Vitamin Supplement (Nicotinamide Riboside) Successfully Prevents Noise-Induced Hearing Loss

This was a post I made (as a guest) in this thread around 2 years ago, @juliob, that (somewhat) covers what you're raising.
Thank you! It seems that undermethylation and the TMG usage wasn't a stressed topic. I guess @ZFire in other thread told me that as he uses an AD, undermethylation isn't a issue and I saw this argument elsewhere also I guess. I don't know anything about neurochemistry so I better schedule an appointment with a good functional doctor, but I know that I felt fine today using 200 mg of Niagen.
I have been a reader of this forum for a while now, and now decided to post on this subject.
Since +/- 10 days I have been a daily supplement that includes 500mg NMN.
I plan to take it for 2 months and report my findings here.

I am a 42 year old male. I have developed tinitus I around 6-7 years ago, at a very low level. I have no clear indication why, but probably due to hearing damage (i have visited many concerts when I was younger). About 5 years ago I suffered from acute hyperacusis due to an ear infection, which resulted in heavily distorted hearing at my right ear. (and also slight Meniere's disease) An audiogram at the doctor showed hearing damage in my right ear around the 1k Hz range. Whether or not this damage was pre-existing was impossible to tell. The doctors sent me home and said nothing else he could do.
Luckily the hyperacusis has gone away in the +/- 6 months after that episode, but it was replaced with increased tinnitus.
The last two years have been quite stressfull for me after the passing of a loved one, and I have noticed my tinnitus has increased over these years. In these years I have been drinking moderately but daily (2 units a day, sometimes more) and I have noticed I am clenching my jaws regularly (due to the stress).
I currently (subjectively) class my tinnitus as a 6. It is a high pitched tone.
As an example, I need to increase the volume of my TV to be able follow what is being said on the news over my tinnitus pitch.

Starting this January I decided "enough is enough" and I stopped drinking altogether. I also started to look for a good supplement that could increase my general health. This supplement I started taking about 10 days ago. I take it daily during my lunch, as I felt slighly nauseous taking it before breakfast.
It was only recently that I noticed this thread, and the possible positive effects of NMN on hearing/tinnitus.

So I decided to report on my findings on the effects in this thread.
I will report today. At the 30 days mark, 45 days mark and the 60 days mark.
Unfortunately I don't have a 0 day audiogram, as I only thought about doing all of on this forum yesterday.

In addition I am going to check my hearing through a free tool online and post the audiograms here. I will use the exact same setup and settings each time I test. I would like to make a clear note that the results in the screencap seem to be a couple Db worse across the whole hearing range (due to lack of calibration) than the test I have done with the doctor 5 years ago.
However, the test is intended to track changes over this period. And if there are any changes, the test will reflect that. Hopefully the results will be helpful to others.

Supplement details:
Nicotinamide Mononucleotide - 500mg
Quercetin - 500mg
Trans-Resveratrol - 400mg
Astragalus - 200mg
L-Theanine - 200mg
Curcumin - 200mg
Collagen - 100mg
Crocin - 100mg
Epogallocatechin Gallate - 100mg
Fisetin - 100mg

After 10 days of taking the supplement:
Noticed Effects on Tinnitus: Subjective slight decrease of volume, and a slight increase in pitch/tone.
Side effects: Slightly greasier skin, very slight dizzyness the first couple of days, muscles feel sometimes a bit tense.

As you can see, there is hearing damage especially in the right ear around the 1k Hz.
Test 28th Jan.JPG
Can anyone report back with severe tinnitus how Nicotinamide Riboside affected you?

I'm worried about taking it as so many supplements can make tinnitus worse. This seems promising.
Can anyone report back with severe tinnitus how Nicotinamide Riboside affected you?

I'm worried about taking it as so many supplements can make tinnitus worse. This seems promising.
I took it for about 6 months. It had no effect on tinnitus whatsoever.
Can anyone report back with severe tinnitus how Nicotinamide Riboside affected you?

I'm worried about taking it as so many supplements can make tinnitus worse. This seems promising.
While there's always the possibility a supplement may help, it's unlikely. And you should always be careful taking supplements to begin with. While they may be helping ABC, they can be harming XYZ at the same time. They can certainly damage liver and kidney function too.

Take antioxidant boosters for example. Your body is all about homeostasis. If you flood it with antioxidants, it freaks out and thinks it's producing too much, so it stops. Then your antioxidant count plummets and takes about a full week to return to normal - barring you taking more antioxidants. In the same way that juice/smoothies sound really healthy - and they are tasty after all - they're really nutritionally deficient. You only actually get about 1%-2% of the nutritional benefit compared to if you had simply eaten the fruit/veggie whole. You're far better off just eating a (mostly) vegetarian diet and exercising regularly than you ever will taking supplements. Any doctor worth their salt will tell you that all most vitamins and supplements will do is make your pee more expensive. Barring some sort of genetic abnormality obviously.
Any doctor worth their salt will tell you that all most vitamins and supplements will do is make your pee more expensive.
Most doctors know next to nothing about nutrition, and the therapeutic value of targeted supplementation. Just one example: They pay virtually no attention to Vitamin D levels, even though suboptimal Vitamin D levels is one of the most reliable indicators of how severe a COVID-19 infection will be. There are numerous other examples of life-transforming and life-saving nutrients that could be mentioned.

