- Oct 24, 2017
- 21
- 25
- Tinnitus Since
- 09/15/2017
- Cause of Tinnitus
- High Frequency Hearing Loss
Tinnitus came at a very social, loud time for me. Cheerleader, dancer, and an active teen in high school. And I won't lie, it was super depressing at first. I thought i'd never be able to enjoy normal things again. But i've learned I can still have fun and be safe at the same time. Once I got over the constant anxiety that I was going to ruin my ear more or have a spike, I started to get my life back. Of course, i'm not reckless by any means. I wear earplugs at all social events, and take breaks from extremely loud things like parties, dances, and loud radio. Which sucks. Won't lie. Music is my muse. But although i've lost a lot with tinnitus and I wouldn't wish it on anyone, I have gained some things.How much of your life have you guys given up because of your tinnitus? I'm still pretty young, soon to be 25, and have spent my life studying (and still am) and therefore it feels a bit like my life didn't even got to actually start before this happened. I know I sound really ungrateful, considering that things could be so much worse, but the thing is that I see a lot of problems with the future that I had in mind. I actually see a lot of problems with my current way of life as well, but some changes are harder to make than others. I just feel like there are countless of things to avoid, and I don't know how to get used to it.
Do you still travel, go to restaurants, concerts and other noisy places, or do you stay away from such things? Did you quit a noisy job and moved to the countryside? What have you given up because of your tinnitus?
1. I realized how strong I am and that I can handle whatever life throws at me. Sounds cheesy, but it's true. If I can learn to find a new normal and be okay with this, then I know I can get through a lot of other trials. And i'm sure the same will go for you.
2. I became more empathetic towards others and what they deal with. It reminded me that although sometimes we cannot always see someone's struggles or disabilities, we need to be aware of others feelings and be a support to friends and family.
3. I appreciate music and things in my life more because I realize how blessed I am to have them and how I took them for granted before.