Where is God in all this? same question I asked my self when Tinnitus almost made me take my life. Not only did I have unbearable tinnitus, I also had the biblical issue of blood. I was convinced God had forsaken me. When I complained in my heart, God told me to be still and know that he is God. It took a while, but God set me free. I learnt a lot of lessons through my journey in the darkest pit of life but here I am today. We may never fully grasp the reason why God lets us pass through difficult times, but when we understand that he is there with us in our suffering it makes our journey better. Ask God for strength and believe that one day you will be set free.
God is there in your suffering???? Does he also has T ??? If yes does he mask... or does he give you T but never dealt with it himself?
And what about Mohammad did he look out over us too? And what about Buddha etc etc
I get confused which one to pray to ...so many gods who want me to be there minion.
I feel like a Lemming where god is the player and sends all his lemmings to do a job and we fail 9 of the 10 times and when we succeed we go to another level and he send his endless resource of lemmings to their doom.
And these stupid Lemmings keep doing what he tells them to do. He is laughing his butt of how stupid these Lemmings are.
One Lemming has a hammer...another one can fight and one Lemming has T but oh boy what fun we have sending these lemmings tasks to follow. Loose a lemming here kill a lemming there.....it does not matter ...there are enough Lemmings to play with.
"When I complained in my heart, God told me to be still and know that he is God."
When I complained to my father ...my father said to be still and know he is my father.
I told my father that he must not change the subject when I am complaining.... what does that mean... be still and know I am your father... I am in pain and you come with riddles. So my father got angry and threw me out of the house and set me free ...just like you God.
I also learnt some lessons in my darkest pit of my life (while I have to take care of a family also) ... If God exists ...God is a selfish prick who is all knowing and all powerful but still needs us Lemmings to adore him or we burn in hell for ever and ever........ but he loves you !!! If that is not selfish ...what is.... If he is so powerfull....stop the hurricanes that destroy everything in their paths at the moment. Come on.... Mr Powerful stop that....stop bone cancer on kids...what kinds of shitty thing is that. If I am all powerful I would not give kids bone cancer. I would get rid of cancer all together and let people live in harmony and make sure everybody has enough to eat.
If he is all powerful please post something here on this forum and tell us why we need to suffer from T. But God speaks in riddles and we never fully understand him ....so he is a politician ..talk a lot but never actually do something.
If i look around what happens to this earth I think we all already are in hell but we do not want to see it.
If life is just a time period you should enjoy and at the end of the day God tells me I did good or bad....than it was better to swallow.... God does not interfere he is just a judge at the end of the day.... Good you put some text in stone which any reasonable s.o.b. should know from their heart.
1 ) You shall have no other gods before Me. ... <- Well you made me so I would not know
2) You shall not make idols. <- Well you made Michael Jackson and popstars so to much idols for me I am sorry
3) You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain. <- Why not...do you have a temper or something...not liking a joke or 2?
4) Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. <- the what??? Oh wait the seventh day....but how about the time before jezus christ.... which calendar did we use than?
5) Honor your father and your mother. <- nope...got abused in my childhood and I do not see my parents anymore
6) You shall not murder. <- Wow....never thought of that...good one.... But eeeeh who does all the killing in the world and what about the crusades to make whole tribes turn to Christianity .....is that not... ???
7) You shall not commit adultery. <- Wellllllllllll nuff said this happens a lot so people do not know number 7 very well... but you made people so it is your own screw up. If I program an application and it has errors I cannot blame the application only myself who programmed it in the first place
8) You shall not steal. <- Really??? Good one again never thought of this I thought stealing was normal ... but still people steal and we all know it is not right even not knowing the 10 rules of life
9) You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.<- Well people lie ....it is in our nature...we are the only organism on earth who can lie and we all do it. Small lie, big lie... we lie everyday. But than again God made us so it is his screw up we can lie. Cats and dogs are not able to lie so why gave us the ability to do it. Oh wait you m8 us in your own image....so you lie too?
10) You shall not covet. <- Yeah right in this day and age everybody wants what they see on television etc etc If we should not covet...than stop putting commercials on TV so you program people to buy something they do not need. We envy because we can.... that is what makes us human and again... if it is a flaw than you should have programmed us better
Just me rattling so do not feel offended....it just kept my mind from T a bit ... I am not angry and bitter or what ever. T just sucks and I did not wish it on anybody so if I was God I would help everybody ....all you believers and non believers ... I would not care. I just would help everybody. Black, White , Yellow , Purple. Moslim, Christian, Jew.... I would not care in the end we are all people.