Hello. I'm new here. I had no issues hearing through my childhood until my adolescence. I began to have issues listening specially in groups of people. I went to an ENT when I was 16 years old (I'm now 29), who realized an audiogram and otoacoustic emissions. The audiogram was fine, but the otoacosutic emissions results were wrong. So she basically told me that I was screwed up, and I would be at an "disadvantage" in music school. Then I went to another ENT who made me do the same tests and said that what actually matters is the audiogram, which was fine, and it could be an "attention issue".
So I basically didn't have an answer. Allegedly the audiogram was O.K. so I should have been listening fine, except I didn't. I ended up believing this was some kind of psychological problem all these years.
I'm the guy who asks "what?" a lot of times. It really doesn't matter if they're women or men. It seems to be worse with certain people though. Being in a group of people with someone standing at certain distance, add background noise and I give up trying to listen what he/she is saying. I don't just miss consonants, I confuse vowels as well. Sometimes I miss a word and a lot of times I understand what someone is saying by some kind of compensation system which allows me to deduce what he just said, but I didn't hear it clearly.
So I grow up tired of this issue and after 13 years I went to an ENT again. Guess what. Audiogram was "normal". In this case, there seems to be some NIHL which is supposed to be minimal and shouldn't affect my social life. My doc says I should be listening fine. She sent me an MRI just in case. But yet again, I have trouble hearing and it really makes me feel insecure and damaged. I'm a psychology student and I'm afraid I will start missing words with a patient, asking "what?" when he/she is saying something important, and it drives me crazy. I would happily use aids if I knew they would help me, but I'm not sure what my issue really is.
As for tinnitus, I hear what it sounds like if my brain was "creaking". It's a very low noise I hear frequently but it's a slight annoyance. Hearing loss is what troubles me the most
Any suggestions? Please help
These are my audiogram results:
125 L:0 R:5
250 L:0 R:5
500 L:0 R:5
1000 L:0 R:5
2000 L:10 R:10
4000 L:15 R:15
8000 L:5 R:20
So I basically didn't have an answer. Allegedly the audiogram was O.K. so I should have been listening fine, except I didn't. I ended up believing this was some kind of psychological problem all these years.
I'm the guy who asks "what?" a lot of times. It really doesn't matter if they're women or men. It seems to be worse with certain people though. Being in a group of people with someone standing at certain distance, add background noise and I give up trying to listen what he/she is saying. I don't just miss consonants, I confuse vowels as well. Sometimes I miss a word and a lot of times I understand what someone is saying by some kind of compensation system which allows me to deduce what he just said, but I didn't hear it clearly.
So I grow up tired of this issue and after 13 years I went to an ENT again. Guess what. Audiogram was "normal". In this case, there seems to be some NIHL which is supposed to be minimal and shouldn't affect my social life. My doc says I should be listening fine. She sent me an MRI just in case. But yet again, I have trouble hearing and it really makes me feel insecure and damaged. I'm a psychology student and I'm afraid I will start missing words with a patient, asking "what?" when he/she is saying something important, and it drives me crazy. I would happily use aids if I knew they would help me, but I'm not sure what my issue really is.
As for tinnitus, I hear what it sounds like if my brain was "creaking". It's a very low noise I hear frequently but it's a slight annoyance. Hearing loss is what troubles me the most
Any suggestions? Please help
These are my audiogram results:
125 L:0 R:5
250 L:0 R:5
500 L:0 R:5
1000 L:0 R:5
2000 L:10 R:10
4000 L:15 R:15
8000 L:5 R:20