Ways of Reducing Tinnitus Volume?


Dec 9, 2014
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
Noise exposure
Any of you guys found ways of actually reducing the Tinnitus volume? Lowering stress levels may be the only way i have found that can reduce it but this is not instant. Does anyone have non-medication ways to get instant reduction in volume / noise levels? Please share. I know one person who bathed in Epsom salts and gets a reduction in volume.
Have you tried using hearing aids? They seem to help a lot of people and I've seen studies where hearing aids have brought down the volume of tinnitus in more than 50 percent of people.
Acrn / ostheopathy / meditation ( if t distracts you you can use white noise in the background ).

No stress and physical activity is also benefical.

Xanax and piracetam seem to have an effect on me too but i avoid it.

That sur Whats work for me
I had to take a short course of prednisolone for a skin allergy. My tinnitus was so low it was bliss.
So I figure I must have some inflammatory process going on in my body.
Going to start the ketogenic diet and take some natural anti-inflammatory was and see what happens.
I find one way to keep volume just a little less is to sleep on my back, but I find that difficult. I'm a side sleeper and my T will change ears.

After a nap, I can get lots of modulation in the mastoid area behind the ears and I can also modulate my masticatory and masseter muscles which is probably related to the trigeminal nerve. I had research this and find those with bilateral T can often modulate these areas after waking up. Research also mentions the cause is neck vertebrates causing strain to not only the mastoid area, but the dorsal cochlear nucleus. So I wonder if these patterns are pushing neuroplasticity.

In my radiological report it states in findings that my trapezius muscle in my neck received temporary trauma causing my c spine to curve more - loss of normal lordosis. This is what caused my somatic T. A PT person said to sleep on back and after getting up to perform slight side to side movements of head. He said this will aide the c spine in taking pressure off all muscles and nerves in the neck and jawbone. So I tried this on 20 different occasions and twice my T dropped from screaming to almost nothing. Once it lasted for two hours until vertebrates - disc cracked in my neck with a sound that I could hear.
I reduce my perception of my tinnitus through distraction.

I think stems might have helped my reactive component of my t, which in turn seems to have reduced my h. They have helped my spikes as i seem to be having less of them, and are much less intense.
I reduce my perception of my tinnitus through distraction.

I think stems might have helped my reactive component of my t, which in turn seems to have reduced my h. They have helped my spikes as i seem to be having less of them, and are much less intense.

How did they treat you with stems exactly?
I find one way to keep volume just a little less is to sleep on my back, but I find that difficult. I'm a side sleeper and my T will change ears.

After a nap, I can get lots of modulation in the mastoid area behind the ears and I can also modulate my masticatory and masseter muscles which is probably related to the trigeminal nerve. I had research this and find those with bilateral T can often modulate these areas after waking up. Research also mentions the cause is neck vertebrates causing strain to not only the mastoid area, but the dorsal cochlear nucleus. So I wonder if these patterns are pushing neuroplasticity.

In my radiological report it states in findings that my trapezius muscle in my neck received temporary trauma causing my c spine to curve more - loss of normal lordosis. This is what caused my somatic T. A PT person said to sleep on back and after getting up to perform slight side to side movements of head. He said this will aide the c spine in taking pressure off all muscles and nerves in the neck and jawbone. So I tried this on 20 different occasions and twice my T dropped from screaming to almost nothing. Once it lasted for two hours until vertebrates - disc cracked in my neck with a sound that I could hear.

While mine is mainly PT in nature I suspect my C-spine could definitely be a factor as there are issues with it. I'll know more when I see my neuro at the end of this month. Have you even considered surgery, Greg? You might find this really interesting. I'll certainly be discussing it with her. These results in this paper are nothing short of amazing.


Fortunately for me I've seen a big downshift in my PT in the last 2 weeks. While I still have some days that are a trial I'm definitely having more and longer better days on the whole. So I'm hoping that whatever neuromuscular damage I sustained from what started this whole ball rolling is finally starting to heal. However, the somatic components are still the same - worse when I'm sitting for extended periods and goes fully pulsatile when I lay down. Like you, I'm a side sleeper and again like you I get the same sort of effects depending on which side I'm laying on - left side generally it's that side only, right side and it tends to go bilateral but the pinging is still squarely on the left. I still think it may be microvascular compression syndrome however as a most of my symptoms fit neatly into the particular condition more so than Soma PT. I always appreciate your weighing in on topics, it's very edifying, thanks!
I had to take a short course of prednisolone for a skin allergy. My tinnitus was so low it was bliss.
So I figure I must have some inflammatory process going on in my body.
Going to start the ketogenic diet and take some natural anti-inflammatory was and see what happens.
Hey Samantha, how are things going? I was curious how the ketogenic diet went for you. I was thinking about trying it for a brief period. Maybe a week or so to see if there would be any health benefits. Kind of concerned though about it affecting my mood.
Any of you guys found ways of actually reducing the Tinnitus volume? Lowering stress levels may be the only way i have found that can reduce it but this is not instant. Does anyone have non-medication ways to get instant reduction in volume / noise levels? Please share. I know one person who bathed in Epsom salts and gets a reduction in volume.

