeleton issues from past sports injuries, among other things, the work he does is immensely helpful - in combination with all the stretching and movement work I do myself.

Would not have thought of him in the context of my tinnitus, but that's because it was noise-induced from work. Certainly his work doesn't fix it, though it makes other things feel way, way better. And I may one day make my way to a NUCCA practitioner if needed - on the recommendation of another trusted bodyworker.

Don't knock all chiropractors based on your own experience. Your body, your truth - but not mine.
You are no help at all here. Just an ignorant prick. IMO . Have you tried Nucca ? Do you also have cervical issues?If not...keep your comments to yourself ...almighty wise one
Please...I prefer omniscient one...more concise. Thanks for the laugh.

Have I tried Nucca? I did one better. I wrote a song about it...

My name is Nucca...no idea why slightly misspelled. Enjoy:
To me its seems like she doesnt think your Atas is the reason so fair play to her ..do some googling about C3 and Tinnitus,,I had a physio tell me people come to her for other problems and if the fact find revealed they have T she said invariably their C3 was out
Good ol' C3. Click. Saved again. No more tinnitus.
Alas...or is that Atlas-T?

In celebration of finally finding a cure for tinnitus... a favorite:

Atlas-T...the incomparable Etta James:

stophiss your not funny the humour is cack ,so where does that leave us,,,I have seen a lot of your past posts and they are everything that a Support forum is about. I reckon youve either been hacked or someone is borrowing your computer.
I have met many tinnitus newbies over the years that believe, throwing enough money at this condition they will eventually find a treatment that will cure it. Unfortunately, there will always be people out there, ready to take their money and giving false hope.

I have also learned that no matter how hard we try and tell them it's a waste of money and their expectations will blow up on their faces, they won't listen until it's too late.

If there was a cure, even some proven way to lessen the sounds, everyone would know. There's no "secret" out there. Unfortunately when we're desperate we'll try everything, and hacks will always want to profit on that.
stophiss your not funny the humour is cack ,so where does that leave us,,,I have seen a lot of your past posts and they are everything that a Support forum is about. I reckon youve either been hacked or someone is borrowing your computer.
Sorry carlover. At least you don't share the vitriol of John G I find great humor in. If you don't see the comedy in Jim Carrey who is one of the funniest guys on the planet, then I do feel sorry for you.

Its me. Again, I also see great humor in a 'Nucca' chiropractor. Chiropractic is a pre-scientific belief system based on a mythical concept, the chiropractic "subluxation." Chiropractic is more a religion than orthodoxy based on science.
Then you have 'Nucca'. Its like a supreme wizard of witch doctors...lol. Or, in layman's parlance, 'a joke.' Adjusting the atlas only and the vertebra chain will follow.

Guess you haven't gotten the memo. Dr. Hall says it best:
That says it all. Desperation can lead a person to do almost anything.
And, if you consider the history of chiropractic 'medicine' that Dr. Hall eloquently explains, times in effect haven't changed in the last hundred years if you think about why chiropractic came into existence. People that couldn't explain a degradation in their health grasping to an orthodoxy without basis because they wanted to believe in something that may help their unexplained condition. Superimposed on any belief system is the power of the mind.
Look no further than the rampant anxiety on this forum. Believing in 'anything' can calm the mind and precipitate organic change within the body. So it makes sense why some beliefs develop a following. Belief in something that changes a person's sense of well being. This goes back to medieval times. Unlike some diseases, we have evolved little since much more primitive times in the context of tinnitus.
stophiss ,you had a pop at the C3 thing. That was a professional Rugby teams Physio who mentioned it not some quack. He never said he fixes C3 and T goes,maybe some things are unfixable
Jim Carrey Funny? ,well for about 3 minutes I agree then ive had enough his clint eastwood impression is good mind
stophiss ,you had a pop at the C3 thing. That was a professional Rugby teams Physio who mentioned it not some quack. He never said he fixes C3 and T goes,maybe some things are unfixable
Jim Carrey Funny? ,well for about 3 minutes I agree then ive had enough his clint eastwood impression is good mind
Sorry carlover. Hard to know whether your physio is quack, miracle worker, or part quack.
What you wrote in terms of veracity is pure rubbish...linkage between C3 and tinnitus.
You wrote:
I had a physio tell me people come to her for other problems and if the fact find revealed they have T she said invariably their C3 was out

I didnt write that ,thats in italics mine wasnt
Well, if that isn't yours...or your physio...please provide context to what you believe the relationship between C3 and tinnitus to be. Below is verbatim what you posted in this thread.

Your exact words in your post #41:
To me its seems like she doesnt think your Atas is the reason so fair play to her ..do some googling about C3 and Tinnitus,,I had a physio tell me people come to her for other problems and if the fact find revealed they have T she said invariably their C3 was out
Weird - or - maybe not... I returned yesterday evening to TinnitusTalk to post a research update on the auditory impact of smoking. And upon returning, I see the tinnitus community has once again exploded into a pile of nonsense about whether chiropractors are quacks and whether the OP of this thread was dismissed due to being a vegan - as well as many other interjected topics that seem to pop up out of nowhere.

For sure, there is a potential link between tinnitus and dysfunctions of the spine. Besides the problems of the spine itself that may result from, say, poor posture, those same problems can - over time - result in the development of trigger points. Left untreated, that can actually cause some serious problems with pain, dizziness, mobility, and concentration. All that said, the chiropractic angle is likely to be the last to explore as a cause for (or treatment of) tinnitus. So generally, unless there is a strong suspicion for a significant involvement of the spine (e.g. from suffering a whiplash), then seeing a chiropractor is unlikely to be of much value for a condition such as tinnitus, and hence, I would say that Dr. Heidi Grant could hardly be considered a quack for refunding the consultation cost due to a feeling that she is not able to help the patient in this case. Actually she seems to be practicing responsible medicine if you ask me.

On a more general non-tinnitus related note, I fail to understand how some folks can doubt the value of chiropractic adjustments. Anyone who has suffered from a problem of the skeleton knows the huge pain-relief that can be found after seeing a chiropractor. But don't just take my word for it, attached is peer reviewed study on that titled:


The conclusion reads:

"Conclusion: Chiropractic was more beneficial than placebo in reducing pain and more beneficial than either placebo or muscle relaxants in reducing GIS."

So by bringing a bit of proper information to this debate - something any of you could have chosen to do, hopefully for some of you, we can conclude (reliably) that chiropractors do add value (for the right medical conditions).

Now... returning to tinnitus: most of you should be well aware that there is a campaign taking place pertaining to tinnitus research and winning a sponsored conference:


The thread called "Put a Spotlight on Tinnitus Research" now has more than 5000 views. Yet, to date, I remain the only person who has posted in that thread (and I am even someone who has largely left this community). Right now, you guys are so busy discussing absolutely meaningless (not to mention impact-less) information on chiropractors. If I were you, I would probably invest some of that energy into making a difference for the campaign, because, in two months time, that research topic will be over and the train will have departed the station without you. So make it count while you can. "Just a thought" as they say...

Lastly, for some of you, I don't know what I should pity you most for: your tinnitus or your basic human ignorance.


  • A Randomized Clinical Trial_Chiropractic Adjustments vs Muscle Relaxants (2004).pdf
    257.4 KB · Views: 21

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