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Why I Am Back After Nearly 3 Years


Dec 24, 2013
N. California
Tinnitus Since
(1956) > 1980 > 2006 > 2012 > (2015)
Cause of Tinnitus
Ac. Trauma & Ac.Trauma + Meds.
After an absence of nearly 3 years being a very active member of Tinnitus Talk, I have decided to come back primarily to present an idea because it is something that I would want for myself. However, the more I reflected on the idea the more I realized there may be others out there (likewise with more severe tinnitus and/or hyperacusis), that might be in the same position and want the same thing! So after running it by Markku and getting his approval we decided to go ahead with it and see if there was positive response or need in the Tinnitus Talk community – with the caveat that this be, at core, a "practical" endeavour, and not some pie-in-the-sky idea to debate into theoretical extinction.

What I am talking about here is something I am calling the: "Tinnitus Safe Travel and Meeting Network". What it is and who this could benefit is explained in two separate new threads that will follow.

- One is for general discussion and thrashing out the details, concerns, obstacles, spin-off ideas, whatever. The key in this thread would be: "Discussion".
- The second is for actual postings of those who want participate in the program giving details of their locations and situations. This will be focused on the specifics related to the postings. Thus, the "Participants" thread.

To get the ball rolling I am putting in my own place and circumstances as a participant. Please bear in mind that this is indeed for real, but very much a beginning and possibly inadequate start. I'm sure many suggestions could be made as to how such postings could be done and improved. I look forward to that, and hopefully to a good list of others who want to join in!

OK, so that is why I am back – yet I do so with some caution too, as I got pretty heavily burned out by the time I decided to drop Tinnitus Talk from my daily online activities.
Some of the old timers still around may remember me as indeed Tinnitus Talk was a very exciting and happening place during that era, particularly 2014 when we were super hopped up and hoped up about Trobalt, other Potassium Channel Modulators, Tzounopoulos, Autifony, AM 101, ATEOS' ventures into stem cells, and so on. It was crazy exciting and we all felt sure a "real cure" was just around the corner. In short, I spent a lot of time on Tinnitus Talk, posted a lot of threads, had hundreds of private Conversations with many of those leading to emails off board as well.

Old timers may also recall that I was "old school" in terms of being the opposite of a one sentence "Tweeter"! I went into detail. I gave long and full responses to the many requests for help. However, soon after my unsuccessful affair as one of the early participants with Trobalt I started to fall into my own black hole.
As seems to me vividly typical of online social forums I was forgotten in a heartbeat. I hardly recall anyone reaching out to ask where I had gone. Maybe that is too harsh, but that is how my memory recalls it... yet I still for years got requests for help from new Tinnitus Talk members that bumped into my old threads. And often I replied, but less willingly. It took a lot out of my limited reserves, and I kept off Tinnitus Talk apart from the occasional glance to see if any new "miracles" had cropped up yet. Sigh... Seemingly not for people like me.

So, why am I saying this above? – Because I want to make it clear that I do not want to go down that road again. So please, if you have questions for me stick to the threads about the "Network". Also, read my Profile (updated) to get a more historical perspective on my condition and the realities of my tinnitus and hyperacusis history. Yes, those four increases in tinnitus volume over my life are true, as are the later increases in hyperacusis. Again, look at my Profile if you want to know about that, as I consider it to be a pre-condition before I answer (or IF I answer) any Conversation request.
Yeah, this may sound a bit dictatorial and hard-arse, but just how it is. If you were in my shoes I think you would get it just fine!

And yes, kind of a long post and a challenge for the short attention-span set. Well, welcome to Zimichael...and his conditional return!

Best ~ Z.
Lovely to see you back after a long time away..
I'm sure you will be a great support and great idea.
love glynis

Welcome back, Z!

I'm one of those "old timers" that remembers you well. You're one of those people that left the forum that I have wondered about many times as to how you were getting on. The forum was better when you here before and will be again now that you're back!

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I am very glad you came back. The forum lost A LOT when you decided to leave.
2013 here also old-school and I do remember you (y)

If I just could take the car of Marty MC Fly and go back to June 2013 and did not open that can of soda that ruined my ears , my life would be totally different and I would not know you.... But then again if if if. o_O
As seems to me vividly typical of online social forums I was forgotten in a heartbeat. I hardly recall anyone reaching out to ask where I had gone. Maybe that is too harsh, but that is how my memory recalls it...

@Zimichael I was not here during that time but enjoyed reading your recent threads. I understand how it feels when you exit and no one says anything.

So, why am I saying this above? – Because I want to make it clear that I do not want to go down that road again. So please, if you have questions for me stick to the threads about the "Network".

It is important to set your own boundary lines with support. I know it isn't easy but like you in the past one gets too dragged into so many other's situations and questions and it affects your own well-being to the point you simply have to cut yourself off for a while.

