My T started in Nov 2014. I'm a 44 yr old male. I already had some bad anxiety issues from the year before (my father passed away, etc.). I was taking Klonopin and Buspar, but was at work one day using headphones for an online training - and as I turned the program on, the volume was really loud for a few seconds before turning them down. But my T started right there and the headphones even at normal volume levels made the sound "weird" to my ears.
I do have some hearing loss though probably from years back (loud music).
My T has remained the same, but I go through louder weeks at times and lately. I'm on 4-5mg of Valium (each night) and slowing weaning off it as to see if it's a cause or helping. I don't think I really need it anymore anyway as my anxiety is better. However, since I have been coming down on it my T has been louder but maybe it's just a coincidence or my brain has to re-adjust.
I cannot say anything that helps my T. I have lived a healthy lifestyle staying fit, working out, eat well, etc.
The typical pattern for my T is 2 days of very loud buzzing, then two days of low ringing...kind of a cycle...although lately more loud buzzing.
I may explore TRT one day or even considering a hearing aid as even that might help me I suppose. My T doesn't cause my stress or anxiety, but at times depresses me especially lately although I try to stay positive and keep busy enough to get my mind off it. Sometimes I dread the loud buzzing days as I feel like it puts a damper on my day when it could be a good day otherwise if you know what I mean. I try to not let it do that, but it gets hard at times.
I try to keep things in perspective too. Last year, I found out I had a cancerous tumor on my kidney, but it did not spread and I had it removed being able to keep 80% of the kidney. All of the tumor was verified to be removed, so I am very lucky.