@Mark Griffin
How are you guys doing these days?? Is the hum still there or did you find something to relief it? Hope you are well.
So when I wake up I hear silence with a low ringing in the background (much lower than i`m used to) ... than I get up and move around and start noticing suddenly quit a loud humming in the background. Like buzzing in the head. I thought it was because of the plane noise that was still echoing in my head (though I wear earplugs during 12 hour flight) ... this humming was really strong last night accompanied with low ringing, almost faint. Usually I hear my ringing even over massive Bangkok traffic noise. But than just now the fridge started to hum and suddenly I notice the humming in the head is gone and the ringing is more pronounced ... The humming subsizes when there is noise or when I talk to my parents, the ringing never goes though it changes in volume.
@Mark Griffin
I have this exact humming phenomena. More at night then the day, sometimes i can get of the sofa and all of a sudden i can hear and feel this vibration and hum, my ears always feel a little full when this happens. Stranger still is that if i put some plugs in my ears or cup my hands over them, the humming goes. It baffles me
How are you guys doing these days?? Is the hum still there or did you find something to relief it? Hope you are well.