Sorry for starting another thread but this one is more specific about my sleeping problems.
So I'm wide awake now at 4:30 am and I have to get up for work in 100 mins. It was roughly the same story as all nights since Monday. Went to bed around 00:00, woke up at 2:30 am. I tried everything, drank camomile tea before going to sleep, went up and started cleaning my apartment after I couldn't fall asleep again, went back to bed. I also put on a soundfile with soothing music but just like the other nights it mostly just makes me fall asleep for perhaps 5-10 minutes and then awakening.
I'm at total loss of what to do and it's killing me. I know that I absolutely need to sleep, not only because it's the only way to reduce my anxiety and start the long path to feeling better, but also because of work.
I am very sceptical to drugs. I know what the side effects are of benzos etc and I absolutely don't want to end up as an addict, but with no sleep what choice do I have? I went to the gym yesterday and exercised, and has stayed away from naps, coffeine etc.
The thing is, I don't really have a hard time falling asleep at night, even without any maskers. It's waking up and failing to fall asleep again that's the problem.
Is this how I'm now gonna live my life?
So I'm wide awake now at 4:30 am and I have to get up for work in 100 mins. It was roughly the same story as all nights since Monday. Went to bed around 00:00, woke up at 2:30 am. I tried everything, drank camomile tea before going to sleep, went up and started cleaning my apartment after I couldn't fall asleep again, went back to bed. I also put on a soundfile with soothing music but just like the other nights it mostly just makes me fall asleep for perhaps 5-10 minutes and then awakening.
I'm at total loss of what to do and it's killing me. I know that I absolutely need to sleep, not only because it's the only way to reduce my anxiety and start the long path to feeling better, but also because of work.
I am very sceptical to drugs. I know what the side effects are of benzos etc and I absolutely don't want to end up as an addict, but with no sleep what choice do I have? I went to the gym yesterday and exercised, and has stayed away from naps, coffeine etc.
The thing is, I don't really have a hard time falling asleep at night, even without any maskers. It's waking up and failing to fall asleep again that's the problem.
Is this how I'm now gonna live my life?