Is anyone else experiencing "visual snow" in addition of tinnitus? Tinnitus is one of the related symptoms.
I've been experiencing visual snow as long as I can remember but now I feel it's getting worse. This may be due to the fact that I've been really stressed since tinnitus onset (last 9 months). Additionally I'm feeling like my eye floater count is going up slowly. I have also suffered from migraines occasionally in my youth. These are considered as visual snow related symptoms.
I'm just thinking that could this all be related to each other more or less. After all tinnitus is a neurological condition half of the time.
Is anyone else experiencing "visual snow" in addition of tinnitus? Tinnitus is one of the related symptoms.
I've been experiencing visual snow as long as I can remember but now I feel it's getting worse. This may be due to the fact that I've been really stressed since tinnitus onset (last 9 months). Additionally I'm feeling like my eye floater count is going up slowly. I have also suffered from migraines occasionally in my youth. These are considered as visual snow related symptoms.
Quote from Wikipedia: In May 2014 the results from the first major research trial into visual snow were reported.[2] The study described strong evidence from positron emission tomography scans (PET) that the disease is caused by hypermetabolism in the right lingual gyrus and left cerebellar anterior lobe of the brain.
I'm just thinking that could this all be related to each other more or less. After all tinnitus is a neurological condition half of the time.