Usually So Strong but I Feel So Weak Right Now


Oct 19, 2017
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
Noise exposure
So my tinnitus started almost a year ago, it's gotten to the point where I wouldn't classify myself as having it anymore. But recently due to stress with my girlfriend I've been feeling incredibly anxious, this has inevitably caused me to be anxious about my tinnitus. I keep hearing or think I can her new tones that aren't there, I keep thinking about tinnitus 24/7. I think there's a new tone I can hear over everything when there's not.

I don't know how to get out of this loop, I'm spending a lot of time with my gf and maybe the solution is to take some time to myself and destress, I just don't want it to effect our relationship, she does know about it and is very supportive but I don't want to be a burden.

My tinnitus was so quiet and I was so at peace with it, I had fun, it wasn't effecting my day to day life and now this, maybe because it's almost a year to the day (09/10/17) that I got tinnitus so old emotions are stirring but I just don't want to worry as I know that could make my tinnitus worse. Any advice?

I'm just bewildered as I was totally habituated and fine with my ears, maybe that's because I was at home over summer and now I'm alone at uni but then I was alone a lot of last year, I'm nearly 100% sure it's stress related but I can't destress.

Many thanks.
A usually strong Adam
So my tinnitus started almost a year ago, it's gotten to the point where I wouldn't classify myself as having it anymore. But recently due to stress with my girlfriend I've been feeling incredibly anxious, this has inevitably caused me to be anxious about my tinnitus. I keep hearing or think I can her new tones that aren't there, I keep thinking about tinnitus 24/7. I think there's a new tone I can hear over everything when there's not.

I don't know how to get out of this loop, I'm spending a lot of time with my gf and maybe the solution is to take some time to myself and destress, I just don't want it to effect our relationship, she does know about it and is very supportive but I don't want to be a burden.

My tinnitus was so quiet and I was so at peace with it, I had fun, it wasn't effecting my day to day life and now this, maybe because it's almost a year to the day (09/10/17) that I got tinnitus so old emotions are stirring but I just don't want to worry as I know that could make my tinnitus worse. Any advice?

I'm just bewildered as I was totally habituated and fine with my ears, maybe that's because I was at home over summer and now I'm alone at uni but then I was alone a lot of last year, I'm nearly 100% sure it's stress related but I can't destress.

Many thanks.
A usually strong Adam

Do you like vodka?
I feel the same way, I hear new noises that aren't there. I suggest you talk to your girlfriend, have her help you out with distressing, you two can go hiking, meditate, therapy, have her help you distract your mind, etc. You're not a burden, if she truly loves you, I am sure she will be more than happy to help you out. But if you think you need a break instead, maybe talk to her about not bringing up problems and just be positive with one another until you are back to your habituated self. I hope you get better and I am sure she would love to help you get better, it's all about communication. Cheers and good luck :)
Hi Adam,
My advice is to get a lot of exercise and take care of yourself. Exercise is the best medicine for depression and anxiety in my humble opinion. Stress & anxiety really effects my T. I can be having a perfectly fine day, which I call "near quiet" where I don't really notice it. Then on the turn of a dime, something stresses me out, (or pisses me off which is what happened last night) and it's back. The end of an 8 day "near quiet" period. I think it's also important to keep in mind that you are clearly one of the lucky ones, I count myself in this group too. There's a lot that aren't. It hasn't taken over your life, although we all feel that way from time to time. Your brain eavesdrops on your self talk whether you realize it or not, so take it easy with the doom and gloom stuff you keep telling yourself.
Hi @Adamwynn
I understand what you are going through as I am currently going through a similar situation after a terrible trip to an ENT.
My partner has been incredibly supportive but sometimes you feel like there's only so much they can take!
As previously posted, communication is the best thing and I'm sure she can see just how much your tinnitus is affecting you. She will be worried about you too.
Also as recommended, some meditation may help you de-stress. The 'headspace' app has a free trial and it only takes 5 minutes out of your day.

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