My T has changed somewhat during the onset approx. 3 months ago (for the good or the bad, I dunno yet!)
When I first noticed my T a high pitch 4kHz in my left ear was most present. This tone is more or less faded into the background (fingers crossed it stays that way) however, instead my static/white noise has become more present plus an intermittent pitch (no clear freq.). Both this static/white noise and intermittent pitch is always more hyper active after some general activities (not loud but moderate).
Nevertheless, In general the T is less intrusive (fingers crossed) and more manageable. Kind of habituation or a recovery???
Still afraid though that my static/noise one day will climb/stay at a higher level!
But what to think of the following…
When I wake up in the morning my T is (almost) not there but after a few seconds, when I think about T (why the hell it is the first thing I think about when waking up???
) it slowly turns in and reaches a peak mostly in the evening or before going to bed?
My T is noise induced (prolonged use of earbuds for sure) and I'm wondering whether more noise induced T people have the same experience or that this has nothing to do with the type of T (or what the cause might be( and is just an random something and not related to noise induced T?
Can this also be an indication which part of our hearing system is damaged or the cause of the phantom sounds?
Furthermore, the last few days I have had the strange sensation that my ringing in my left ear increased for a few seconds like some release (I can't really describe) but afterwards the net T volume appears to be less then before the spike?
The last days I also had a lot of earpain with the feeling that fluid was running inside my ear (not behind my eardrum since the ENT couldn't see/find anything as I describe this to my ENT also during my early T weeks). So it looks fluid is on the move inside my inner ear? Or is this a crazy thought? Again should I consider this a good or bad sign?
I know a lot of questions but I could appreciate some feedback!
When I first noticed my T a high pitch 4kHz in my left ear was most present. This tone is more or less faded into the background (fingers crossed it stays that way) however, instead my static/white noise has become more present plus an intermittent pitch (no clear freq.). Both this static/white noise and intermittent pitch is always more hyper active after some general activities (not loud but moderate).
Nevertheless, In general the T is less intrusive (fingers crossed) and more manageable. Kind of habituation or a recovery???
Still afraid though that my static/noise one day will climb/stay at a higher level!
But what to think of the following…
When I wake up in the morning my T is (almost) not there but after a few seconds, when I think about T (why the hell it is the first thing I think about when waking up???

My T is noise induced (prolonged use of earbuds for sure) and I'm wondering whether more noise induced T people have the same experience or that this has nothing to do with the type of T (or what the cause might be( and is just an random something and not related to noise induced T?
Can this also be an indication which part of our hearing system is damaged or the cause of the phantom sounds?
Furthermore, the last few days I have had the strange sensation that my ringing in my left ear increased for a few seconds like some release (I can't really describe) but afterwards the net T volume appears to be less then before the spike?
The last days I also had a lot of earpain with the feeling that fluid was running inside my ear (not behind my eardrum since the ENT couldn't see/find anything as I describe this to my ENT also during my early T weeks). So it looks fluid is on the move inside my inner ear? Or is this a crazy thought? Again should I consider this a good or bad sign?
I know a lot of questions but I could appreciate some feedback!