Not necessarily trying to blame these doctors for their lack of knowledge, as they simply weren't taught anything about the critical importance of nutrition when going to medical school. And the medical schools don't teach it because they have no financial incentive to do so. We're left to our own devices to figure how to address nutritional deficiencies. Many people who've done so have saved their own lives from many different health conditions, including cancer.
Ok my bottle arrived earlier than expected this morning. I took 2 pills (300mg total) as I read in the evening it can affect sleep. I also took transresveratrol 125mg. Now my ears are screaming even more than usual and headphones masking doesn't work. Usually my right ear is much quieter but now it has gone up almost to the same level as the left one. Two questions for people in the know

1. How long after ingestion should NR show an effect?

2. Anyone whose tinnitus benefited from this has noticed a worsening before improvements?

Dry fasting helps my tinnitus but I do it mostly to help with hearing loss for which it helped once during a temporary threshold shift but no luck recently. I've read the Russian 20 Questions & Answers About Dry Fasting book and I follow Phoenix Protocol on YouTube. I have very loud tinnitus in both ears and moderate hearing loss in left, minor hearing loss in right ears.

I hope you feel better.
Dry fasting helps my tinnitus but I do it mostly to help with hearing loss for which it helped once during a temporary threshold shift but no luck recently. I've read the Russian 20 Questions & Answers About Dry Fasting book and I follow Phoenix Protocol on YouTube. I have very loud tinnitus in both ears and moderate hearing loss in left, minor hearing loss in right ears.

I hope you feel better.
Are you saying you didn't even drink water during the fast?
I take Thorne Research Nicotinamide Riboside.

It was just the first NR supplement I found so I chose it. I have been using it for only 5 days and no change yet. I think the Cancer Research regarding NR is not applicable to humans and just preliminary. I also read extensively that Resveratrol is not a helpful longevity supplement and that Sinclair overstates most things in his research to sell books and biology startups.

I think Dry Fasting is the most likely thing to improve everyone's tinnitus - perhaps hearing loss less so - as 5 periods of 3 days dry fasting have not improved my hearing. I need to dry fast for much longer to get a better stem cell boost and do it repeatedly to see if that improves hearing.

There is a by Upton Sinclair about water fasting here.

In it there is at least one testimonial of a man who got significant hearing improvement from fasting for a long period which in the books is typically water fasts of 7+ days. Maybe an average of 10 days. Fasting is the cornerstone of the Liam Stops Tinnitus strategy. Probably over stated in efficacy but I think his health advice without a doubt helps many to reduce their tinnitus intrusion and volume.

I am taking Thorne's other Nicotinamide Riboside (NR) product that also contains Resveratrol and Quercetin. It's called Resveracel, and 1 dose is 2 capsules containing a total of 415 mg of NR. I am also taking 3 g of Taurine daily. Recent studies of both NR and Taurine on tinnitus have been positive, so I am giving it a try, although I have only been on them a few weeks. And I have added Folate. I am learning to cope, and to be patient. However, I'm also keeping a daily log of tinnitus severity, and the volume does seem to be coming down, gradually. Hope springs eternal.

Note: my tinnitus began just 2 months ago due to ototoxicity of Omeprazole (PPIs are bad stuff!) and possibly also Sonata, which I was taking for insomnia. I weaned from both in late September, am now leery of all drugs, and have cured the insomnia at the health food store with with GABA (Pharma-GABA, the natural product), L-theanine, and Magnesium L-Threonate. I also take a tiny 0.5 mg of Melatonin, but will probably discontinue that. In two months I have gone from 3-4 hours of sleep to 4-5 and then 5-6 and now 6-7, occasionally 8. Does sleep help with tinnitus? Of course it does. Does the GABA help? Probably. But, neither is the whole story.

My ENT wants me to try sound therapy later this month, and I will gladly do whatever he says (he cured himself of tinnitus). But, I am doing all I can with my supplements (and diet) to nourish the brain and the ears, taking a multi-solution approach.
Does sleep help with tinnitus?
No, it doesn't affect my tinnitus, nor does anxiety or supplements like Taurine, GABA, L-Theanine, Melatonin, and various others I have tried, nor have they helped with sleep. I took Omeprazole for a week with no effect on tinnitus. I still take a Z drug (Zolpidem) for insomnia, which doesn't affect my tinnitus but helps with sleep.

People have different experiences.
I am taking Nicotinamide Riboside via Thorne's product called Resveracel, which contains 415 mg Nicotinamide Riboside, 300 mg Resveratrol, 150 mg Quercetin, and also Betaine. I started in mid-November and doubled the dose in early December. No ill effects. No tinnitus cessation, either, but I have been on it for such a short time. I keep in mind that both Nicotinamide Riboside and Resveratrol are "cell-regenerative."

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