I got mild Tinnitus in November 2015. It was pretty loud in the beginning but then it calmed down progressively around September 2017 to the point I didn't notice it during daytime. It was more a less a non issue over time. In January 2018 I got hit by severe Hyperaccusis and crazy loud Tinnitus. Couldn't work for 7 months and was suicidal at moments. 2 years later I'm fine, still have Tinnitus and H, some days more, some days less. My life is great. The secret to T & H or just T is accepting it and getting on with life and work your way around it. Find ways that work for you. Every T and every person is different. I got better when I stopped worrying about when it is gonna go away, or if it is gonna get better. I stopped looking for miracle cures from one day to another. That shit drives you crazy and stops you from making progress. You just have to accept it, and accommodate to it. These days now, I go to bed, my Tinnitus howls like crazy, but I fall asleep in 5 minutes time. I wouldn't say it doesn't bother me, but most of the time I don't give a fuck either. I don't worry anymore how my T or H is gonna be tomorrow. I just wake up and do my shit. What helps imho is mental health and mental stability. I cut back on alcohol, take care of my sleep, exercice some, walk in the forest. My life is 95% normal now. Just to tell you how bad it can be for me, sometimes I hear my T driving 150km/h on the highway. Sometimes I have great days too where it's really quiet. Even the bad days, I don't worry too much, I know there a good days ahead.
Eventually get help from a psychologist that has good experience with T and don't let people with negative thoughts eat away all your energy. And be careful around here, there is a lot of negativity, and a lot of pseudo scientific bullshit posted too. Spend a lot of time in the success stories section. That will cheer you up.
It's all about the mindset imho. I'm not saying it is easy, there will be ups and downs, but if I can do it, everybody can do it.
It can get better, and yeah it can go away, even after years, but don't waste your time for miraculous remedies that don't exist.
And one very important thing -> It is NOT your fault that you got Tinnitus, you gotta hammer that into your head.
I hope you do well