Worst Office Visit Ever...


Jan 24, 2015
Tinnitus Since
It was so bad im writing about it... So i went to the a new doctor after changing offices. I have very bad T and bad H.. Like a light switch hurts bad.. So ive been scared just to leave my house due to my bad state.. But my work called and needed a updae on me and i also needed to get my disability claim back as well so i had to go.. So the office is located near a busy intersection.. As soon as i get out and go in the office its loud as shit.. Tv on high volume and ppl talking loudly i was with my mother so she handled the talking i was wearing my muffs but still was hurting bad.. They put me in a room when i told them i cant be in here too loud for me.. My visit was at 3 they didnt attend me till almost 6 and meanwhile that time workers kept slammimg doors in and out the hall way with my muffs on i can hear everything as i didnt have them on.. My head and ears were hurting bad.. But i couldnt leave, then the lady checking my vitals was sick and kept couching loudly after telling her my eats are sensitive and she talked loudly also. Just overall everybody was so loud.i heard so much loud noises in 3 hours there than ive heard in one month in my house.. I told my doc that i have a big headache cause of being here but he couldnt give two shits about it..i gave him a brief summary on my situation i told him i suffer from bad T and H.. And the H has been the reason of most of my agony.. I also told him i got anxiet and some depression from the bad H and T.. He was talking so loud after telling him my ear hurt .. It was just a bad experince my old odfice was quiet ass shit i miss it now..now im scared going back there.. He agreed to give me my claim back.. But couldnt give my work a update paper only a vistit paper... Now im home and suffering badly my ears are in so much pain and t up the roof.. My ear feel very distorted more than before not sure if it was from all the loud shit i hear or wearing my muffs on for too long.. Oh well now i gota take this pain..
@Chelles ever since it got so bad yes well my house i rome around the house..but i still converate i just dont escape in my room i get visits from friends and family knowing i might aggravate it by talking i dont care..but yes i dont really leave the house unless i have to since january..before that i kinda felt the H coming back but i didnt care lept going going to the gym and friends houses, stores etc..but i think that messed me up not resting it now im paying for it..even the doctor had a look like are you sure youre going through all that i was like yes..
@Geo doctors can be so insensitive since its not them going through it. I think if I didn't leave my house I would go crazy and that would make things worse. I'm sending you big hugs from here nobody should have to go through that.
hey man sorry your going through that ive had the exact same stuff I even switched GPs cause my last one was an asshole didnt give two shits about my thing told me I was screwed im glad you got people in your life at least that care enough to visit ya I think thats a really important thing to have when going through this ive been trying to get out more but everytime is like torture anyways sorry its been rough on ya take care man
@Chelles i was so hard at first i would like never be home i was a outside person after work i would go to the gym the go hiking or go hangout with friends or party something always came up and i would be home just to catch my games(sports) thats the only thing keeping me sane is sports.. i miss working out and hiking, running just being social..i feel pathetic just being in here..but myy ears say otherwise they dont let me
@Geo I understand my lifestyle changed after t too. I'm glad I found this site it has really helped me if you're ever feeling lonely or bored stop by the chat we usually there supporting each other.
@Nathan91 i feel you man, i feel the same when i got the H again i didnt care i was still going to the gym and trying to be normal again but it was to hurtful and all i was doing it was damaging it more..i feel i got depressed from not able to go to the gym and workout than anything thats been my stress reliever for years and now my body is loosing its muscle and just getting out of shape not a good look for me. .i hope i just get better again.
@Chelles i wish i found this site out from the start i wouldve had better information than what my doctors told me..i think i wouldnt be in the state i am if i knew better information i exposed my ears too much to things my doctors saying werent harmful what do they know..
you will man and thats funny you mentioned sports keeping you sane same here for me it gives me something to look forward to and keeps the T distracted i do have to put the volume real low but not to big a deal not like theres much dialog in it anyway lol whats your favorite teams by the way and did you catch the Duke Wisconsin game last night?
@Geo you have friends with T and H? I'm the only person I know who has t and probably the only person in this forum with the objective spasms it sucks not being able to relate to anyone. Nobody understands what we go through we need more tinnitus awareness.
@Chelles on here no..but in real life yes i was the first and some how they also developed it talk about fucking weird.. a good friend developed it a year after mine through his sinus problems but he has it so faint he cant hear it sometimes it has never spiked on him he lucky he works for a boxing promotion he always at fights and ive been there before T its so loud i warn him but he dont listen. and i have another friend that got it last nov due to shooting after telling him it not worth it u might end up with T..didnt listen now he has it but very faint also it doesnt bug him but i already gave him a lot of info on it since he also works outside for the district..and know a couple more people but not as bad as mine..
So what is your plan? You are going to stay in your room forever? I'm not being critical, just wondering. I'm in a very similar spot. I take painful hits to my ears everyday, I don't think we can avoid it.
@Geo its good that you warn them my t is mild however I stopped going to loud places like the movies and I always carry a pair of earplugs w me in my keys. Hopefully your friends won't have to learn the hard way.
@Telis no just til the H fades off..then ill be back out there...when my H faded away from my 1st stint i started working out and being normal again but with more caution..i hope itll fade away soon..my T is always going to stay but the H can go away no telling when tho.
It was so bad im writing about it... So i went to the a new doctor after changing offices. I have very bad T and bad H.. Like a light switch hurts bad.. So ive been scared just to leave my house due to my bad state.. But my work called and needed a updae on me and i also needed to get my disability claim back as well so i had to go.. So the office is located near a busy intersection.. As soon as i get out and go in the office its loud as shit.. Tv on high volume and ppl talking loudly i was with my mother so she handled the talking i was wearing my muffs but still was hurting bad.. They put me in a room when i told them i cant be in here too loud for me.. My visit was at 3 they didnt attend me till almost 6 and meanwhile that time workers kept slammimg doors in and out the hall way with my muffs on i can hear everything as i didnt have them on.. My head and ears were hurting bad.. But i couldnt leave, then the lady checking my vitals was sick and kept couching loudly after telling her my eats are sensitive and she talked loudly also. Just overall everybody was so loud.i heard so much loud noises in 3 hours there than ive heard in one month in my house.. I told my doc that i have a big headache cause of being here but he couldnt give two shits about it..i gave him a brief summary on my situation i told him i suffer from bad T and H.. And the H has been the reason of most of my agony.. I also told him i got anxiet and some depression from the bad H and T.. He was talking so loud after telling him my ear hurt .. It was just a bad experince my old odfice was quiet ass shit i miss it now..now im scared going back there.. He agreed to give me my claim back.. But couldnt give my work a update paper only a vistit paper... Now im home and suffering badly my ears are in so much pain and t up the roof.. My ear feel very distorted more than before not sure if it was from all the loud shit i hear or wearing my muffs on for too long.. Oh well now i gota take this pain..
Geo, have you sought out any sort of professional counseling. Sometimes just hearing the right words can help you deal better. I know it's no a cure, but It may help to keep the depression from getting worse.
I wish I had more to contribute....
@Geo , I'm in the same sitch as you, T +H is killing it.
My last ENT was yelling like crazy. I told him to stop yelling 'cause it hurts my ears. He just kept on yelling that he isn't yelling. He also hit this stupid tuning fork right next to my ear on metal. Metal on metal. What a brainfart. Thus I left for good. The new one I found speaks normal.

I'm incarcerated in my own apartment. I hardly go out these days. And I used to be a super-social being. It's all pretty sad.
So is anyone gonna take keppra for their h? I went to a theme park the other day, so there you go, h is gone..I wouldn't have dreamed about doing that beforehand.

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