At the beginning, I was in a frame of mind that makes people vulnerable to this type of thing. And yes, I bought 2 different products. One from a local drugstore and one online. I spent $28 in total. The one I got online I haven't used yet. The other one, well I figured that since I already spent the money, I might as well use it. No change so far. They're pills you dissolve under your tongue 3x per day. There are 70 pills in a bottle, which would last 23 days. And of course, they say that you need to keep it up for 30-45 days at least, which means you would need at the very least 2-3 $14 bottles. Of course I should have known better. But I would have urinated on an electric fence at that point if I would have thought it would have helped. That's what these scam artists count on. If I would have done any research I would have known that 6X means that an "active ingredient" has been diluted to 1/1,000,000th of it's original potency. After I'd bought it I googled it and saw it advertised on 2 unrelated websites. Some of the "reviews" were identical, word-for-word. That's the last money I spend on this kind of crap.