It is nice to meet you. I am in the process of reading your other threads. Don't get discouraged if this endeavor takes a while to get started.
I gave up giving telephone support due to my breathing problem as a long conversation was hard so I stood back from that but give support on here and TH and by pm .
love Glynis
2013 here also old-school and I do remember you (y)

If I just could take the car of Marty MC Fly and go back to June 2013 and did not open that can of soda that ruined my ears , my life would be totally different and I would not know you.... But then again if if if. o_O

A can of soda gave u tinnitus?
A can of soda gave u tinnitus?
I tried to open it in the car while driving. The clip to open it broke and hit the can which for some reason gave a very high pitch sound that resonated through the car ...so I quickly opened my window because both my ears were blocked from the noise... Never felt this in my life before....then after some minutes , my ears became normal again (so I thought)... but then we went on a little holiday the day after and I noticed a sound which I thought was from a refrigerator ,so I thought nothing of it. When I came home on a Saturday we watched TV and my wife went to bed while I was still watching TV. Then I turned the TV off and there it was screaming in my head.... after that it only became louder and H also joint in. Guess anxiety fuelled it also!
It was during a stressful time so that also did not help but I am 100% sure this Green Punch Fernandes can ruined my life.
And yes I also cannot believe it , but it is the god honest truth. :banghead:
View attachment 20181 :dohanimation:
I am 100% sure this Green Punch Fernandes can ruined my life.
And yes I also cannot believe it , but it is the god honest truth. :banghead:

That is actually quite funny to read. No offense!

Mine started very uneventfully, just a normal day at the office, I started hearing a tiny high pitched noise. I walked around looking for the source, but couldnt find it. Then I plugged my ear and still heard it. Thats when i freaked TF out, since i knew what T was from reading about it. As soon as i started panacking, the nearly silent noise became 4x louder. I wish I just plugged in my headphones and listened tl music that day :(

- edit actually what I really wish was NOT to have read about the horror stories about Tinnitus on reddit few months prior to this incident.
I firmly believe if I didnt know what T was, I wouldve just either ignored it, or forgotten it after awhile. Instead of generating such a strong emotional response which made my brain zero in and amplify the sound. Ignorance really is Bliss
That is actually quite funny to read. No offense!

Mine started very uneventfully, just a normal day at the office, I started hearing a tiny high pitched noise. I walked around looking for the source, but couldnt find it. Then I plugged my ear and still heard it. Thats when i freaked TF out, since i knew what T was from reading about it. As soon as i started panacking, the nearly silent noise became 4x louder. I wish I just plugged in my headphones and listened tl music that day :(

- edit actually what I really wish was NOT to have read about the horror stories about Tinnitus on reddit few months prior to this incident.
I firmly believe if I didnt know what T was, I wouldve just either ignored it, or forgotten it after awhile. Instead of generating such a strong emotional response which made my brain zero in and amplify the sound. Ignorance really is Bliss

The anxiety and panic made the sound 10x louder for me also ... I knew what it was cause a friend of mine had it but I could not imagine really what it was like. Then I got it myself and I was never the same again. Although I deal with it better after 5 years...I have major anxiety issues that I need to address everyday.
Ummmmmmmmmm.....could we please keep this thread focused on specific aspects of the initial posting!

The main point was to announce the "Travel-Meet Network" idea and caveats about me getting re-involved in Tinnitus Talk with specific requests re that. So I could understand if comments are made regarding those, or perhaps old timer 'burnout', etc.
If people go wandering into side-line details of soda fizz decibel levels this will become a mess. And that was another reason I got burned out - threads going way off topic and having to wade through a bunch of irrelevant stuff not related to the subject title. This does NOT mean that 'other material' is necessarily unimportant, but just keep it in the right place. Even if it means a thread/subject fades out, at least it will be a clear one!

Thank you. Zimichael
@Zimichael I wonder if TT could try out another forum rather than on support? A forum for travels that are safe and suggestions like your beautiful home?

Travel suggestions and destinations for Tinnitus/Hperacusis
People could also give personal experiences from different hotels and such as to the effects on tinnitus/hyperacusis.

Just an idea in my noisy brain.....

Then it would keep to the subject you are working towards?

It is a great idea.
@Starthrower ... Very good suggestions! And indeed, the initial posting on "Support" was very much preliminary to see if there were much response for the idea, etc., etc.
Ultimately I too see this being in a different sub-section/area of the Tinnitus Talk main page. Not sure if we are there yet, but I am in touch with moderators following the 'progress' of this, so will see what happens in due course.

Thanks much, Zimichael
Oh yes. The meeting up with others is important. The hopeless married romantic in me wants to see others find partners maybe with or without with tinnitus that would understand our limitations.

The how to date thread was rather interesting. Most of the guys had no hope they could met a partner and enjoy non-loud situations without seeming to be weird or something.

I get it.

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