Sometimes taking a lithium orotate tablet would lower the loud tonal sound I can get. Xanax and klonopin used to lower it. I haven't tried Xanax in a long time but I got used to the klonopin and it stopped working after using it everyday for months and months. After trying to come off klonopin I got terrible withdrawals and a new static type tinnitus! A drug called Lamictal could help with reduce the static tinnitus and it eventually went away after I had been off klonopin for a while. Meclizine sometimes can lower it the next day if I take it a few hours before bedtime. If I take it right at bedtime it can screw my tinnitus up the next day. Also, it seems if I keep taking it multiple days in a row it can cause my tinnitus to get worse!
Hey Samantha, how are things going? I was curious how the ketogenic diet went for you. I was thinking about trying it for a brief period. Maybe a week or so to see if there would be any health benefits. Kind of concerned though about it affecting my mood.

Hi Jason,
Nice to hear from you, as always.
I haven't tried the ketogenic diet (strictly), though have cut a fair bit of sugar and carbs out of my diet, more to lose weight than anything.
I found that curcumin has been amazing for my tinnitus, so I'm convinced that there is inflammation as the cause of at least part of my tinnitus. I suspect hormones as another culprit.
I'm continuing to take the curcumin, and it's basically changed my life. I feel almost back to my old self. It's bliss.
When my tinnitus does get louder around the time of my period, I would say I've definitely habituated because I just don't give a hoot about it. Best. Feeling. Ever.

How are you these days?

Hi Jason,
Nice to hear from you, as always.
I haven't tried the ketogenic diet (strictly), though have cut a fair bit of sugar and carbs out of my diet, more to lose weight than anything.
I found that curcumin has been amazing for my tinnitus, so I'm convinced that there is inflammation as the cause of at least part of my tinnitus. I suspect hormones as another culprit.
I'm continuing to take the curcumin, and it's basically changed my life. I feel almost back to my old self. It's bliss.
When my tinnitus does get louder around the time of my period, I would say I've definitely habituated because I just don't give a hoot about it. Best. Feeling. Ever.

How are you these days?

Wow, that is wonderful!! I've have good and bad days lately. I'm doing way much better at handling my tinnitus but I have had other weird issues I have been dealing with. I've been off prescription drugs for almost 4 months now and been using small amounts of natural supplements. Unfortunately, I have got some weird problems off and on such as sometimes feeling like I am not getting enough air, lightheadedness, faster pulse than usual, weird feeling in head, etc.) which I am not sure the cause. Maybe its due to benzo withdrawal or a combination between that and the supplements or maybe something else. Anyways, in the past 4 months I have had more good days than bad which good. Anyways, I am so happy for you that you found something that helps your tinnitus!!! :) :) :)
Wow, that is wonderful!! I've have good and bad days lately. I'm doing way much better at handling my tinnitus but I have had other weird issues I have been dealing with. I've been off prescription drugs for almost 4 months now and been using small amounts of natural supplements. Unfortunately, I have got some weird problems off and on such as sometimes feeling like I am not getting enough air, lightheadedness, faster pulse than usual, weird feeling in head, etc.) which I am not sure the cause. Maybe its due to benzo withdrawal or a combination between that and the supplements or maybe something else. Anyways, in the past 4 months I have had more good days than bad which good. Anyways, I am so happy for you that you found something that helps your tinnitus!!! :) :) :)

Hi Jason,
Congrats on your medication withdrawal. I'm so glad you are having more good days than bad days.
Those problems do sound a little worrisome, but could be withdrawal symptoms I guess.
If you still have these in a few months, maybe consult a doctor.
Yes, it's amazing that I found something that helps. Not all the time as my hormones seem to ramp it up for a week or so every month, but I'm able to deal with that as I know it's temporary.
I've also definitely habituated, but I do know the curcumin has reduced the volume, without a doubt.
Still would like to be rid of it completely, but I'm happy with this for the mean time.
Stay well, good to hear from you.

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