Nothing....nothing at all.
All the things people write that are positive seems to me that I already did that before T
I always help other people.
I am polite .
I care the upmost for my family.
I always try to keep a healthy body
I know that mentaly I could get over a lot of things even when I had suicide thoughts I knew I would not give up without a fight. T did not teached me that I already was that way.
I know I can focus on something 100%....that did not help with T

You all seem nice people to me but I rather met all of you in other circumstances and not through this forum
I already treasured life 100% , but when T started I was almost happy I will someday die....lucky I do not think that way anymore.
I already cared for people with chronic condintions and try to listen to what they had to say and help
I help troubled youth at my gym to stay on the right path
T only complicated things for me it didn't teach me a damn thing. I'm not perfect what so ever, but I know before T I was a good person and try to change negative energie from people in to positive energy. When somebody was rude to me I tried to understand why. Now after T I do not care anymore and It's your own problem if you like me or not or be rude to me or not.
It taught me that god is the guy you pray to when you are totaly down and than just will not listen or help.
I hope there is more after this life.....and like I said I'm not perfect.....nobody is. But in my mind I never have bad thoughts or wish somebody somthing awfull. So why not give some rapist T or a murderer.
T teached me.... life isn't fair and I do not believe in fairytales.
T teached me there are a lot of people trying to make money out of me by saying they have a cure
T teached me that a lot of people do not care what I have and think it's just something minor
T teached me it can get you depressed and you can not do a damn thing about it when in panic mode
I know I mostly post positive things but I always try to be honest. And the more I think about it the more I believe in what I just said...... T teached me nothing positive!