What to Expect at Appointment


Dec 9, 2013
Boston, MA
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
ear infection
What should I expect at my appt on Tuesday?

I've been to an ENT for a hearing test. Pardon me for not knowing the jargon, but part of the test, I had over-the-ear headphones on, and beeps... raise your hand if you hear. There was also a test where they put something on skull behind the ear and I heard tones there too. There was one I felt but did not hear. I felt the vibration, but no tone. Part of the test was words spoken into my ear thru the headphones. It was stressful, but I "passed". I could have told the ENT that I would be able to hear the tones and words. Still was nearly intolerable.

No tympanogram was performed. (I know that word because my son has had numerous.) I was a little surprised that such an easy test wasn't performed. I asked ENT if pressure could be a factor and he said, emphatically, "absolutely NOT."

So, what kind of tests will be performed on Tuesday? Will I be leaving with a colossal headache??
Whatever test will be performed, you'll not leave with a colossal headache! Just wear ear plugs if you're going for a MRI, it can be noisy...
I have no idea. I called, told the receptionist I would like to be evaluated for hyperacusis and she scheduled the appt. She asked if I have had a recent hearing test and to bring with me, or have them faxed, so we don't repeat the test.

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