Who Would Dance with Me if Our Tinnitus Faded Away?

BEST response ever. I am a Tolkien nerd ;)

I wish I could go to Austria. It's beautiful and green!

thanks derpina, i always give the best responses, as you can see in the thread

but now we should travel to mordor to destroy the ring. i am your sam :)

you can come to austria all the time. i could show you many beautiful things :)
@hoper You are a fun guy, high energy! You aren't letting your 'ears' hold you back...awesome. (p.s. you never wear ear plugs? loud noise doesn't make your tinnitus worse??)

i never wear earplugs. at the beginning loud noise let increase my t, but after the time my ears got used to it and noise doesen't make my T worse.

also i was at the football fanzone in vienna yesterday

tinnitus is not louder yet
@hoper How long did it take for your tinnitus to no longer be reactive? I have only had it like 10 weeks, and I wear earplugs a lot still. So great you can enjoy all that activity with no further ear problems! Austria is beautiful! So glad you are enjoying it and the great weather!
@hoper Love the 'cooling'... I have never done that, but my kids (your age) do! They would love the football fanzone too. We will all be in Europe in August to visit my son who works in London.
@hoper How long did it take for your tinnitus to no longer be reactive? I have only had it like 10 weeks, and I wear earplugs a lot still. So great you can enjoy all that activity with no further ear problems! Austria is beautiful! So glad you are enjoying it and the great weather!

oh i think about 6 months.. after 9 months i habituated and don't care anymore :)
thank you :)

i also like the wolverines college team ;)
@derpytia @glynis @mandi

now i rap for my girlfriend derpina



yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
west coast gangster madafuckR, yeah yeah
west coast is the best coast
yeah yeah


yeah and i love my mom, yeah
she is soo boooooomb yeahhhh
west coast gangster RAPking!
oh and i love my mom


yeah i wear a panties on my head and don't know why
yeah and it feels so good like a real gangster
but it smells a bit
i wore the panties yesterday YEAH




how do you like it?
@hoper I took this online "What would you look like as a european" quiz and guess what country i'd be from???


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@hoper I took this online "What would you look like as a european" quiz and guess what country i'd be from???

that's definitely a sign, derpina. you are the choosen one. i knew it.

when do you want to visit us? do you can take leave for 2 weeks?
i have a car, so i can bring you to everything you want to see :)

would you do this with me, derpina?
@hoper LOLOLOL BEST SONG EVER. You come to California to record it and then get super famous! :p

yeah derpina, i could rock this battle so much

how i would rap

i am a white milkshake
and i drink orange juice after toothbrushing
and i wear a beanie in the hot summer
and i am not from 313 but from 314
Working. Working and helping my mom paint the house.

do you have hollidays in your job? do you really want to visit austria?
you could visit us for 1 week and we could go shopping and i can show you the inner city :)
also i can visit california and you could show me pomona :)

Austria is the 3rd safest country in the world, so you don't need to be unsure or something ;)
@hoper oh if only i had the money to travel! i'd take a boat because plane rides freak me out if they're over a few hours. :( my friend from belgium is coming to visit my hometown next month before my birthday!

i needa change my location on here lol. im back in my hometown. no more pomona for me.

hello my derpina :)

oh, what happen to you if you fly more than a few hours??
i think a boat is a bit too slow, so you would need your whole holidays to come here ;)
i would love to celebrate your birthday too.

i will fly to greece again in september for a one week holiday.
next year in the summer maybe i visit california. it would be cool if we meet and do something funny.
can we go to the beach and drive motorboat or something? and after we could go shopping and go to mcdonalds :)
i heard there are sharks at the california beach.. so better don't jump in the water while driving motorboat hehe
@hoper nah it's all good. i'm just not online every day.

lol arnold schwarzenegger is goodness knows where. i don't live anywhere near the beach. my hometown is in the foothills close to the mountains. im in gold rush territory :)
@hoper nah it's all good. i'm just not online every day.

lol arnold schwarzenegger is goodness knows where. i don't live anywhere near the beach. my hometown is in the foothills close to the mountains. im in gold rush territory :)

no problem derpina :)

i saw rescue in google maps. it looks a little bit boring, no?

but you live in the near of sacramento. a friend of mine play in the sacramento hornets football team. he is from austria too^^ lol so many austrians in california :D

your home is 150 miles away from the beach. that's 240 kilometers, that's not that much.
maybe i can rent a car in california??

hey derpina :) what about this day?

1) i rent a car and drive to you (i need navigation lol)
2) breakfast in your home, i am content with a cookie ;)
3) drive to the beach
4) drive motorboat, jump in the water (if there are no sharks lol)
5) lunch at Mcdonalds
6) go shopping
7) drive to your home
8) order pizza
9) watch the lord of the rings trilogy in english (i would understand everything because i wachted LOTR so often in german, so i know what they say :) )

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