Think it's good to make us aware of what's good and bad things to try.I make a note of what people have tried,if it's ended up giving them more troubles by trying various things.Karen says one Blood pressure tablet set hers off worse,I'm on Blood pressure tablet,so that's been a red flag for me,made me aware of these tabs,so I hope this info keeps coming,to anything that's been tried ,good or bad outcome.Sometimes you do get hesitant do I try this or that I do,but it's helpful to us with T to have feedback on what's been of help.
One chap I know told me he gets his ears syringed twice a year for past 3 years,asked if it helped he shrugged his shoulders and said he wasn't sure,he said his T is always loud,maybe less syringing needed for him.?my ears are full most of the time,but listening to him think that's one avenue I'll for go personally.