my name is Martin. 42 years old from the Kingdom of Denmark. I have had tinnitus since 2011 and after a good year of troublesome thoughts, anxieties etc I totally habituated to the point of tinnitus being NO concern. Fast forward three years. Two episodes of noise exposure has left me with a significant increase in tinnitus. First time in the spring time this year. It took me a good three to four months to become "not bothered" by it. Two weeks ago, in the cinema watching an incredible loud Interstellar, without plugs. Noticed a new increase in tinnitus. I must say, that I have always been able to hear my tinnitus, even i four lane traffic. But now it feels like it has reached, some days, rather intolerable levels. It has definitely spiked BIG TIME. I am back in my pre-habituation anxiety, checking, being afraid of the sound etc. After the noise exposure in the spring time, I sort of got myself into thinking that habituation of reaction was an ambitious goal enough for me. The tinnitus is simply too loud to ignore. Lost this habituation of reaction (again) after Interstellar. Has anyone got any experience of living, like me, a little irresponsible, and not taking care of their hearing in loud environments (if a cinema can be considered as such) and how has their tinnitus reacted to this long term. I do consider myself fairly responsible. But living also includes doing things like visiting the cinema or going to a busy bar. The world is noisy and it is perhaps impossible, not at some point, to expose yourself to loud environments, perhaps unwillingly (sirens of ambulances, fire crackers going of etc...)
I realise that a lot of people would point the blame finger and say that it was foolish of me going to a cinema without plugs. I know this. What I am interested in is people's experience of having their T increased due to noise exposure - and if they managed to habituate again (I guess there must be several thousands of people having experienced this who are not on forums), but I am asking you, the real experts
my name is Martin. 42 years old from the Kingdom of Denmark. I have had tinnitus since 2011 and after a good year of troublesome thoughts, anxieties etc I totally habituated to the point of tinnitus being NO concern. Fast forward three years. Two episodes of noise exposure has left me with a significant increase in tinnitus. First time in the spring time this year. It took me a good three to four months to become "not bothered" by it. Two weeks ago, in the cinema watching an incredible loud Interstellar, without plugs. Noticed a new increase in tinnitus. I must say, that I have always been able to hear my tinnitus, even i four lane traffic. But now it feels like it has reached, some days, rather intolerable levels. It has definitely spiked BIG TIME. I am back in my pre-habituation anxiety, checking, being afraid of the sound etc. After the noise exposure in the spring time, I sort of got myself into thinking that habituation of reaction was an ambitious goal enough for me. The tinnitus is simply too loud to ignore. Lost this habituation of reaction (again) after Interstellar. Has anyone got any experience of living, like me, a little irresponsible, and not taking care of their hearing in loud environments (if a cinema can be considered as such) and how has their tinnitus reacted to this long term. I do consider myself fairly responsible. But living also includes doing things like visiting the cinema or going to a busy bar. The world is noisy and it is perhaps impossible, not at some point, to expose yourself to loud environments, perhaps unwillingly (sirens of ambulances, fire crackers going of etc...)
I realise that a lot of people would point the blame finger and say that it was foolish of me going to a cinema without plugs. I know this. What I am interested in is people's experience of having their T increased due to noise exposure - and if they managed to habituate again (I guess there must be several thousands of people having experienced this who are not on forums), but I am asking you, the real experts