My first few weeks after T was a living hell, My jaw was closed locked from a horrific dental visit, I was in a new home not fully unpacked and only 75% remodeled. When the T came as a lay to bed alone, I though the window was open and crickets were going nuts. I saw the window was open a bit and I though when I closed it the sound would go away, but it never did.
I ran outside to see where the noise was coming from. Was there a leak in my new plumbing? Was it an appliance or an old rusty ceiling fan? Then it hit me, I had T and I knew it wasn't going anywhere. anytime soon. I had read about it and what I read wasn't good. I remember in a box marked bathroom was some Lunesta and a never used and unopen bottle of Adivan, I though I never need, but realized now we might become friends. I will need this not only to go to sleep but stay because I already have horrible sleep apnea.
As I woke, the sound was up waiting, as if it had been up all night just waiting to taunt me. When I stood up I realized T was not the only unwelcome guest. Hyperacusis came to turn up the volume, Vertigo was there to spin my room and Tonic Tensor Tympani assisted by playing bongos on my ear. Yes and my Jaw was still closed locked. Tension headaches and migraines, brain zaps, and twitches. I was shell shocked, and consumed with pain and disbelief.
Was this coming from my jaw, or did the jackhammer during the remodel do some kind of damage. Would it ever matter. I assume I'll never really know. I booked doctor, after doctor using up retirement saving on, CT, MRI, x-rays, pills, potions, snake oil whatever, sound generator, just stop the pain.
it never did.
I thought I'll do some yard work to take my mind off it, but the reciprocating saw tore though my ears faster than the tree roots. A spike, a spike that last to this day was the outcome. The pain was coming from everywhere and is unrelenting and seemingly without end.
Then a few weeks later a DDS puts in a full time splint in my mouth, and some new meds from some old Dr. I go into work and I can barley talk, I realize talking is like %60 of my job. I go into my bosses office to explain and I leave before I finish because 46 year old men don't cry at work.
My kids were home early because summer camp had ended for the year. I tell them we are going to have a fun day, a bike ride to their favorite park. I said this because I wanted them to have one good day with me before I kill myself. I took a photo of them by their favorite park statue to look at as I do whatever I planned.
The next day I started to write my suicide note and I look down at the phone and see my kids photo so happy at the park. In a zombie like daze I drove myself to the ER and told them I've been in so much pain for months and if you can't end it I will.
Well, thats when they Backer act your ass. off to Sunny Valley Archers, were I slept for 3 days, only got up to eat, pee and take meds. The facility was full so they stuck me in the geriatric ward. yes, it was as bad as you think.
One the 3rd day of much needed sleep, I knew my kids first day of school was there and I didn't want to miss it. I didn't want to miss any of there first days of school or their graduations or marriages. I knew ,I loved them more than myself because I'm will to endure this pain for their happiness. If I fall I'll get back up, when it kicks me, I'll just take it. when tonic tensor tympani plays his bongo, I will hum a new birthday song. I will not only take this pain, I will take a bullet and give my life to them, I will suffer but I'm suffering for them. If I end myself ,It would be just passing my pain to them so I just take it and live another day.
I believe the splints have resorted some jaw movement and much of the head pains and zaps have diminished, and
tympani doesn't come that often. I will treat my jaw, I feel that improving , but the T, H, Vertigo and ear pain are holding strong, unwavering to any treatment at post spike level. I do hope one day they will go from wherever they came and never come back, but I'm slowly surrendering to a long stay. I'm feeling if or when they do leave it will be on their own and nothing I can do about it.
I'm not 100% their yet, I still get the whim to buy some snake oil or align my chakras but I know its not the answer and I assume in the next two months the appointments will cease and I'll stop watching the pot to boil, and stop thinking will it end, or will I. If their was a lesson about not appreciating what you have, I got it. I did die that day, the old me, the one who worried about stupid things. I mourn that guy, he wasn't so bad, and I'll miss him but he didn't understand the gifts he had and was in such a rush.
Maybe there is hope, Maybe our government can look behind the ear drum and explorer our brains before exploring Mars, or attack causes of debilitating conditions that our own troops are falling to before attacking random counties.
Maybe I'll habituate soon and live on for my kids and only pass when I'm no longer needed. Maybe the lessons I've learn will get pass to my kids. Maybe T, H and V will just get up and go.
The week before my T, I lived for more, the weeks after T, I lived for it to end, today I live for my kids and maybe.