Hey folks, I was exposed to a loud noise just over 2 years ago. I had the regular problems after ear pressure, pain, sound sensitivity, & tinnitus. Had my hearing tested and had no abnormal hearing loss. I somewhat got over the fact I may have tinnitus the rest of my life and tried to continue living my life. Got custom ear plugs and tried to protect my hearing at work and if ever at a loud event. Had a bit of dizziness about a year ago but went away after about a month...
Ok I wasn't exposed to any particular loud noise without ear plugs but had a bit of a stressful period around Christmas. After that I started noticing I would get dizzy if moving my head around and my ear had kind of a different pain. For about the last 2 weeks I have basically been in a haze getting dizzy and my eyes feel weird (sore, trouble focusing, & trouble tracking things with my eyes) and headaches. Went to an ENT and everything looks ok as far as he could see but I am having some more tests done.
Wondering if anyone has experienced this? I have googled everything (bad idea) and know I may have some inner ear damage but I would just like to talk to someone who has experienced this. Please feel free to comment or private message me. Thanks a lot.
Ok I wasn't exposed to any particular loud noise without ear plugs but had a bit of a stressful period around Christmas. After that I started noticing I would get dizzy if moving my head around and my ear had kind of a different pain. For about the last 2 weeks I have basically been in a haze getting dizzy and my eyes feel weird (sore, trouble focusing, & trouble tracking things with my eyes) and headaches. Went to an ENT and everything looks ok as far as he could see but I am having some more tests done.
Wondering if anyone has experienced this? I have googled everything (bad idea) and know I may have some inner ear damage but I would just like to talk to someone who has experienced this. Please feel free to comment or private message me. Thanks a lot.