Lets say someone wo overcame "mild" (whatever mild is...= one high pitched sound) tinnitus by habituation (trt + time) goes on the internet and sees some threads posted by people, who have really severe life threatening tinnitus (several loud alternating sounds, hyperacusis and stuff + depression) and can't habituate (yet?) . Now the Person, who overcame his/her "mild" tinnitus starts posting or more forcing his opinion on those who have that really severe tinnitus and writes stuff like "THIS HERE WORKED, I DID IT SO YOU CAN DO IT DO!!"...Well what do you expect then? Obviously you cant compare both situations, because one is less severe...so I would feel pissed too.
you're falling into the same basic trap that lots of other people are here, which is starting with the (almost certainly true) basic premise that "milder tinnitus is easier to live with", and then making the completely baseless leap to the conclusion "anyone who is able to live with their tinnitus and still claims a high quality of life, has mild tinnitus".
Let's break this down:
A: mild tinnitus
~A: severe tinnitus
B: tinnitus which is easy to habituate to
~B: tinnitus which is hard to habituate to
C: having a high quality of life
~C: having a low quality of life
I think that we all agree, A -> B and B -> C
What we disagree about is twofold,
~A -> C and ~B -> C
you are of course right that these are emotionally complex issues, and there's no "tautological truth", in that what works for one person must inherantly work for another.
The reason that some people here find this irritating and difficult to have a rational conversation about, is that your viewpoint ends up saying "LOUD TINNITUS IS IMPOSSIBLE TO HABITUATE TO, AND THEREFORE IF YOU WERE ABLE TO HABITUATE YOU DON'T HAVE LOUD TINNITUS!"
Look at Beth's post -- hers is so loud that it can't be masked by a shower, can't be masked by dangerously loud environments, can't be masked by anything! And yet she says that she has a high quality of life, and doesn't hear it 95% of the time. And you're basically telling her that she's lying to us... you're projecting your own experience of your life, onto someone else's experience of their life, and telling them "no, you're wrong, you didn't suffer and your tinnitus is not loud." Is it any wonder she told you to fuck off? I would, too!