I'm sorry I don't have any direct advise for you, but I recognize a lot of what you describe. My tinnitus is also there 24/7, high pitched and I cannot equalize my ears properly. The only thing that works sometimes is yawning. By now I've picked up the habit of trying to yawn all day, which probably makes me look sillyPlease tell me this will get better, it's been over 15 months now and I am trying to cope but it's taking over my life. I have VERY VERY LOUD hissing/whistling in both ears and a low pitched hum in my left ear. This is 24/7... it NEVER decreases! I also have extreme pressure in my ears, like I need to pop my ears to be able to hear better and release the pressure. If I managed to pop my ears by yawning, it doesn't help my hearing or the pressure. I need a lifeline...I will NEVER habituate at this rate. I have suspicions about hydrops (the pressure has been constant since the microsuction incident), but my hearing loss is mainly high frequency/V high frequency. I have noticacle hearing loss (I expect my hearing was exceptionally good before). I am noticing that I hear less and less quiet sounds, my house for instance sounds as though I'm in a completely house, like it echos almost. I'm presuming this is a sign of worsening hearing. The tinnitus is so loud it's driving to to distraction. Does anyone have any advice please? Encouragement? Positive stories? PLEASE...

I also think I used to have above average hearing and I'm down to hearing loss now. Everything sounds kind of dull and distant.
I did, however, habituate at some point, although my tinnitus may be quieter than yours. Please keep going, you've made it this far and that's an accomplishment already!