Vote for University of Michigan (Susan Shore) Tinnitus Research — Winner Gets a Write-Up

30 minute update:

Michigan: 147 votes
Baylor : 121 votes
Surplus : 26 votes

We've got to keep up the momentum here, they clearly have some dedicated voters. No room to back down!
So close!

I did this now, a quick 15-second GIF animation to show how to vote, it's maybe a bit quicker than watching a video. I will re-create this for the final round, assuming we get there.

Last 30 minute interval update for a couple of hours.

Michigan: 222 votes
Baylor: 171 votes
Surplus: 51

We have a narrow margin and Baylor is upping their game. Let's keep it going full steam. I'll be back soon!
30 Minute update

Michigan 214 votes
Baylor 54 votes

Surplus 160

It looks like they just aren't pushing out the votes anymore and we are. Great job everyone!! We survived their advance.
Who's up with me!?
Did you guys leave me alone holding the fort?????? :eek::confused::arghh::ROFL:

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