Hello and thanks for your help. I've read other posts that say if you have to be on an antidepressant, Zoloft is not a bad choice. I've been on it for two years. 2 weeks ago I had to up the dose due to anxiety and depression. I've noticed an increase in my tinnitus though and I'm more worried than I would otherwise be because I already have a hearing loss and I had a hearing test this week that showed a marked decrease in my hearing levels. That wasn't really that much of a surprise, I had noticed changes happening all this last year. I'm between a rock and a hard place. The Zoloft seems to be helping the anxiety and depression but especially in light of my recent hearing test, I don't want to take anything that would make my tinnitus or hearing worse. Is there any antidepressant not known for causing tinnitus or hearing loss? Would Lovax be an option? Thank you again.